t OREGON IN V IT E S M TT C Hi u u O • TT . • \ A / c lL G r D r O O I G _ . y v i v TV/T P TV v * ■* A 111 MSTITt HING Som ething to Think A b o u t HIDES? F K L T ? H W O O u T i OH A IK . CASCARA BARK Address l>*i-artn»ant B Y OUR . SAVE o fZ r ROOF Portland's Pride Water* T « Paint K r cîlut* proof we will wi 1 furnish the first three barrel* ordered from >our community nt a Grand Avenue at YantAil) discount of 40R&. Regular price $1 25 per gallon. Introductory price «5 cents Put PORTLAND. O R L ¡up in SO, $:) and «5 gallon barrel*. P O R T L A N D 'S PR ID E P A IN T CO., •71 Kelly Street Portland, Oregon EXPERT Fire Proof and Modern L * _ 0 n ___ !__ if . 'h Jvemg & Ueanrng N E W H O U STO N HOTEL A. E. Hoicvenbe. Manager EXCELLENT SERVICE Weakly Rates to Permanent Guests By Pared Post Return Postage Paid. CkvuUr* and h k r * W nts fot "At Your Beck and Call" COOPERAGE Sixth and Everett Streets, Three Blocks from New Poatoffies. Four Blocks from Union Depot. Portland. Ora. TREES *»■> SHRUBS CO. Manufacturers of and Pratt twee budded frrai besrt-g —eh- ama Ajala Pur. Chany. r**»-a. 1 " ^ Dealers in New and Second-hand Fruae. Ajrtcvc Quiara Grape Tla** fthr-NOory. Ptacu. t u p t e m » . Blêrh* barn«* Lagena. Oeebemee. A e, Belting, etc. Burke M achinery Co., R ailw ay Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE reache» trade id S weak*. Some pay while learn­ ing Posit... t .« secured >4 rite ice catalogu* JJ4 Burnside »treet. Portland. Ore.__________ M O N U M E N T S — E. 3d and Pin * Sta. y t t o Schumann G ranite it M arble W o r k * PERSO NAL Marry if L on ely; moet successful “ Hom e M a k er"; hundreds rich; confidential; reliable; years experience, descriptions free. “Th e Su< < essriil Club,” Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland. California.___________ #TPE R E P A IR IN G ■ P I P L ’ L Repaired by expert*. D^reioping roll rums, lü cta. park* üu ct* Print* all sites \ «Ket te. BHihant GW.»s 5c. Robert* PhotoShop, il« Selling Bidg.. Portland. O r* I . RUN E T R E E !!! PR ,iw i, E w T P R Ü E L «ww.ee P UN E S !!!“ B afor* buvu.g elsew here see us. Columbia 7‘ uraery C o . 1490 Union A v e . Portland. SHIP US YOUR YYOOU W ool cleaning and carding W ool bats and mattresses made to order. W e do custom carding. W r it* fo r price* Crystal Springs W oolen Mills E*tc bUshed In 1905. Main O ffice and Factory. 760 U m atilla A ve . Portland. PATENT ATTORNEY We can show you bow to turn your patentable id oat into cosh. Oregon Licensed Mechanical Engineer THOMAS BILYEU. 2u8 Stevens Building. Portland. O r* BEST R E S U L T S -L O W E S T PRJCES. USED TRUCK BARGAINS m i— i n 8*NTTAffV et . l ' BEAUTY PARLOR W e help the appearance o f women, r e n ty -ta o in.h »w itch or transform a­ tion, value $7 6o, price 12.45 1 to 5 ton CMC, Republic«, White*, etc. , SH0E r e p a ir in g Overhauled—Guaranteed. in P o r t l a n d I ■ Bros., Amerl- an Shoem aker^ 108 4th St. V E T E R IN A R IA N —C attle a Specialty Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks MO Second St', Cur T a ylor ' Portland, Oi L’.r CJ»»*. M Anderson. Kenton. P o r t io n » W edding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lol.-I.n.r Fiori.t.s. 3 ll Morrlo-t. St. W E N T W O R T H & IR W IN , Inc., H O TEL Charcoal Eph'a Philosophy. “ I ain’t got no use fo' a whining man," said Charcoal Eph, in a rumina­ tive mood. "De Lawd made man f o ' t ’ fight an' cuss, an' woman fo' weepin' an' lamentin'. Eat a prune, MUtah FISTULA.FiSrlL'P.E, itch- ' Jackson."— Richmond Times-Dispatch. 128 9 64 Sc FVhM. Or* Very Centr.Ur Located. Convenient to ,11 Depots, and one block from nuun Pofttofllce PILES ing and all other rectal conditions except Cancer Lerm anently cured w ith ­ Blissful Ignorance. out a surgical operation. M y method o f treatm ent “ A bachelor is but half a man and •Jives the tissue Instead of destroying it. ltTs'pain-1 doesn’t know It,” remarks an exchange. less, requires no &nes “ A married man is reminded of it th*t;c ard is permanent Th ere ia no run finem ent often.” — Boston Transcript. to bed. no Interference with outur.ese or social engagem ents I cu arsnte* a cure or will refund your fee Tennis Known as Bandy. Call or w rite fo r booklet Mention this paper when writing. The game now known as tennis was D R . C. J. D E A N formerly called bandy. Hence the kscond and Morrison Sts., Portland, Ord. phrase to bandy words, or blows. FORESTS OF AMERICA v o rn many oilier». Tow ard the close of the (.'retuceous there entered many hart wood types of modern form. G ood year prices are low er today than ever. On the average they have decreased more thun 60% from the prices o f 1910. L o o k a t the figures listed below. T h in k o f the fine performance o f the Goodyears you have known, and remember that G oodyear Tires arc g ivin g even better performance now. Y o u can get these tires at you r G oodyear Service Station Dealer's. See him today. SOt O o a * Rib K ola*........... «... :*> s .Hi All Wealhrr Tirati F o la * :............. M l 3M AH-Weather lira »! C o it i................ G © T D V LAZINESS, procrastination, or by pretending to be stupider than you are, you can get quite a good deal of your work done for you— for a while. I f the man above yon Is quick and competent, he will frequently get so disgusted with you that he will snutch a Job out of your hands, and do It him­ self. No competent executive will do that, but you rag count all the competent executive* o f your acquaintance on the fingers o f one hand. It will save you a good deal o f trou­ ble to have the hard Job taken rfway from you. You can devote your lime That Is the time unit Is going to tnke to doing the easy Jobs at your leisure, your measure. I f you tackle that and In your own way. harder Job and go through with It, the You will probably congratulate chances are that you will do It well, yourself on having a boss that Is so It is presumed that you have the train­ skillful— *o much abler than you— that ing. be can do all the hard work. I f you stand aside and let the man Hut the congratulation will tie short­ lived. In about a year’s time you will above you step In. you might as well discover that you can't do anything but make up your mind that you are going the easy Jobs— which are the poorly to work for the same or less wages for paid ones, because you never gave your ; the rest of your days. mind any exercise doing the hard ones. : For you have repudiated the chatfre All the opportunities for growth and to grow. You have proved yourself a for progress were In those Jobs that I coward. were taken out of your bands. Maybe Some day we may write nhout the the boss who took 'em away from you boss who deprives himself o f ootnpe- didn’t need the mental exercise, hut tent help by Insisting on doing every- the point Is that he got It, and you body's work f«*r them. But today we didn’t. Hy letting him take It away ^ are writing shoot yew. you got Just as much out o f the game It you are in the habit o f standing as a bail player would whose captain j hack and asking for assistance every played his position every time there . time an unusually hard Jdb comes was a critical stage In the game. along, get out o f It. You will become No matter what kind of work you ! an aMsistunce-asker all your life. As- have, a time Is coming when It Is going slstance-askers sometimes get assist­ to become suddenly difficult. The lm- 1 ance, but they never get responsibility, portance o f a certain tnsk will Increase j or good pay, or respect, or anything tremendously owing to unexpected clr- I else that makes life worth the while. cu instances. (C op yrigh t.) m oil er’s Cook Boo $14.75 How to Road Your TH C h s r a c t o r ls t tc s ,nd Tendcncios — the Capabilities or Weak- f n e m t That Maks fo r Succoaa or [ I Failure sa Shown in Your Pal or j H A M ' ’ THE n HAND OF AN ACTOR TH E r whether firm place, to recognise a person, male or female, 1« or will he xuccesgfal on the Muite in | playing dramatic or tragic part*, note j whether the Angers are long and crooked. That 1» a good sign. Long i Angers denote careful attention to de- tails, and If the hand Is wide and open, with the fingers widely sepa­ rated. freedom o f thought and Inde­ pendent action are Indicated. The mount o f Venus (bull o f the ! thumb) should be well crlss crossed or grilled, to denote Inspiration and assumed passion. Next, note whether the second phalanx o f the thumb Is long, to show intellectual power. The mount of I.unu should be unusually long, reaching well up on the outside of the palm toward the line o f the heart, to show great Imagination and eloquence, so essentlnl to the actor of j dramatic or tragic parts. Courage ' also Is shown by u strong mount o f Luna. i FOR THE F A M IL Y ( » ) fo r M • *1 « W i i i i m $25.50 $32.40 T n J i ' NOW D O M Y W ORK W ITH EASE Because Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Re­ stored My Health Homell, N. Y. ’ ’ ! was in had health but there didn't seem to beany one thing the matter with nu- I was tired nut all Early Disillusionment. over and it was an e f ­ When I was eight years old I was fort for me to move. I was irritable and > very much In love with a neighbor’s could not slerpmghta boy. three years my senior— or Imag­ and had trouble with ined I was. One day my dad bought my Imwels and at my | me a pair of shiny new shoes, of which periods. It seemed that nearly every one I was very proud. When my young around me knew o f knight came over to see my brothers your m e d ic in e and I showed him my new shoes, tie look­ wanted me to try tt, *•• s t la s t 1 to o k ed them over, then said to my brother, _______ “ Are they yours? They are litg l.ydia JE. Ptnkhsm s Vegetable Con ‘ ia K pound enough for an eleph ant" Thus ended Hluod Medicine and unproved »very day - k Uv 7’ my first love affair.— Exchange. ny own work m-w I do all my now except the washing end do it with cane. I can ac­ compli»!) sa much in a dav now ss it W atering Plants. wculil have taken me a week to do last The successful way for the city winter and 1 try to jfet every one I know dweller to water plants Is to put them to take your medicine to build them up, You are welcome to use this letter a s a In the bath tub and pour a quantity testimonial i f you lik e."- Mrs. CltAit. of water over them. They should be H a it km . '¿I Spencer Ave.. Homell, N. Y. well aoaked, especially the under sur­ In almost every neighborhood there face of the leaves, for It I* there that are women who know o f the value o f \ l.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com­ the inserts are found. pound. They know because they have taken it ana have been helped. Why don't you give It a trial? T h a R o sary. _________ The word "rosary" Is derived from J Whipping Endsd Romanes. tho Latin "rosarium.” which was orlg This little episode In my life oc- lnally a garland of roses and used to crown the Image of tho Virgin Mary. I curred when I was but six yesrs of As a rosary In Its present use It was { age. A neighbor’s boy. Jack, and I Instituted In honor of tho Virgin by I loved each other. All was settled be­ st. Dominic. I tween us that we should get married . . ------ , , , ■ and start housekeeping In our coal Some Sobriquets. ! house, which was not used during tha "T h e Sage o f Montlcello" was summer. W e had to furnish our house Thomas Jefferson; "L ig h t Horse Har-i first. A ll went on welt until our ry." Gen. Henry I^ e ; “ Old Hough and parents began missing th ings—dishes, Ready," Gen. Zachary T aylor; "Mad etc. A whipping npleco and our rte Anthony," Ocn. Anthony W ayne; "Old munce ended.—Chicago Journal. H ic k o r y A n d r e w Jackson; "O ld Man Siamese Nation of Gambiera. Eloquent,” John Quincy Adams. Country'. Heaviest Timber Growth. The forest service say. that the heaviest growth of timber In the l?nl ted States Is on tho Olympic peninsula In the state of Washington. This area has been glaciated at several period* M rs. M in n ie R a d liff Everybody gambles In Slam. When you K„ out for nl th„ Royt| L .,ub yo||r i addy b„ u wUh I poIll.nt li ,,lddy on your Kam(. And If your gnine Is not so good ns It should be, your ruddy wilt deftly pick up ynur ball with his toes, unices you watch him, and carry It Juat a little bit farther than you were able to drive I t !— From the lleuvenly-Hoyal City of Slam, by Florence IlurgeHs Meehan, In Asia Magazine. (Coprrisht.) x -------o -------- This On« a Singer. The golden-crowned kinglet has in a pan and set In a warm place to nothing much In the way of a song, become light. Hake In a moderate oven says the American Forestry Magazine, with a grate under them if there Is j hut tlie ruby-crowned has a beautiful j song of most surprising power for so danger o f burning. j small a bird and. while singing, the I f tlie family likes sticky buns put | j male often elevates Ids ruby crown one tablespoonful of butter, one-half ! patch. cupful o f brown sugar, one-half cup-1 -------- O-------- ful o f slrtip, and one-half cupful o f j Big Platinum Yield. water In a sauce pan and boll until I Practically from n sln#ls illatrlct Co­ thick. Add currant» to It. When the lombia produces nn average of .HO,0U0 buns are baked turn tli«m upside down . . . . . ,, ,. , . , I troy ounces of i> atlntim annually, and spread this mixture evenly over -o - the sides and bottom o f the buns. P ' VEItYBODY In the household like» cinnamon roll* or cinnamon bun* The following Is a reliable recipe: Long ngo, In the early Cretaceous To Test a Diamond. Take one cupful each of milk, water period, according to I'rof. J. E. Kirk­ A variety of tests may be advisable and sugar, two eggs, three-fourths of wood of the University o f Montana, a for one who Is not an expert Judge of a cupful o f shortening, one yeast cake continuous forest of conifers and cy- diamonds, says the Scientific Ameri- ■ and a tenspoonful of salt. .Scald the j Pimento Cheese Rolls. cads covered the North American con- lean. The old test of cutting a piece milk and while It Is still hot pour it Roll out a raised dough like the tlneut. In the late Cretaceous the land j of glags with the stone under lnvestl- over tl.e shortening and add the sugar above cinnamon bun mixture, spread bccame divided by an arm of the »ea gatlon Is now reversed, though with and hot w ater; when cool add t h e j wlth „ lay,.r o f huffer which extended north from the Cltilf un additional variation. A file takes yeast cake which has been softened In w. „ b p,lim if„ cheese. Roll up and to the Arctic, through what Is now the place of glass, and the rasping one-hnlf cupful o f water, add the sail r „ t )r, „||ces one Inch thick til co c Texas and Montana. Iturtng this edge of the little tool Is brought and enough flour to make a better J B|dcg up |n a grease I fain let rise^unf'n period was the beginning o f the | against the sparkling surface o f the which drops from the spoon. I tent 1 light and bake In a moderate oven. marked differentiation c f the eastern gem under suspicion. This is un ut- It thoroughly and let stand In a warm A good finish for a plain raisin cake Horn from that of the West. In the luck no Impostor »un survive for a place over night. In the morning ndd East arc the elm. hickory, ch»-stnut. Mingle instant. No Impression, of the well beaten eggs nn»l flour to Is to spread It while hot very gener­ persimmon, sassafras, tulip. Osage or- 1 course, can he made on a genuine dia- make a dough which can lie kneeded; ously with butter, then sprinkle with n ange, and magnolia, which arc Dot tnond. Another test even more severe knead lightly and well, put hack Inro mixture o f c.nnarnnn anil powdered found cn the 1’aclflc coast; la the West consists o f the following pr.K-ediire: a well buttered bowl nn»l let rise until sugar, using a teaspoonful of cinnamon are roe Sequoias, cypress, and giant The stone Is covered with borax, heat- double Its bulk. Separate Into two to OTIr half cupful »>f sugar— more If clutu-. which do not occur East of the ed and then dropped Into a receptacle parts and roll out Into a sheet. Spread desired. Rocky mountains. Ot.ks nre on both containing cold water. Glass or sim­ this with soft butter, brown sugar, coasts, tiut not the same species of ilar Imitations will he shattered, but dnnamon and (Veil wnshed and dried oaks; the same to a large extent is a diamond comes through the ordeal currants. Roll In a Ring roll and cut the buns in Inch slices. I ’lace them Copyrisht. 1121, Westers Newspaper Lalo». true of maples, alders, pines, firs, aud unharmed. All W rsthrr AH Wm/ém * » % ».a ¡irosiCotti ..........$ J J’4 0 $ 1 ».Ö 0 àiémejetimre*'» I. Long Suffering. iniii:fm;i<¡.!¡i!i>iiiiiiititfi(ciim!iiimiiu¡itniiutnfiirmiiiitHiuitmiim T H IN G S tirai! V 4MU .V? i I Too Good for Such s King. w o r k I know a bank hereon th* wild thym e blows W h ere ox-lipa and the nodding violet grow « Qulte over-canopied with lush woodbine W ith sw eet musk roses and with egla n ­ tine. —Shakespeare. .13 I V i All W ralhrf $10.95 On the birthday of King deorgo III | of England, In tho year 17<4. Mr. Ar- | nold, a London watchmaker, presented ! tho king with a repeating watch he had made for him. The king and the royal family were filled with delight and admiration for this wonderful piece of work, as this repeating watch j was less than a silver dime In dtam | eter, and contained 1!0 parts. It j weighed five pennyweights, seven and three-fourths grains. B y-------------- JOHN BLAKE to your great G oodyear T ires are better today than ever larger, heavier aiul stronger. M an y users tell us they are gettin g double the m ileage from them they got from G oodyears ten years ago. ’ • W « • « « r ■ U ncom m on Se n se GOOD Continuous Growth of Conifers Once Known to Have Covered the Whole Northern Continent. KEY r \ K T H E hapless earthlings who call —J themselves mon aiul women, thou winds are wandering hither and thither at life, trying with the wrong hey to inltH'k the door of fame, success aud »oner. I f you will observe closely, you trill see them every hour endeavor­ ing to force a hey Into a lock which Mubbonily refuses to resiH>nd to the violent twists and tums of nervous lagers. The man who carries the key which w ill open the door to minor places, where he Is sure o f can.lug tn Independent compétence, jierslsts In tampering with locks belli ml •those paneled door there re|toses the xweted chair o f manager or president, too big for his occupancy. Instead of reshaping liis key by lard work and high thinking, tiling »way the roughness to make It smooth, he continues foolishly to waste bis lime and energy, quite oblivious all the while to what he Is really doing. And so It Is frequently with men of talent, too Indifferent or Indolent to do anything but routine work, when Instead they should make use of the key given them by an all-wise Provi­ dence, unlock the right door, and rise to greatness. i f persuaded by reason to do this, they would And opportunity waiting with open arms to receive them, glad to round out their lives with happiness and prosperity. RITZ H O T E L F R A N K A . C L A R K . Prop., formerly with Clyde HoteL W RONG I T 1TTI.B W illie Walt a Hit Not to all Is given supreme w Isdotn Intended well to mind. In these matters, but such as la be­ Hut, somehow, always managed It stowed. Is generali; bidden away In a T o be a bit behind. napkin and Ignored or forgotten. I "In a minute," he would say 1 hus, when a young man or woman i when lime came to evulse bis play, tn a burst of |uiaalo , unlocks the door to enmity. Instead of friendship, to Little W illie Walt a Hit evil. Instead o f good. It becomes nt Grew to be a man ; once apparent that use lias been made Hut be loved to alt and alt o f the wrong key. Scheming out aome plan. Proper Judgment and action, all the "lu a minute," be would aay. cv.-ilfed things In life. Including faith* " I will gel to work straightaway." fulness, honor and virtue, decline to show their shining faces to the curriers Mr. W illiam Walt « Hit » f the Improper kej Neared St. Peter's Gate, " the foolish do with k e t» en* Hut. alas, he managed It trusted to them to open the world of So that he was late. n,,,hes wise men and women shud- “ Walt a minute 1" shouted he; •lv'r. Hut St. Peter turned the key. And yet, when all has been said, when the story o f life has !>eeu re­ William Walt a-Itlt was sent vealed from the morn of the tod­ T o the nether dime. dling Infant to the night o f tottering Where wllhout Ills own Intent age, who shall aay that he or she He arrived on time. has not at some time or another In Now lie mounts Ills torrid fate. his or her folly. u*cd the wrong key? For his master will not wait. (C o p y rieht > ICopyrlgtit.) Portland. Ora Expert ad T ic * on any income tax problem * Several y ea r« actual experience in G orera - *r.t Bureaus is offered thus* unable to v is it our o ffice State your trouble* b riefly and send in with f l and we w ill g ive you bon - m t to ge.-dn.ss adv * It w pay you to | .t ta touch w ith us n o w ^ E J. Curtin, Aoom 80d Lew t Bldg*. Portland, Oregon. ANCIENT T h e other, to low er G o o d y ea r prices. G ood year has succeeded in both advantage. niiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiniP EASTERN NOVELTY MFG CO. INCOME TAX DDf t DI m o rn U D LC m O lUmSlMwft* O ne has been to raise the q u a lity o f G oodyear Tires. Will M. Maupin § By F. A. UMLKER A placa ta E at and L ies W all RemarkahW « V luncheon at noon . Q yaa T t a a l i a*., m tta r k >%. Writs for P n m and Shipping lag* R A IN IE R Su A. F. Brcdt Co., 245 Grand Ava.. Portland. Ora. it 4«2 Hawthorne A re.. i Racaiving Sets complete with phone* and aire $50.00. A\e:aga Rang a 400 mile* of broadcastiuf Stmpla to op«rate, with compléta Instructions. PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO a *. P t t T U M O tilia . RLBBEP STAMPS and DEVICES. G ood year has taken tw o m ethods to achieve that result. JDDIES SIX | AND P I BATING BAB’S RESTAURAM I LAYTCN T h e entire G oodyear effort o f many y e a r» has been toward one result the tire buyer's advantage. U iiiiiiH iH iiin iim in in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiu E LITE SHOP. 1281 T enth near Washington. ^ H ig h e s t Q u a lit y — L o w e st P ric e s Interesting Features tor the Entire Family i l proof. Kctproof, RatprvW and Ktrapi oof • Medusa \\ atcrproofcd Whlt* Portland Coment I» C l tha best for Stucco I'laatar on outside f»*r Hunf*- 7 low*— I>ca* not atam and dirt oan be hoaad off T Wrtta for Literstufe S d b' * A M-MILLAN A CO. 120 Union a *«. \ Portion« & ; maka Buttonholtnxr — Buttons — r ia it ine — T u ck ln * and Ohainstitchlng A ll M all i>rdrr» riven careful and prompt attention R a d io Ä ? . OFFERS A M A R K E T FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland. Or*fon VAU D E VILLI PNO TO .PLAVI Compì«!« CNinf« Sun and Thur*. Matinee l'ally. Twic* Nightly Saturday. Sunday, Holtdays, Continuou* HUTÓDRÒNIE 1TX • © in PORTLAND ’C ' 1925 O U R MAGAZINE S O SECTION THE WORLD THE CHEEEFVL CUM m sm m m m m H M M w aB a siM m B m « • Wien I WL, yoLtn^ I used to tbiink Growri Uy> folks did just vjkvt tkey skould Dot now tKfct lrr\ i^roL/n u p my^u-ir I s ne. tkfcy surely fooled P fN «. dood M W Sclentlsta any that this old world of ours hasn't varied moro then a second or two slnco recorded In making Ita annual trip around the sun. Consid­ ering the trouble and turmoil It has carried along, the record la remark­ able. T h e r e W a s a R e sa o n . Thi* Mother Praises An Old Friend Fresno, Calif.— "A fte r motherhood I could not s»>ern to regain my strength, I had severe backaches, bearing pains, n disagreeable catarrhal condition, and general weakness. I found such great Im­ provement In my condition whlln taking the first bottle o f Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription that I kept right on with It until I was a per­ fectly well woman. I had no further trouble and for twenty years I have had no sign of Inward weakness, thanks to I)r. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription.”— Mr*. Minnie Rud- llff, 2988 Thomas 8f. What Hr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ scription has done for others It will do for you. (Jet It this very day from your neighborhood drug­ gist In either liquid or tablet form, and write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel In lluffalo, N. Y., for fro « confidential medical advice. Jimmy was visiting his aunt, who was a good cook, and he enjoyed every meal. Ono day after an unusually good dinner ho glanced at his throe cousins, who were fat and rosy, and said: " I know now why you got such fat kids." Red Cross BALL BLUE I ] U ne«H*d In »very <1*-pertinent of hnuee- keepl, «. Euuelly tend for towels, ishl» linen, eneeie end pillow casse, fèsrm Are Yoo Sitisfied? g ,.h * b lW " t' m o " t P e r fe c t ly e q u ip p e d llt m ln s s s T r a i n i n g S c h o o l In th e N o r t h - _ K lt f o r a h ig h e r p o s it io n w it h m o r * m o n sy . r « r m a n « n t p o n ltlo n a a*stir»4 our OrafluntAM. Portland °r cl,,,l,,* - r o 'lr,h »nd Tomhltl, P. N. U. Mo. 22, 1t22