“ Happiness” to Be Found at Ghautau.qua AVED H a rtle y M a n n a ri’ P la y “ H a p p ln e ti” W ill M ik e I t i F irst W aste™ A p p e a ra n c e on th e Second N ig h t of th e C h a u ta u q a * IS M O N E Y E A R N E D If y o u a r e in n e e d o f a n y o f th e following* ite m s s e e u s. Wall paper, several hundred beautiful patterns to select from. Men’s Tailored Dress Suits, every style and pat­ tern to select from. All kinds o f paint and o il-see us before painting. All kinds of fencing, etc. New Pacific Stumping Powder one third moresticks the box. Ask some one that has used it. We also have another shipment of Ladies’ Oxfords and Pumps do to arrive now—something different—very latest styles at very lowest possible price, see them. Hartley Milliners’ lnt»*iimly Int«»resting play, "Uippiness,” Is to be prodneed *1 «ImutHuqua wit 1 a splendid cast of actors by tbe Kliss J>ay Flayers of Tlie east was «elected and the production hri* been coached und staged by Mr. Ellas Day, veteran actor-producer and dramatic recitalist, whose name U u ftimillHr on«* In Eushtrn profc-donal tlrcl The play will be produced with the exacting att *ntion to every detail which characterized the original pro* duct Ion in New York <*lt>* Mr. Day has secured u etist of tiiiiJKUaily fahnted a rt or*. 'I*he coming presentation will mark th«* premier of MUappjneoe** In the West. It was originally wrt ten f«>r Laurctte Taylor an«l enjoyed a long so . idarctipe Millor »till lias th e mumps, 4 d ie . “ I ' h o l o r i n e " will k e e p » o u r Dock h e a l t h y * H. If. Ilak« r lias com me heed tin Our Prices Always The Lowest * puIntitiK of lila home, * m u l we ul»«* (invi* Ilio a g e n c y f o r " M a g i c M u r i v i Mr» Harbnrs Nnyder of Hslt’in, w o 4 M’a« h i » g l ' o t r d s r , " w h i c h i* u w o r l d b e a t e r . 4 lu re fur tllC week-end. F o r m e r ly C h ic a g o S to re. Postmaster Wiilit H cim I und wife SALEM v.«lied at A.tiuny Huudny. » ■ » » » » » « JHHHMHUi * * » « Mr*. Poller of Suh in, visited Mrs. llarzrv here f«»r w f. w du>». " M id hardw are M a n ” Milo Kniglit liarvealed the tlr»t strawU*rile» in thia vicinity. Mr- Cioorgia Kohfftaon «¡K*nt the Memorial day wa» w r y fittingly oh- j W V k end tickeU on sale F riday’s, ( # » * . » • * « # * • * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • * * • * • * * week-end here w ith her Ainthcr. served on Tuesday at the I. O. C). 1\ Hnlurday’.- an d Sunday's of cm-h we« k Foiiie days yt u cu » me« t ;i person in cetnetery w«at i.f Turne^i the n»u»ic to Portland an d return, o«»ntinu**a- ooooocoooooooooooooeoooooooooooeooooooooooooooooooooo 1 fit rid abed by th e T u r n e r liutid and the pontage going and returning, return o ! u rn er w Im hadn’t killed iiiiy I hu J v . o o o I í i v I m I] At M irion lleeoratinn Dsy egerclac* hy the pupils of the Turner limit Tuesday following «lute of salt*, o o resulted in T u r n e t ’» favor hy 5 to 3 . «ohoul were very m uch appreciated. Fare $2.45. " V o o ]5 j ay j | c |je| B on jjHje Friday and I*r *f. I ’n le n in n and w ife *|M*n| W e d . also the duet by Helen Moore and o 0 Ue»day n ig h t at th e ( let». M o rn « hom e Phoebe Kioer w hich ahow i d the young Saturday of each week to Portland^ o o 0 ladle’» vocal talent ai;d w hat may he allus, n turn limit 15 d a \ s from o f i t y watt r has boon ln»tsllrd In th e “ wo w ill g i t e J ' i f K E w i t h e u c h t i r o a 1 - T o u T o t e d o T he addree»delivered hy Ilev. Thoin- j atl, t>f Pa|e> Fare |2 50. deo. Moore home, formerly th e J o h n o T u b e to lit t h « t i r e f o r t h e n e x t 3 0 d a y s . a««, pastor of the 1 urner M. K. church, Season tickets on sale daily, Port, o Watson projH i l y . 0 wa» attentively listen»d to hy those |„ !ltj am j return, limited to three I h a v e in s ta lle d an a u to m a tic a ir c o u ijir c u o r , so com e o Mrs. CJco, lirower and daughter priseiit ami we hope all caught w hu 1 moot ha from date of »ale hut not later Helen, »¡ hms I De’corulion day Inspiration from the speaker a» he paid t i,an Qet 31st. Stop overt allowed I» i n un<| p u m p u p y o u r ti r e * . fi lend» ut Stay ton. a tribute to the heroes of our country both going and returning. Fare $3.00. l( e d C r o w n ( ¡ s s o l i n e J|Uc p e r g a l l o n — m o s t m i l e s j e r Tin- A rth u r K dw .nl.* . r e . „ d to the p .o .n e r. of the western fttf N o 24 teftvtn o o f.T «he .u rn m e r ne»r their former e .*.»«, The Kr»ve. of tin ...Idler d e . d Turllt r M ,ho*ld pure).».- «I„.e O g a llo n bv test. o home w e t ut m w u. I wen- d r . , H d w ith «he eolor. under „ r k , t, oi „ ¿ Dt u .fore , l i e ! o K O l i l ) a n d T O l U i S O N — S .V I.K 8 a n d S E R V I C E For Sale.—at acre, lined.iryr or farm Which «hey nerved an d » ith l»-uiuiful j offloe cJui|e(| a( 0 |u 0 <% laud, | mile front Turner. Kor Infer- tlowera. Memorial day haa gone o u w ________ mure and w# leave th e grave» of Ihotc _ .. _ mntluu, call nt T ribune ultlce. T c H * 0 W 6 li I c ll’l V The tOty-tliIr.t ukiiuii I convention to wbunt the day w ith inUty <>«■• which »|>*all louder th a n word» of the --------- * T u rn e r, Oregon exercises of Itie O. A. C. college I» |o virtue« uf those cntouied a ho are only Ag a farewell to Prof, and ,1/r*. i > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 b.- held at Corvallis J u n e 3 to .r>. oOOOOOOOOfl ( ’oleinnn w ho are leaving for Portlaml j Mr. A lexander unit daughter, Mr», waiting fo r tap* t»> sound. -ut S aturday, !l. A. Th lessen a n d wife Tarry, proprietorsof l l i e S t a t i o n AlnP, Decoration day exerelata a t t win gave a dancing party on Tuesday made tin a rail Tuesday evening. night nml asked Ibe T u rn er High M r. tin -1 M r». Iv a n M ille r h a r e got e Oaks cemetery were eondupted by »rlo»d to I k ’ present, also (he occasion Hev. Perkin» of Salem, formerly a L o cated a t !!>ti »»title S treet, S a le m , h a v e a Very c o m p l e te a n d u p to . to Alpine. Oregon, where Klley ha» u cliaplili ill llte Civil war, whose a d ­ was n surprise to the honor gtiesls d.ste J e w e lr y rtiurc A «.’ludet- u n d C t'm p lc lc K tutk i» O f f e n d n n d tin logging contract with WY» Miller. dle»» was excellent an d appropriate ti­ which one alt-1 alt enjoyed till a late Mt», Alma (¡ovecr of W arrenlon, |»tice» c lm tg e d Are ' erv llensotinld». the occasion, Mr. J o h n \Yul»oti was hour. The Tbiessen»* nre noted for I» at hotue for her sellout vacali- it master of ceremonie» an d auuouucsd their ah um lunt and delightful lluatpi The utlt sestpu I» aluaya on ami unteli t'cpnii'ini- and there I» no I hr jeweler tree ivy» Iti» altare ulto unteli t ini eoiii|ihente«l lor them to with her parent», J*n and Ma llakcr. th e program w hielt wa*«petted by tut tadly. Stock well Cornelius goo» to Tilla­ Invocation by ftev. Italpli Tl.omas of 1,tatti» |«o»»ih|f till' U|»e»t -elei Itoli rrtitiir a» they tin- the Houtlieiii 1'it- unteli ina|H*rtor*. of |>r«-»enl» for n|| orra.ion». An tut­ eifie Knllwny , , , , , mook next week to catch a fish and Salem, w ho also pronoutieed the bene to ilute jeweler l» lnrii»ihle to They also do general ,|e«e .V re- view the »urrouitdii.g h ill, an d val.r, , „ v l U w . w i t h » 01.10 mimical . election, every romttmnity of tn»tr inni rellnr pairing,and tf you have any ph»c o i A . we read t h e p ap er, th e "obey - by the T u rn er bau.l and by » c „ e nient ami In- wlicme work »Ittiw. M-wrlry th at you tlmtiglit ttaelt To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary ¡.j lmrt of th e ceremony arema In »tick children, llte afternoon of May 90th markrsl »kill i» »nrr of liberiti pat rattar a citici- wan broken or a of the Institution of Fidelity Lodge *" W*H »• th e “ u n til d--alb"part un» au Inter-»ling one. tjulte a fair lomiu'c. The |H*ople of litis coin- I iiiisniiii’ take II to them mid It will nnintly nre In no wny behind in this re»|H-et mul the jfenerotta pul ronnge extended to tli|» |Ht)itlltir .jewelry linn »hon» how liti» runiinilli|ty ap- preciatrn their elTort». The »lock linn hern »elt'cled with aa rnre judgment anil include» every­ progressive | et hook. ns ch airm an and made n very in t e r ­ The proprlotor», ('. T. Ponu-ry nnd thing utMf«»«ry t<> conduct it modem i . I). Ilice, wife nml daughter, am) ami ti|>-to-date »lore. Heft- v.jll be A. A. KtH'tie, are Well kttown aliti are esting nildres» followed hy P. (ì. M., On S unday evening, May 2Stb, at Mills of^ak-m , and \Y. A. Weddle of fgttintl Ibe b-mltng make, of wglt-lipa, mcn in whom thè pnhlir c»n bave Mr. Love and wife of Salem, « . e v e n ­ ilinmond ring», piti», attui» unii or evt-ry rnnltdciirc. \\ «■ are inoro ttimi ing visitor» will, Mr». C. A. Davis ou Hie M. K. ohureh, »--cured the grad­ Slayton, uating i-xerel»- » of th e Ju n io r League. linmrnt»; nnveltle» lu allyei'warp, glint iti Ilo» revicw, lo romplimeut Tuesday, The Imi I was packed, Aumsville and Mrs. Itomi, th e - lllclvul »U|ierliHeu-l- Stay loll lodges being wi II repri »eliti d clock» of binnl»omt- design nml ntt ex tbeni oli thè -diarnrter of thelr o»- Mr». R, (), Thomas an d daughli r, , , , , , , . , tnhli dimeni nml I h t <|imlilv of lin i- Ada, drove out from Portland f„r U,e *»‘ “ f 'hl» departm ent, had charge of |en»ive variety of jewelry. Mra. W, 11. Itohsou of Stay ton nml Tiirtieuliir attention i» a n d to flue - Imi-ili»-' they olil i' thè |mhl|e. I'll« children very Mr* J. K. Lyle of T uruer, represented Tr" ,t" " ,, T h ey alno conduct a com pirle Optical D epartm ent w here th e eyr» ail­ test- Memorial day exercise» at Tw in 0»k» h 1,10 nutifully demoiiatrnt -I the careful, cemetery. the Itehi'knh order by short addresses. ed, gla«»e» g ro u n d and DlHil In nil expert manner. laaiulng th a t had been given lliem by W. II. Marrée has Just completed . Mr», limili. The program ci>ii»i»t*d A vocal selectkiu by Mrs. Mrs W. A. ---------------------------------------- ---------------r line hack porch to the linker h o ld , of songs, Hilde drill ami memory work Martin a n p Miss Mildred Marlin was Mar. d-l H-'II wo - h I, J o h n J. S-'II wo - m I, and a w nier system has been Install«-1 w ith a story by Mr». Thomas a n d a enjoyed by all, »Isolile piano niusicby Miss Hazel Dour. The h is t feature of Mr». IUI m -I Adam», fili»»-'» Laura and for I hi* kitclicu. abort talk by th e pastor. ThU program the evening was the act " W h a t Do L-.I h A-lanis and K enneth A-Intn», Dr. \\ llllr Hmllh, nephew of L. I), elose» the Ju n io r w ork for th es n m n ier You Want!,, liy Mi»» (layette (iavjs Is lie in g used m o r e a n d m o r e d r o v e - u t from Pori lain! X 'JliX , » Is- - here mi a t|»il at (lie Walson lumie, Mr. alni Mt» M. II. Tli-ina». T , i T u r i p r -,- <)ri¿"ii \ | . L »I H I K a r l '» (o r I’n u l l r y a n d S i m k R e i n , 4 ♦ G A L E & C O . H. L. EARL Memorial Day g S. You Save Big Repair Costs P. Fares by painting nov/ SPECIAL ON TIRES r O r can’t escape. Either you paint your home when it need* it or you «pend from five to ten times &» much rebuilding what has rotted away fo r lack of paint protection. Painting costs so little com­ p ared to the service of saving it renders, that failure to paint is utter extravagance. Painling is economy and an addi­ tional economy is found in tuing the heat paint. If spreads easily -toes labor cost. It covers more area per gallon than “cheap" paint. But most important, the beat paint serves five or more years longer titan “cheap" paint. It assures better re­ sult. at a lower cost in the long run. We have been making the best \ 'S 1 s ! 1 i s A. L. BONES 8 POMEROY <& Keene, Jewelers «< r. v li"ii'<'. H e w a » ......... . p a n i n i h y h i» W Ife T U m C f , JllllC 2 (« t H IC lU S l> e . o n P a in t in g A i k o a r •¿ •-n t c o lo r c a r d s , d « . fu r m I i k . , ( « k t b e F u l l e r S p e c iG c a l i o « D r p a r la t e n t a b o u t th e m o s t « J « s u a b le c o lv f a r k e o ie « . c o l o r b d i n o a y aa«i a n y r t k e i d e ta ils . M a k e r s o f R u b b e r C .rm e u t f lo o r P a ia t. A l l - P u r p o s e V a ra is h e a . S ilk e n w b its L a a m c l . F i f t e e n fo e F l o r r a \ a r r i s » . W a O ia b lc U a ll F l a t s » . A u to F l t t s s e l . R a r n a m i nf P a i n t . P itt- h . j d b u - p P a L u ^ sad PIUNIFK « H i r t LEAD. S P C C tF IC A T IC N P u r« P r e p a r e d P a in t1 Manufactured by W. P. Fuller Sc. Co., Dept. 48, San Francisca B r a n c h e s in 1 9 C i t i u in th e W e s t S A f E j U J f E W Q t t t O r V - C U l »I OUI i k O PASTE IT Uf-fO UR « O T E BOOK Mv h»u*i i.reds painting. Fuller's Specification iiouse Paints are sold by (he fuilowint Amenta. H. L. EARL Phoenix Pure Paint Agent TU R NER , . . . . OREGON oooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooo« We have tested seed corn at a reasonable price. Remember i does not not pay to buy cheap UNTESTED SEED it is too expensive ChERRO FLOUR W ÏMPPYM F re e A d v ic e H o P u s e P a in ts h o e n ix P u r « P a i n t I. 0 . 0 . F. i paints for 73 yeers — to meet th* .rather conditions in the West. I he best materials — PIU N E K tt WHITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, pure zinc, and pure colors—are combined in fuller's Paints in scientifically exact proportions with long-tune JuiL Oregon Grain Co. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o Turner ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooi Salem Bank Of Commerce Eomeroy & Keene R K I.I.U IL K General Ranking Business I n t e r e s t P a id on T im e Deposits a n d S a v in g A cco unts Cor. State A Liberty Sts. S alem , O regon Jwelers and Opticians Kyes Tested — (ila»»«'» Fitteli | State A Liberty S t» . S A L KM 1 ________ ._________ Mr*. W. S. LxKore ba* relu m ed from a visit to her I-rot her, Mr Tom Johnson, at MubbarJ. I MILLER’S CONFECTIONERY „. . , I I f f a r s UlUl I olMCCO T t!lN E |f. ORKQOJi