ADMINISTRATOR'S NOÏIÔK or o o o e o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ^ S U M M O N S ArROINTMTNT In The Circuit Court t'l I'he State i* o The Stnvcbuilders' Of Oregon For The County Of In th\Cpuiity Oomt of ths Stala of I'KAUl. P IIAS.xl.KK, ED ITO * „ o Oregul ^ Tor tha County of Marlou Marion. mpartment No. 1. o Masterpiece lssu.d K iery Thursday at T u r a a K ^ . h, Hi, mu I ter o f tin te la t o o f John o John llurrls, t'laiutltf.. o ________ Marian County, Pregna _ * N v Mlall. D e c . d. v* o Frank tirlmea, Defendant. o SflkXi K IIT liiN »1 * 3 L'KR YKAR „ V 1, " 1 11 •" " ln « • ' 11,1,1 s Ü o Vo Frank Grime», Defendant: ►-M-f»« THE TURNER TRIBUNE Railroad T ravel Costsare Down To h , San Francisco and Eastern Cities .... » • • .t* ' r ** IN t i l l t Via The Scenic Shasta Route 25 per cent. Saving to San Francisco and return 8 a !e d a to « J u n e 3 to 13 lt,cL Sale d a te« J u n e 15 to 2 0 ¡n e l. Final limit July 3Ut h mal lu. it July 20th Summer Tourist Fares East Through California Costs much less this year You may visit San Francisco, Los Angt-le* and San Diego, wonder cities i f the Pacific Coast; California's Charming Seashore and Mountain Kcsorl*, 11m* National I’sika and scores of inviting pleasure place*. Su in j fast this »•jy anv directed on the lllli day of M ay, ID tt upon a jiid g m e n l and decree ilulv rendered, entered of record and docketed in am] bv «uni Court on the nthxlay o f May, I '.'J, m a certain soil then in »aid Court | h nil- JOHN M. SCOTT, General i ’a*senger Agent ! m g. w herein O efbye H. H all and Mar­ garet Hall were P la in tiff'», ami Fred W right and Marv W righ t, hi» wife, were D efendan t’ ! In favor o f P lain tiff'« and again«! «aid D efendant'» by w hich f a n the dead return'.* Sir ('u nau execu tion I am com m anded to w ll the - I'ailorinK - property In M id ■execution and here­ D oyle say» th ey nre u m k ln g every inafter deecrlhed to pay the »m u duo effort to get In touch w ith the livin g Adm inistrator’ s Notice of 474 i'ou rt Si, SALEM the l’ laintitt'*of$3,25n un w ith Internal Sale of Real Property A t Least, such is the tane w ith |M*litical thereon at llie rate o f il per cent, per N O T lt ’ F IX H F IL F IIY t lI V K N . annum from the 20th day o f A pril. defuncta: w itness tha gh ost o f Jam es 1930. until paid and the further »uni of M. f o x »talkin g through the land p u o in iiit to m ol hy virtue nf mt $20.37 » ill* interest at I he rnte o f il |«r e m ittin g m e»»agi« from the grave o f order o f I( o> ( V u it. for Muilon C h ir o p r a c tic -S p in o lo g ia t i'«»»int> , State of Or* »«»n, made on II»«- le n t, per an n u m from the 28th day o f I lju. St. len ii» T liu rs ‘.•2nd day o f M ay. HUT*. I. W m W Koveinher, 1921, and I h* further auiu 4 1 1 - IUI (1. S. Hank B u ild in g Ituricrr, A dn itnU tralor *»f the K*(«(<- o f »'JrJ.oU A ttorn ey • fee», tog eth er » ill* W ill ou r d ém ocra tie friend« pica«« o f Frr-tlcrii'k W . Iliirgrr, I V n ,A a d , the coats and disbursem ents o f »aid Salem, Oregon •ult taxed at $30.66 ami eo«f» ami ex- rem em ber that du rin g the lìmi y tu r u f w ill sell at ru b ile Suit* on t he î»»t h di»> p. i . i aaWS execution, 1 » ill on Hie H arding a diu lnislratlou i-orii w ent '/J u n e . I'.r.-J. for cash. Hie f'll.* » In'g UcM'riU'd n ul p u m i». » io»«« it S A T U R D A Y , the 10th day o f June, up from JO et ui« to tHrlxteeii r»o and »*<• L«»U Nlm* (tlh $ iim I Ten IO), e srep l 11 * 22 , at the h our uf 11 » 'clo c k a in., o f W. J. rOKTEK, cents a buritiel and >%b«.»t aJvaucrd foi$ri«ncu fu i > 14‘ fe ci. «>ff o f ito K» *i »aid day at the \vV»i «Jo..r o f the cou n ­ end I Iter« of, Iti Hlirli Hi linn) A dd ìi- ty t'ou rt Hou*e In Salem , cou n ty o f front ft to about fl.K ». Also will they Wall Paper, Paints and bui to Ih « t Hy o f «Salem, .Marion Marlon, O regon, »ell at public auction please reno nilKr that Liberty bonds co u n ty , OreKoii. to tile highest bidder for cash in baud Picture Framing w ent up frein *»U ut *sr$ cviit« o u t lie Tbe tem i« i»f a « h I «ale art* lo I h * ca«b 444 Court Al on the day o f «ale, V i Die right, title, Aalen. Ore. dollar t«> U N evota. Th at ian't a bad in band and aold lo thè hntbe«t and interest and estate w hich -aid Defend Suiti »ale to he liuti no » « # # # # « * « • « • » « # # « • • # # # • « • • | » n l'» ami all person» cla im in g under record for un u dm iaislralion that is beni bìdder them ruhae<|ueot to the execu tion of at cum <1 o f h avin g a ccom pli*bed n o tli- tbe premise* ni thè Itour t»f II o'e|«K'k 9 il. Ul., o f nubi tlav. P lain tiff'» m ortgage in, o f and to »aid WM II H t 'm iK I t , premise« hereinbefore m entioned mid iu g .— S|H*ncrr (W . Va.) T im e« R ecord. ilescrltied in said execution ua fo lio » «, J l <1 AtlinhiUtraltir. J U 8 T IC E A N D IN T E R E S T t o - » it : B egin n in g at a point on the » e a t boundry o f the Southern P acific Colli- It may In* in tbe interest o f ju alicc, pan y’a railway righ t-of-w ay, iu section but it certainly ia not in the juntiee t»f N O TH K IH liK K K I I Y (¿IV F .N . thirty-three, tow n ship 4 South, Knnge interest, that np)»cat is t«» be made to T im i be nn ord er o f Ib c co u n ty Court, f Olassos Fitted I, \Veat o f the W ltlu nictle M eridian, of .Marion co u n lv , O rrgon , m ade and ¡ Leu*«'* «ccu ru tcly duy>lleiitela|e o f F. W from the miutliw vat corn er o f «aid sec­ piece suits, new styles, just arrived. . 17H|l a ," L l,. 7 ^ r VlV" ! i* 5V.|lacv( lk c c a s .il, anti fiavc ipialifli it tion 33, in «aid tow nship and range; borrowixl «l^XHi.fKHJ on Ins |N*rkonal . uo|,. All |>. rso n . h avin g claim s H A R TM A N BROS. Regular $12.00, now . . . $ 3 .4 9 thence West 28.48 chain« to the center erisiit to help linance flic Uontinrnlnl ngaluat »aid Kslate are lierrhv untitled Dr 14' C. i x m M.V. O p ljm eltn l o f Kerrier creek; th en ce dow n »Aid Ladies’ Polar Coats, new styles, Arm y. Tliis lie advanced tn flic G ov­ to present llie same du ly veritieri,w ith ! creek to the South liouudry o f a piece proiH-r vouchers, In said K xeeulnr's o f laud deeded bv xan,uel It. T. Jone* ernment, receiving bond» in return. al I he ndlce o f It W M ary. A llu m e * Regular $25 00, now . . . 12.50 SA LE M and wife, In Khr.ahelh K berliard; When M orris wns placed in the debt for lb « Kslate, 2<>2 I tray B ldg . Baleni, • •••••»••••-a«*» »»• «••••••• Sweaters, new silk sweaters, all colors thence Kast 28.-Vt chain* to tlie afore­ n r » ’ priKon a fter tbe o f his «fregna, w lllilu s ix ninnili» from Hie | For Uood Noodles See said West boundry o f Southern Pacific I mtkoiin I fortunes, the bond» were dale o f Hit» nnllee. D ollar D a y ....................................... ¿ .g g railw ay co m p a n y 's right of-w a y ; tlietic lost. Dated Hit» 1st day o f June, 11*22. South 42 degrees W est along said New Silk Scarfs, 10 and 12 incLes. Now. after 111 year*, the deernd- HUH I F L. W A I.I.A I F. boundry to the place o f lx gin n in g, e x ­ imts o f the Cnnthicntnl financier’ » A IID K K !.. W A L l.A l K, Regular $0.00, n,ow . . . 2 .9 8 cepting how ever, I herefrom , all o f the F x e c u lo r ’ a W est on e-h alf o f the Kaat on e-h a lf o f sister |lie was a b a ch elor) hare lured W ool Cape Scarfs, Fringe Edge. that certain tract o f land »old to K. Il counsel and prc|>«n«l to file rlnim lor Ball hy H en ry H<>je and A n n a Hole, the debt o f the Revolutionary days. Regular $8.00, uow . . . 4.50 January 3rd, lu ll, recorded iu the There are varum» wava o f figuring S Liberty St balani Marion cou n ty R e co rd »o f Deed«, Jan » coui|ioimd is i i k i l k b y O IV K N , Heavy all wool sweaters, all sizes and •»/ *SS**I Sl ISS B s . s s , m but l , , flic in we I S S - , |, , N O T H ' f : interest, Morris tr. lu ll, in V olu m e llrt. on Page 2UU, j heirs I,ave beet, moderate in the,, re- 7 , " } * " * ? ' £ > " " "f ' colors. Dollar Day . . . 2.98 •aid tract con tain in g 4.2’ acre» of laud, !!*_*:* ,U*’ tunde ,v « ' “ "V * more nr leas, leaving 12.7.5 acres, more quest*. All they want tor the imll.nn Oregon, and e n le ie d u|..ui Hie Bes. tail J ami oni half iu Continental curreliev 2nd day ..f M sy, IU22, lin» U-en appoint I'hn nr 440 or less, to tie covered hy this deed. is $80,000,000. Thi», Buy m oney-lciid- eri Adilil>il»tr»tnr o f the Fatate o f Said »ale being m ade aubjeet to re­ DR O A . O L S O N Kriieat SV. S im m on », D ec,used, nnd dem ption in tbe m anner provided by er will teil you, is quite reasonahle. ■DENTIST hua ipinlltletl as su.di. A ll |»-r»on» law. Dated lists llth da y o f Mav, IU22. 1t is to be ho|M*d that |»>or |»i»ter- h a v in g .daini» »g a an id Fatate are (). D. MOW KK. Painiesa F it rari ion o f Teeth by ity, 140 yearw hence, will not awnkeii pounds Pure lard, hulk, bring pail $1.00 S h e riff o f Marion co u n ty , Oregon. N erve B lock in g or N itrone O x id « to ilisrover tliat thr W orld'» lti22 hereby noti fled to present (lie same du ly verified, with proper vouchers In 8 pounds strained honey, hulk, debts, trrated with m nltiplieation- 1.00 HA L F M »»Id A dm in istrator nt th e office o f II. M asonic T em ple talile ¡n te re st^ e in n iu ^ in jw .l. VV. M ary, A ttorn ey for the Fatale, 202 27 bars W hite W onder Soap, . 1.00 Dray llld g , Salem , O regon, w ltliln N O T IC K IS H K IL K B Y O I V K N , OUR JUNK BURDENED M AILS »Ix m on tli« from the date o f 1 1,in T o the legal voters o f Sch ool D istrict Il ot|re. TOBACCO Oar* of Althotigh parrei |Ki»t ninttrr now N o. 79, o f M arion co u n ty , State o f O r­ Dated Hii» 1st day o f Jun e, |H22. ronatitutea fili | mt risii ol thè rntire Star, H orseshoe, Climax, 1 plug G. D. S IM M O N S , egon , that the Yirk So Tong i 74c Adm inistrator. W’riglit o f thr ninil» nn inrreaae in A N N U A L S C H O O L M K K T IN O CHINESE MEDICINE AHO Vaplo Flour, 1 sack . $1.59 rntr» may he put iifM.u it tu wipe out o f said Iristiirl w ill be held at H i -I kmi I TEA COMPANY tiu- lOrt 'oliiurti minila! drtirit o f thr 4 oz. bottle Vanilla extract 20c H ouse; lu .ls-gin at th e KWur '■if flu e Post Oftir* Department. I f wt may • it** m rdo'i*« wlnsh wilt s«r* * n f o ’cloi'k j» in., on lb « th ird M onday o f «m ;gr»t to thè nrw l’owtmaster ( 1 (H 1 - Bacon, bent bacon back, pound . 25c N O T IC K IS H F R F H Y O I V K N , lenowa iltnn*,. Open Sunday* from June, being th* r»H» day o f Jun e, A. rrnÌ n quirk way to malte up thè T h a l thè iioderalgnrd, by n o ii ordi or«!* r o f 10:00 *. iu (o 8:00 p m. Picnic Hams 18c D. 1022, Malet* Ora «hortngr, it woiihi !><• r that m ill he nr iiinimr dmihlr — 'h e - rotinty .......... ---*.•«■ aottri *.* o . f . . . .Marion . . «.Ii t"4»u cou n ty, 133 8. High Ml., To cent Brooms now . l,r wagonload wngonlnnd ..f o f r,‘ " ,e < 3*g"n, d u 'y m ade » , f , <»| «»regoli, duly n.lo anil an d rò Till» inveting 1» railed for the pur- thr in stai rate on thè 29c 1’hono 283 thromrh the " T' d " " Hie 3rd day o f June, 11(22, wan p<»*e o f electin g O ne D irector to serve publicity junk sent daily inly thr *ugh 1 I |J | tlir du ly appointed A diu ln lsira trlx o f Ho Ladies’ Union Suits, mercerised, 4 different thr desk o f every r three year* and O ne C lerk to serve mails to the editor. T h « K slate'.if I 'lirh. Jo«»e, D en natxl and styles, 2 for effect would hr goral m ill tw o way*. ( |,Rt atm has d u ly iiualilted a» such o n « year and Hi* transaction o f busi­ effort J ’ .........................i .......... .. $ 1 .0 0 It would prove to thr editor* thnt thr All paranti» h aving chum s agallisi »»Id ness usual at such m eeting. Cotton Uuion Suits, 4 f<»r................. ..... 1.00 General Hanking Hu»ine«N Government wns unto it» job nnd it K»tate are h ereby n otified to prraeot D ated Hii* klltli day o f M ay, 11*22. Crepe Bloomer, 2 fur............... would relieve editors nnd jnnitors o f the »nnm, duly^vcrltli d ji« required by ...1 .0 0 Interest I'nlil on T im e Depo*lts ami ATTKHT; « . A . G . M oore, hnndling so much wnste-bnsket inntrr- law, to the undersigned at tl*e office of Heavy wash silk Caini-oli, elastic top Having» A ccou nts . D h trle t C lerk, Miniti* A Hhields, 403 Hulrru Bank o f and liottom ini. Unless something of this sort is Unmmerre, Malciii, tOregon, w ith in »lx <-'or. Htnlc and I'oliinierelal His, t t W . H ew itt, done n hill in Congres» fo r the R elief ninnili» from Hie date o f this notice. Ladies’ pure silk ho»e, all new colors, Uhuirniau Board o f Directors. o f O ver-Junked Editors ma y soon be­ Dated and And published lid s sth Knlt'ni Oregon the pair..................................... soin ry. day o f June, 1322. I .a d l'V fib re »ilk h o .e . »11 cn h .rs •> n r , R U B Y JOSMK, n - g NOTICE OF n N A L SETTLEMENT t A d m i n i s t r a t r i x o f H i * K a ta t e o f t . ' b r i » i N O T IU F H H K R B B Y G I V E N , H E L L A L L T H E TIM E 1 J « * « 1, Deceased. that the final a ccou n t o f Harnli I- Mmltli A Hhields, Haletn, Oregon, Jones*, A dm in istra trix o f th e Katuteof Mr nnd Mrs. B illy Hell nnd three A ttorn ey* for A d m in istra trix. H. W . Jones, Deeeaaud, linn been 111 d little Hells live in nn unhappy little ! _ ______________________________ in the cou n ty t ’o u rt o f M arion co u n ty, O regon, and tliat th e 10th day o f July, home on H e ll’ s H alf A cre nt W ater­ , 1022, at the hour o f t*u o 'clo ck a. in . loo, In. Mrs. ilr ll lias hnd Mr. Jlell , thereof, liu* been duly a pi.oiu tcd by put in jnil bacatine (the snys he threat -1 such (,'oiirt a* the tim e for the hearing o f objection » to said llnal a ccou nt and , cncd to kill nil the other Hells nnd go the settlem ent thereof. A ll persona far nwny. There have been frequent Interest Paul on Time Deposit* interested in »aid Fntate are hereby battles in the H ell home. The (Hilii'e j The Kodak Man required to appear ip »aid t.'ourt at anti Having Accounts aaid tim e and place nnd ahotv eauae, once found Mamma and 1’apn Hell p. « llox 2W4 If an y th ey have, w h y said flnnl ar- fighting with knives, rolling pips and Cur. Btut« A L iberty His. Turner ’»;» Oregon nouti! shou ld n o t be allow ed and ap­ Salem, Oregon rhftirn while the little H ell« all sought i I O U B A L K .—N ie« large house and proved by said t 'ourt. ------------ ... ■ - - ■ m HA B A H K. J O N E S , «belter under the bed. I f there ia a n y » 1 four lot* in north Turner at reasonable A dm in istra trix o f th e Estate o f H. thing in auto-suggestion the Hell fam ­ price Inquire this office for particu­ i W . Jot*.», Deoensed. For Hale.—21 seres fine dairy nr farm 1 Huiitli A Hhields, Haletn, O regon, ily auto have the legislature change lar«. j and, 4 m ile front Turner. For lufor I Attorney’* for Administratrix. it i name, tnaflon, rail nt T ribu n e office. For farva, rfsvrviliotus train hihfduUi, transit limits, atopover privih ges or Icaulitul ioklrr* in^uirr of agents. P A C IF IC s -s ;-s :-s x v x -:-,v H v -:-!-x -:-:-s s > s > 'S :-w ir » , appointes! udim ni.lrato, Back To Old Con­ vention Days 5 $¿.45, $2.50. $3.00 SOU TH ERN KatereJ at tW* PostwKlva at Turner, ÜJ1ÜD6UICC€ Round Trip Fares For N A M K IIV T I I F S T A T K o OKoHKlIOX, You are hereby requlr Oregou. as s c o u t class uralter, under o f the estille «I dolili W Hall, deeoa» o «d. on the 2Mh day ul April, ll>22, In n1 to appear and im arr tire eomplalnt * «ho Act of March 3, Ulf» o o - m i ni ilei 1.1 the C ou nt. Court o f tin filial against you In the above vnUUetl o aetion on or before the rilh day of ■C J r n iT r v m a t Stale o f Oregon fo r «lie Count o June, 1821k and if you fall so to appear I» E D IT O R IA L Marion, du i. maile and enternd d ol 0 o and amwer, for'want thereof, the o O p in io n » l ï ï l h c ' rt'eord. All pentMi« having *la*me I’lainlitt a III l«k4 Judgment iigalnat iihi . uin I - h id estate an* reipun'd to you for tin1 rvlier demanded fn Ida Tribuno editor that -end the »alile pnqicrly venfled with I ó complaint, to-ull' ft>r the «nin of 123,- o nre reliable. ptxqicr vouelieni In Miwara. Carnou A 00, and for the! further *uiu of •■V*. o o Brown, hi» attorney», Salm i. l 'regoli, 00; and for Hi** Airlher sum of I®.- o 30; and for the further sum of >30.00; Allunile-Parlile w it li i it »¡\ mimt It, from Ihr date el l> and for the further auin of $8.30; and o I ihi» not ire. Highway»- F.h etrleal o for I he further autn of $13.00; and for l.aiiK's l.aifRHood Range 6 Ihileil Ihr. A’.lli da. o f April, IIIJ'.’ F up* «diluii-1025 the further »uui of tl's 00 - and for the I» N i) ItID W K I.U Portland, Oregon further turn of 00. and for the for. H a le » nml h o ld » fire tw ice as o Ailuiiiiiatm lor I» tlier aum of $73 30, together w ith lo­ CARSON A BROWN, lo n g as a n y n th rr ra n ge w ith o ir re. f thereon at the rale of 0 per cent o per annum from October HO, 1921, un Altivrueva l'or \dm im »lrntoi It*»» » on il , o r jfniir m o n e y h a ck . o o til paid; and for the further sum of If y o u r d e a le r w ill n ot «up|ily • »30.00 as reaaoiiahlv attorney'» fe»e o Adm inistrator's Notice to herein, and for the >»«1» and dlsbursi- y o u , »en d fur cn tu lo g n c and oo nienla of ihia aetion Inourred. Creditors o p rice list. You are further uolitied that eer- The rvsolution adopted at the repub B tain personable property. to-» It; one llcau cou n ty ceutral com m ittee m eet­ N O T H 'F . i s I I F ItK B Y ( ¡I V I N, Vt e w ill »ell ra n g e s th at »av e o o n-aio of iioraee, two »eta of double ing Monday afternoon at Salem does T im i tl)f iinilcrMlKtiHl w in oil tin* ;ii«I o you m o n e y . work harneaa, one Colunihua wagon, tli> " ( Muy, HW. «luiv m |»| m »|iiit*«l Ail o oue » hiffle tree, one double live, one not ilvm aml a repeal o f Hie present m lnhtrftlnr »>f il»«» r o f Mnr> f o neek yoke, one two lu>r»i' iliac, one prim ary law, but a m odification Hint / l i ’, hi'tVitM«I, Ou*county ( ’ourI 0 barrow, two plows, one cultivator, one w ill do away w illi abuses o f registra­ for .Mnrloii «Miiiiity, O n u o ii. mid wiu • bedateiid, .me bell ¡»lug, one steel tion by » Inch m em bers o f o n e parly duly «|imlirt<*d it<» hindi, nil u v rio m 1 o range, rook hi* utensils and three 1 1 >\N 11»AC All> ('lllni»A|[llill«t paid K i I h I p o blankets belonging to you lias taco can invade the ranks o f anothvr party nr« lu r tb y notiAcd 11# p r*■#•»!»t tin 271 .N. Con.l St, SAL KM o o attaehed and »rill tv taken and whl for the purpose o f ffiutritinng u oiuh MitK d u ly v»*rlH« d to tlu» umtiThlgiivd ■ to anttsfy «aid Judgment. nations by elian gilig tliclr rvgialrallon ut jn.ttrM.v HuiUHti|c. Salum. (In g o i» , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o wéllitn » l i m oot In* Mfti'r dnt«* o f lid » You are further untitled that thta even on election day. The righ t to wot let?. Summons ia avrved upon you by pub­ Putt'd tliin H||| dnv o f M hv , tl»JJ. lication thereof in the Turner Tribune liold cou n ty nod «ta lc co n v e n tio n » I twt Puhllrutton Jiinr s, i • • iiiinoant to an order of (lie llou sh ou ld la* restored, as It is the on ly Percy K. Kelly, Judge of I be above ay stem by w h ich party organ isation » Signed T H K O D O I I K O /IF ..M A N . entitled Court. The dale of the Ural U . F. l TnruU, At torn ft»r A d m in - publication of this Summons ia May can la* m aintained In the iutrrent of II, 1022, anil the date of the last pub popular governm ent. T h e o u n ventina itir ilo r . THEATRE licatiou thereof la Julie 22, 11122 system also w ould nivali a great s a v . LINES H. N. Gragg Physician and Surucon D. H. M O S H ER ladle’s and Gents Every Customer a “ Dollar Customer,’ Saturday, June 10th, the setting climax of this great Money Raising Sale when the buying power of One Dollar will be given such an opportunity as this. Two Dollars worth for one, truly a day none can afford to miss. Dr. O. L. Scott DOLLAR i Gingham Stripes and Plaid», 8 yds. $ 1 .0 0 Percale, Light and Dark col'rs 6 yds. 1.00 Cretonnes, beautiful colors, 8 yds. 30 in. Beach cloth, beautiful colors, new shades, 4 yds. . . Curtain Scrim and Tow ling, part Linen, 0 yds.................................. Curtain Marquisettes, 0 yds . . . 1.00 1.00 | .00 1.00 30 in. Voiles, lieautiful colors, 4 yds. 30 in. Flannels, 6 yds. . . $ 1.00 . 1.00 Cotton crash Tow ling,unbleached 12yds 1.00 Silk Messaline and short lengths taffets and silk tricelet, the yard . 1.00 Beautiful wool and wool mixed short skirting, the y a r d ........................... | .0(1 Imported Organdie, all colors, 2 yds . ] .00 Byes Icsted Executor’s Notice SPECIALS FOR DOLLAR DAY ONLY ! BIN SIN BEST CHINESE DISHES Administrator’s Notice SIXTEEN POUNDS SU G A R $1.00 12 Cana tall milk . 8 Cans tall salmon . . . . 8 Cans Corn . . . 10 Cans L ibby’s Pork and Beans 22 Cans American Sardines . 15 pounds Jap Rice . ^3 pounds W hite Beans 1C pounds Oatmral . . . . . . . . . . 8 pounds Peanut Butter 1.00 . . . . Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’* Ilore, 2o cent values, 8 pairs for .................. Men’« Union Suit», 2 fur......................... Apron«, 3 Apron» on Dollar Day for,... 2 Children'« Dresae«................................. Cup* and saucers, 1 set complete . Granite ware, aTI kinds, dish pans, etc., 3 for $1.00, and 2 for 1.00 1.00 1.00 |,00 | .00 | .00 . 4 pounds Pea berry Coffee 10 pounds Bulk Cocoa ] .00 1.00 . . |.00 . |,00 Notice of Annual School Meeting L. M . H U M Notice to Creditors United States National Bank Salem Bank Of Commerce General Banking Business R e a d c a r e fu lly P e o p le s C ash S to re A d v . Butter Wrappers at this office