S U M M O N S Railroad Travel Costs are Down To San Francisco and Eastern Cities Via The Scenic Shasta Route 25 per cent. Saving to San Francisco and return S o le »la t.» J u n e 3 t o 13 in c l. Fin;»l Jituit J u l y Slat San i) 4 t' » J u n o 15 to 2 0 in cl. F i n a l l i m i t J u l v 2 0 th ! Summer Tourist Hares V V East Through CiMifornia Costs much less this year ¡ $ Yot| m a y visit S a n F r a n c is c o , L o s A n g e le s a n d San D ie g o , worn!- r citit - c t the I’ aeil'.: F o . i a t ; C a l i f o r n i a ’« C h a t ttiing S. ae ho re tu.d M o u n t a i n R v e o it » . T i n . Nat < p a ! I'a ik « a n d s c o r e s o f i n v i t i n g p le a s u re pla ce s . S /I Sfirtif K:n! this k j\ apri stt tnjrt of !hi In The Circuit Court Of l'Ii»* S. *> I O f O r e g o n F o r T h e C o u n t y Ot M a r io n . I V p u r i m c n t No l. J o hn llurri», l'iaintltl. V» Frank ti rime«, IklVnda^t l'o Frank Orline«, |Vf< mintili I N l H 1 N A M K O I l'H K 8 r A II O F O U E G O N . Voti are licrehy requir e.t io appear and auaw< r llicc o m p la in t Ilici a ; tinsi \ un m Ilo al>ovc cntltleil activui ou « i la foro thè ¿liti day et June, I F - . tinti lf yo u fall »<> lo njipear and m e tte r, fur « i n i thercof, ilo Plalnlnt' « ili tak« JuiUnirut ngainst voti f >r lite rvlìef iteli. Olile.I in Ili« eionpluhil, t o - w ii: f o r t i . e - n i u of rT'.- .S' and (or lite flu t tu i aulii of * '« ■ ikl; a nd for lite lurtln r »uni o f Hi., - •iti; and for lite fur»iter *nm o f Fauni; and for ilio furi Iter auto "I fs at; aliti . for thè ftirllter stilli ol i l O, ami tor »he furtIter »uni o f f'.'g no. ami fur Ilio furi tu r »uni ot i o, ami for ti < tur. tlu r »uni o f »T i .i l, tugether u tili i n ­ t e n s i l l t t ie . m a l thè ntt*' o f M |»r ceni per annulli frinii tlelul« i LO, 1021, un ili pani, and for Mio flirt Iter suiti o f tiia.od as reasouahle a llo r n c y '» i n . Iierein, a nd for file contaand dtsUirae- iiirtit» o f Ibis aclloti Ino.irretì, Vou aro furtlier n o m i c i ilial et r talli ptr»onali|t' pruperl.v, lo-wlt; oue tesili o f tini sta, t w o s t t s o f doublé work tiarnes«, olio Follimi. 11 « wsgoli, ohi w hlfl’ e treo, ime doublé tua-, mie neok yi ke, o n o Iw o borse tllae, tuie n a r r o » , t u o p i o » a, otte cultlvator, one laatslcad, o n e U . l spjtug, olle steel rango, c o k i n g u'.iiid i» and llirw blankeis b r lo n g in g lo voti he» hoen allaetie.l « m i » l i l l a * taken and «old to satk fy sjtid judgttieut. Vou are turilu-r uolIrteli limi (hi* Suiilllion* is si rvetl U|a.ii y Ol! hy puh liealion tliereof lo ilio To r n e r rril.une nursuant to mi o rd cr o f thè Iloti rere.v li Kelly, J u d g o o f thè ahot.- <-nl il l.-.l Foni i T h e Uati : tb * f ln t p u ló i.a llo n o f lillà Spiiimous i« May 11 , 19ÌJ, ami ilio date o f thè ln*t puh- liealion tliereof ì« June £!. IS2S. tTl i . v i . i j iw tiK . A lt o rn e y f>«r l'Ialntllt. LI I Li '1 F. S. Nati, lh.nk itldg. Saltiti. Or. y*»n. ! Round trip Fares T O P O R TLA N D Are the lowest in year» J £2.45, <2.50, $3.00 For sale dates and oth er particulars a»k a gcu O Flan now to make trips this s u m m e r and take a.lvautage o f great red uctions in ruilr. ad f a n s For fares, reservations, train schedule*, transit limits, st<|r\ ir privilege's or lieautiful folders inquire o f agents. SOUTH ERN P A C IF IC ■ n s Funeral Directors PKAUL P. flASSLEU, KDITOB — Issued Reliable Service, C a urO St. a t H i g h — D a y o r N i g h t P h o n e 1 2 0 EDITORIAL - Malern - O p i n i o n * o f the T r i itiune b u n e e e d th a t d i it t o o r r tl Anderson & Brown CO M PLETE U N E a >**•* * * * * * * * Base Ball Supplies, O uting Cloth­ ing, Fishing Tackle. I2ó 3a. Commercial St. Salem. Oregon i * I They arc exempt from the norma! j Federal income tax, and from estate ! and local taxation ( cx ce jd estate and ; inheritance taxes.) They pay 4*2 cent interest compounded m i - uy. it in |d until maturity; (hat A mass meeting will I k 1 called Sat­ annually, urday. June 3, at 1 :30 I'. M., at the m o m s 2 -> |«-i- rent on yo u r investment First M. E. church o f Salem. At this in live year-. time, those' interested will torni an or- • Get that idea o f making the post ganixatioir known as the Marion offn-r ' our bank lo r you r «atings and suip.il investment». It i« just the loiiu tv Public Health Association. With the desire to keep abreast ot *>a!ll<' a s _ making \our government the other counties in the better health -'oi:ri hank, lo r the !>o»t ofhre is part movement, iiinnv Marion county eiti- ot the government. Become a mem­ r.ens have felt that an association ber nt this great l ’ nitc.1 States G o v­ should be formed similar to that ex­ ern ment Savings System, the safest isting in 17 other Oregon counties. In savings system In the w o r ld ,” To Form C ounty H ealth Asso. this way there is made jiossible toe uniting f o r organixed effort o f tin».« vitally interested in the promotion measures. Tliroughont the en.'re world, jieoplo are awakening to the necessity and desirability o.' -aie- g aarding health. Th eie i- mil di lalk o f economy, and we knoi that F . k - ness is a source o f great individual anil public expense. Miiiiu.is o l |'< <>- file are lregiuntlig to prnie the iis. ivos on keeping In the pink ct physical condition. It will be the purjiosr o f ttie pen organization to promote health id"..!-., to better health conditions, to work In many ways f o r the increasing o f knowledge o f correct living, to ' at tractive in the form o f Treasury savings oertifieatcs. For -fd *1 you can buy one o f the lowest denomination, and in live yrjiis (lie gpvcmu icu t will redeem it f o r your earning ik't. If you have fHU to invest it » ill earn f'JO, and lo r your invest­ ment you »111 get itJlK) in inti n s t . All the time t h i • money which is working lor you » i l l lx sale and secure. Yr,u »nit grt yimi p rincipal at any lie ' In ciis.- ol an enui-gency, with intrre-t nt 3* j | h r n u t while it has liei u in the keeping III the Govermiiciit. Whal i more, the c ( ’ert ifi'-etc . are r<-.'i. triad im the Treasury D-pari mini (m l . o n uic a le from lo « or Unit J n r? re lia b le . Atlantic-Pncitlo H ig h w a y « -E l. ctrieal Exp«aitloi>-!ii26 Portland, Oregon CLOVERDALE Frank Gregory and fam ily o f port* liu 'l, spent tire week-end lit-re w iih his cousin, Dr. Ma ry Staple«. O n e o f the greateat professional grafter« th Ucotin lr y ever knew, a man w h o piled up a fortune o f J million dollar« hy polities! blackmail, d u d a few week« ago, and in his h o n o r dags were dropped to half mast ou T a m ­ m a n y H all and oil all the Demoeratle eluhs o f N e w Y ork C it y. H o w do the real 100 per cent A m e rica n s Demo­ crat» or Uepuhlic-ans— like that? ■ A STOP.Y FO UR THOUS A N D Y E A R S OLD From the day* o f the Pyramids to tile pr isent is a long period o f time, yet, in those days n y at present, points w ire used for bea utify ing and preserving the object s which they covered. In tlie old days paint was used as a decorative material tor the mummy eases. Today it is used to conserve the natural and cotivc i tod resources o f the country. I'ulntlug o n e 's building« is not nn expanse. It i« nn investment. It ab ­ solutely insures against depreciation and rotting. It is the only form o f insurance that can hr' guaranteed to |«rtorm Its duty lMfl^f. Paints have been high during the last fe w yc ars hut an* now down to Will Massey a nd wife and Lo 1 Fiitl.-t and fam ily o f Salem, visit, d here Ifeeoratiou da y at the M Fill!, t home. , . . . . i*(*ftiio 111 . ffi .¡iint u.itv I h(> Dutch lliiw'li economy to jfäint now. The Joe Morris b«»Mgl:t a new < hevrol« t hav< an »»hi proverb v.hi ’ i sr.vrt car laid week o f A* L. l>#>n(*rt. “ Goo«l paint costs nothing, l'or it Jim Uiaitr anil wife, and «Jaurhteia savi more than it (o-it ;.” Ethel, Violet and Hazel, ►pent riundxy There iw«- many bran«F o f paint on at the W . F, W right home. the market ami to the consumer all It is only when Cloverdale seliool ulort«> Fri#Juv nnci paint- look aliki*. the piiiiit has been appied to a build­ a picnic I m U i n g planned hy the teach ­ ing fo r fo u r or five years that the er and pupils. 1 quality is demonstrated. It is too Chan. Hailing and wife o f Marsh­ late to regret ones a« tion o f a poor field, J. I.angl# y mui wife o f Oreg«#n choice o f »mint. It is we ll to buy the City, Mr. Sm ith a nd wife o f Portland, iu ! vertu« «I lim . While we are not Mi-s Ili* e Dr;«^ i und Mr»*, i ' u i m a . r;u id i a:tng any hiand iri particular Ald ridge o f Eugene, \;»*it«d I>« . » tl .t- • p< i 1 ; 1 o f o #r ndvertisoiiKuts will i »n day with Mrj. Caroline Drn«# r. I im ii'ate the leaning oi the editorial H .L . H n l.'ii ami w ife m ntorrd to Lch* ehmr. " i:l ", " * " M Masterpiece In th «1 matter o f the Fatato o f John Fred C. l 'srgo, Piai ut IH*. \\ I tall. l)i * ciimh I. VH d i a r i e » U Earg«». Beriba Fargo, NOTICI* t- hereby giv«*n that S D. tJ coi| v Fargo, Charlotte F a r g o . ’ tfilivi i ll tin» ap|mliit«*d inliuinFtitttor Cnrolyn 1 . Fargo, Nt iln-It uh r, ltal|'h o f tin* ««state ot John \\ . Hall, deeea Ksthr, ami thè Farm» Ore!»»« «U C o , a «•J, on tlu* 25fli «lav «•♦* \p»il. Id ‘ J, I*, tor|>orstiof', D« h totani* a i order o f the Counts C o n i *»• ti c T o d i s r l i r t U Ftirg«», lt» riha l'arg«', t ìeorgv j\. l argo, Cluu lolle F u io, stati* «*• ( in ¿mi *or the Counts «*( Csrolvne 1. F s r g o s o d Kalph Kad« i Mariniti dills made and entered ol All fM'i vohrt having «daini» IN l'H I ' ' ' M O r I HI H TATK ie« «u’d. O F OlilC tlO N, V " 1» and «acU « l >»»u it -,aimd aaht « title are n*«|»»»re«l to »«re Iteieby h d i l i M l lo u;*|W M uiol « tu semi tin* same pmp«il\ v«iiiie*l 'n t h »wer tlu* «Miimluiiil filisi sgalust y#»u *i*oj k ' i* \«nu-l» 4 is to Mi'v.is, ('arson (li tjtv utrove ««utltlett Court spi) «*ao*»e (roan, \- a U o rm v», «sa|etn, t ‘ i«|f*»u. «>n or hcforv j » ìx w«’« ka fr«»m Ilio date iti tlu* t|rs»t publleathm o f Ih!» hUfnilK'ps, a itliiii -i\ months from tlu* «listo «*t a m i l i \on fall tu so up|a*ar orni mi- this noti«« . m r w o im Dated C i 1 * *lh »lav o f \\ rii, |iV22. »««vi »ali! «'«»niplaitit, f**r NVunt llieri' l, s . ii P i D w n . u t i«e pialliti!! vr 1 11 appi« to Ilio («m rl IkiR.H mui liol.la Hr I* Iwlcn ni flirtile relh i pravi*«! I * • r pi l o «*oin- A dm iti intra tor. , -ialini lo 1 « in, to-wit ; A t l i e n e letppr CARSON A HltOWK. l.iii|| nt nny wlhrr rang« m ill mg yo u and « uch o f voti to » 1 tarili Attornex ; lo r Administrator. h-.* »(xi,I, nr y.iiir niunry hnrk, thè nature o f iiuy duìn i tliat you or ■ ■ m ■ I —- I— a» ■ —— — e i l h e r o f you inay ha\e in o r lo (he H y. tir il.'iil»)' will not »u|>|>ly fo | lo \\ i og «lisci itnd ietti p r o p e l l i , lo Administrator’s Notice to you, armi lui vatiilo|tu.' timi \i it l'io* Nortii i all o f l.ot », 111 *'* L Creditors 1 , Fargo Otvliurd» Iruet, In M m o l i |>rioe l i ’ t. co u nty, Oregon, u» tlu* *».«i»u* app* «»** N O T M ’ K IS 11 lilt I' »» \ H I V I N ’ XX'r Will »i ll rullìi' » that aav<> «•t record m lite ofiice o f tlu* lh * **rd» r That tlu* umlerslgm d \x as on the ’Ini oi »aid county, and state, al»«# l,*»t 3, day " f Max, PC !. duly appointed Ad* yo u m o n e y . in Bhs*k H, «»l Ilio tow n <»f Fargo, mlui-trut« r o f ih** K « U i r **t Mary Marion co u u ly , O rigo n , and liiuta li / d e man. IV*vasei1,t»y th e e o u iity Court ad verse daino* (a* deternilned hy de- ; lor Marion iMiuiity, O n g o o , ami x% »s l'io* o f tlu* illune l 'o iu i, and th.it hy duly ‘ piallile«! a» Midi, all persolo* rtuld decn«* il he adjudged tliat thè hav in g any datiti» against wihl F*l»fe Plaintifi la thè oo in -r hi tee '•luipii* «•( ar«* l.eiehv itoli fieli t.» p r iM td Ihe th e a h o v e premi»«», thè wItole thereof, sanie duly verili« «Ì lo ihe undersigned 271 N. C u m 'I St. S A I . KM and thut u d t h e r y«‘ W, thè »Nt«| Defetid* at j n j G r a y Ituihllog. Salem. Or« g o o , anta, or any **f you, bave » n y righi, xx it bit» six m on th » after date o f till# lille, « alate, Ileo or lu t ili si lo or t<* not lee, >a»d premise» or « n y pati tiiercc*f. Dui* d liti» tftli dav o f M » y . 1 22 Ti ni siili decfeo he elilertsl foievel Last Pul.lieatton J un e N, PC2 « njoylr g ami rcatiaining you ami « tu h o f you frolli « xvrtitig « n y d a in i or in- .Signed 1 H E O D O B K o . Ml KM AN*. tere.-t \vh alane ver in or to *i»id p im i- (« F. t urtili, Attorne.v for Ad min* i»ea or any pari thervof, «d'era«' ti* Ut rat or. Pltkinlltf o f hi» aue«‘i#>«.ra ili ititi re-it aud for »ueh oliter and furthei n hef u • lo thè Court lliuy «ili «Ipdtahie unii 4 BIG ACTS propor. Vou uri* furllwr iiotifii d tliut Every Krulny mnl »iitiir.liiy wit It titiii 8 Uiumon» la siTved upon \« i| l»\ N U T H ' E i s 11 Kit EUX' G I V F N pubi le« t ioti t liete«.f in thè l'tirner T o Whom l( may . » .m e n i , that Ihe . i , *•!**»it|ff Orotrou, for (he co u n t y of ILm^’ rahie Pi rey lì Kelly. Judi *i States National Hank |t?«lg., Salem, j Merlon, ami to in* diroctiHt on ih«* tlu* ulto ve etitPUd Court, \« Idd i or»! r Or«*goit, xi k h lu six mollili» from ih r I T U R N E R , • ORE iliti day of May, 11*22. up >;»a jmlgiiu*nt wa» madc ami •tttcred of rce«»rd lo ilat«* ot the first puldieulh*li o f this ........................................ « - -- -------- and dec ree duly rviidt tv«i, i nti rul «*f »*al«l ittuac on thè Liti» day o f Api»!, notice. rvcord aitJ doc keted In and hv naid l 11)22 I hit** o f notte.- I« glntd ng May 'J', Court on th e hill «lay o f May, lu22, In S M I T H Jt s i I I K L D S . I»*22, ami e n din g June i‘#22 a certain suit then in »aid Court pend­ A l t o r n e y ’» for Pluintitl, 4t£ Ha le in UOSA MAI« K l PA I H II, ing, wherein Georjre S. Hall and Mar­ Hall» o f Colli, ltolg , Sub ni, Oregon, Adiuilii«t lat 1 1X of tlie Estate of M il'll C l«* » garet Hail were P l a i n t i f f *, ami Fr«-«i Adolph Mar kb 1 vltrb, Ihrce»sril. W right ami Mary W right, Ida wife, Merrill S. I.nittporl, Attiiritcy f*»r won* D efendant1» in favor o f IMaintifT» SUM M 0N S Adiid n i.i rttlrix. v and against »aid Ihffeinlant'.-» hy x% liioh IN THE CIRCUIT COURT exeunt inn I am com m a nd ed t"***’ll the Of tiid Sialo o f Qrogcu for M.\rioti • lailorinK - property in »aid exeetition am ! here­ Adminl.strflti.r’s Notice ot «71 FuurlHt. County. Ddparlmsnt No. 2 SALEM inafter deM*ril*ed I«» pay (lie mini due the Pin l Ml IT# t»f $.1,250 «>0 with inlere»t Orare 1*. Ste\eu», Plaid tifi*. Sale of Real Property thereon m ( (lie rati ui «» per cent. |* r V«*# NOTH F i s H E E E B Y G IV E N , a n n u m from the 2lUh «lay o f «April, Ilenriette Parrlsh, Nina Purrish ) I nal | in«Ml itit I" and hy virtue of an 1 1 ** 20 , until paid am) the further »uni of llulile Parrlsh H ln gis, KMya !.. ) or«ler o í ti »• cHitinly Cnuit, f«*r Murimi Co * and K tu uni C o x t Iter iiu* j $*jn -*T with Interest at the rate o f 0 |*er l ’hira|>raclic-»pinolof ì> I count v. S»al*- o f Or« g-*n, mad«* * * ti t h e ’ cent, per a n n u m from (he L’tfth day o f liiind.Jertsie IIugney uudG eorge ; U -! d ij o f '• y. J 22 , i. w o. \\ Hugney, In r liu-l ai d, S.unm l Nove»»l*er, 1 D 2 1 , hi »«I (lie further joiiu « I l MO V. S. Hank Building Itiirg« r, Adiniiiiwtrstor o f Ih«* h>tau- of Attorn ey» fee-*, togeth er w itti Parrlsh ami Ikdle i‘ arrl*l», hi* o f Fr« «In |. k W. Ihirgcr, D - • c *«* d, n ife ; thè itnktiown («eira ol ) llie eiwti ami dDburwentent.** *»f Miid .'wait*m. O r e g o n xx ill *« II »I Ptl!»ilc Sale mi tin- Htll «lay F ii '.iU th NV. i*arr)»h,deu« ased, *uit taxed at ami rn»!» and ex- o f June, |‘*2- f«.r #*t«sl», i l e I l i n i n g pensea of »aid execu tion, I will ou tlu unknowii h e lr»o f J*»»Iuh L. . deaeri I *«•«! n a l | lettihis (u. a i t : S A l t T . D A V. tin? JOih «lay o f June, L- Parrlsh. deeen»if Norinau C. Pur- ) at the iiour o f 11 o'clock a in., *»f folirtlH li f* « I 1 « (»•«•!, • fi nt I lo- East ri sii .dece asili; tlu* un kn ow n J * 1 .« Weat .1 - t ..f the c um etui ttu n of, in High lie# J A d d i t - • licita «>f Stimm i li. P. Parrlsh, ) W a l l I* a p e r , P a i n t * a n d ly t ourt XloukC in m u i h , cou nty o f Ion to tIt«- t My of Silen i, M ario n' deeeaaed: tlie unknovi n h* ii » « f Marion, Oregon, »oil at public auction «•outiiy, Oregon, P ic t u r e F r a ir .ir .c Cliarles W. P a llid i, dic ea scd ; ; to the hi 9 heat bidder for cash in bund Th«* term» of « i|d »al** a?** («• ca»ti • J5 Court 8 t. Itisi* ali pelMJll» or partii» un- ) «in tlie da y of nale, all the rtirhf, title, Aalrm. O'* in liatol unti «ohi to tio* highest und interest and estate w hich »aid Defend- Kli'iWU d a lt n in g a n y riglit, lille ) t>«'st ladder Nald side to I«* had oil interest, iieii or estate )u or lo ; ant'» ami all persona cla im in g under the prelim« s at the hour o f II oM«»ck thè pro|M riy d r t c r iU d l u t h e ) ttiem j**femlant» ) IMaintifT» umrlfratre in, o f and to »aid W M II H U K G K I L premises hereinbefore intMitiom d and T o 1 Ile Defciidant» A i o « v Nntlied : J 1 It AduiiuistraUir. described in said execution as fodowi*, IN T H E N A M K U| f H K 8 T A T I OF O K K G O N , Voti ami «-ad» «»fyou, to-w it: Ilcpinu¡Off at a point on the w«st ar«* herehy reqtiirnl to a; | h nr ami hii - * bouudry or the Southern Paeilic (Nnn- awer ) he eoiu pini ut tl U tl agallisi you pany's ru iiaay ri^tit-« f-wny, in »cation in thè al ove entllled Court and ouiì - m - N o r i F E IS III IlK H Y G I V I N, ildriy-lh rec, t o w u « h i p 4 South, Ifatixe oh or hefore thè 2 pl day «*f June, 1 U 22 , T h a i »■>• nn u rde rn l Ihr tinuiily I • uri. i, West o f the Willamette Meridian, a nd if y « MI f^il so to apjH'ar and un- o f Alnrhiii ponili v. Urn,, m. ni id.- unii L* iis « rt«*eurately dupln uli d and w hich point ia ars Koat t w e n t y • swer «aid coviiplaint U|>**n sai»! «late f*»r m i r i n i on ih r 1*7• li d m of Muy, I' j Gptieoi rt pairscur« fuIly six and e ig h ty hundreds chains u nni Ihcrtof, thè Piai utili' « bo v e I IIP un.trI «l^ril'li h ,1 r íx'i I, a|i|mh |i ,f and North 42 d«*greea, Hast h ha » chain» nuim*<Ì wili apt»ly l«i thè Court f#»r ilo- K i n U h l '» o f Ihr Follili* i f K \V. ami proiuptly inade. from the southwest corn er o f said sec­ rellef prayid f»*r in her c**n»pl»lnt, t«»- W u II mii , I h n » il, uni! linvr i|iiii!if1i il tion in »aid township and range; w it; u «le«-ree «I» ere» Ing ptaintil! lo i «• ua « u d ì. Ail |i r u m , h a r in a rluin - H A T M AN BOS, t henee West 28.4s chains to th e center thè o w m r in fee Mlmple ami harrlng uxuiii>t >»hl E- intr urr hrn b . i,..|ii|t .| i h » v e . a t : n u A \ . i o f Kerri# r breek; then ce do w n said you , and cucii #>f y«»l», fr*>tu ali da in i, to |>rr«i nl I lie «mue duly vrrifl. il. « lili SALEM creek to the ath Is.undry of a piece i ight, tille, interest, lieti or «•state in or p m i» r * -in l o t - , to ,ui.I Exn-iiior'u o f land deid cd by Saura«-! It. T. Jones to tlu* foli«»* |ng deai-rli e«l pr* in!»« » In ut f lo* orti.. ol If \V Mary, A llo ro .-, » ml wife, to KLxui>elh Kberltard; Marion co u nty, «»regoli. for Ihr I-«luir. '.’I'.MImy tildar . hill ni. t l i c n c - E u * t M chains to the sforc- Hegiuning ut thè center o f thè Iut«-r- Orrgnn, wllliln .lx m o l ili., from ||u »♦eoliofi of. Parrisli ami Capito! strc**t?* said West ! MHiudry o f Sdutlicm Uaciflc «luir o f llil» li ol in-. in t!»#* < Hy o f Salem, «)r»g»n, n udi railu ay roin i>any V riefit-of w u\ : 11 »«* n «- Dal.-.] Gil» l»i ility .if Jiinr, 1'i-J. rtinning tlience Soufh erly uiong ilo South 4 J «I«*Krit-rt \V**st nlonti Haiti s i » i i : i „ \v a i . i . A i e , line «*f t'apitol »treei P» III«’ «*#••• 1 « r of bouri'lry to the pl»r«» #*f In ^innin>r. ex- A H D E K I. W a I .I .A F E , N#*rth Mi il t'ie ek; thein*e N»*rtli- o**|>tii >9 howev«*i', therefrom, ail ##f the E Xrt-.llol ’» w eit erly d o w n thè center «*f N**rth Weet «»ne-half o f ttie iCaet mie half **f Mill Creek to thè <*ent« r «*f Sum that eertaiu tract o f land ho I«J to K. It. iner »tre#t; thetiee Nortlo rly iihmg Ball by H**nr.v B«»je a nd *\*n»n It#*k tiie center line «*f Siiinim r str« « i t«* January .*îr«J, Ifill, rec«>»dtd iu tl*e N O T I C K i s H F .ltF 11V G I V E N , lite center o f thè inters« «-(i«.|i <»f Par Marion eounty lh < #>r«U o f I)ee#K Jan. I lint Git- undersign««!, by nn "i«i»-r ol ri-di al ree! ;th«*i:c«* E isterly along ilo t*. Bill, in V o lu m e lid, on Payeur.*, ( lit- co u n ty < ‘«'(ill, «»I Murh»u «••uinly, > i)#*nt#T line o f Parrlsh Mr#ct t<» th# vaid tra«*t contninin^ t.li’i acres o f land, S P E C IA L IS T n laoeof begiii’ ilng,»ituuted in Sah-in, Oregun, fundi* and entered up mi l)n- nmri. i>r !• ->*, 12.7*» arre»*, more in Internal Mn In in« (nr lim 2nd«lri\ «»fMay, 1W22, h .u I m # n ippoim Slurion county, Oregon. nr lertj*, to I m * #*#»\ r» «I hy Ihi* ilee«l. Hui#l sale le*lug m ade subject t#» r«*- Vou are furtlier nolid ed , tliat tlil- •*«l Afliidnislfnloi «»f (lie K*(nte or |>a»t elrv.-ii yrarr. deinption in tiie manner |*r#»vi«le#l by Sutuiuon» i»scrvcd ujam you hy puh Em« »1 NV. .'-'iiiimoii , I h « « a»« «1, and lair. Dated tb i» I|th d a y <>f May. l’»22. liealion thereof in thè Torner Tribune, ha» < § it«1 i ll i*«i a» #*u«*li, A ll p-rsunn a newapaper o f g<*neni| circuì.tl ino, • h av in g r.'IniiiiH agaii ►! said KHate ar«* O. D. B O W Kit. Does Not Operate ! o rln te d and piihllshe«! in Turner, !»« r« hy imllti« <1 to pr«*s«*iil th«? suine .SherKT o f Marion co u n t y , Oregon, Marion cou nty, ( ir* goti, pursii mt t<> an duly v« filled, with pr"p*r xauichcrs lu ! NN ill he at #»ider o f th»* ilouorubh* George G. said Adtninisfr«(oi ut ||u* «»fih*«* o f ll. Hingham, Judge of Hi»* ub«»v«* cu lli 1*^1 NN’. NI iii - x , A tto rm y for flu E»lAle, *j#i2 ™ Court, madc ai . ii). egon , that the and thè tasi puhlierition u ili he mi tin­ Administrator. ti rat «Jay of June, 11)22. A N N U A L SCH OOL M EETIN G o f f.vl#l Do* (i um wlh lie l.ehl ri Beh or# I M cN A K Y , M c N A R Y & K K Y p K , K. House) lo begin at Ihe hour o f O do M. PA G E , Attorneys fo r PlaintiiT. N'o char go fur c.niniillnti.iii u’ clocL p. in., «ui the- third M on da y #*f June, being llie Mth «luy of June, A. I’ liolH'HD B p », Mit J Dr. Melleiitlilu I» n reguliir graduala U* IirJ 2 . In tiiedlvineand »nrgery Slid lallceOM-d D R . O A . O L S O N Tills rnc»*ting is called for the pur Miti))' « c i e i i t i f ì c p O b l l r y m i ll >'y Ihe alale Ilf « r e g o li. Ile visita pro. •DEN T I S T f*ose o f elect in g One Diteetor to serve I . 1 . 1 . fcaalonully the more iinpurluiit to w n » I’.dilli -» Extraction nf T u lli hy three year» anil One C'lerk to nerve h u v o r.'|>ort« .l t o I lio m a n u f u c - „ i ,d e i n . » and oiler« to all ........... .. Nervi* Iti <»cki|igor N i l r«»:i«* Oxide o n e y e a r nud the trnnsaetioii o f hu»E t u r e r à o f C I I K K U O f r e i l , Unit Hila trip free eonaultnilon, e xce p t the ne»» tiMi.iI at ru. Ii ineelitig. MunDtiib Têtu pie HA LEM ,, . . . i u*p*n*e o f IrcutUH'lit when dealred. D a t ' d this —Ot I, dny a f May, I f - 2. t h e r e 1 » n o |>oultry f. o> hi» nielli. h | o f treat» ATTEST: #i. A . G. Moore, tnakei tlia t e.|tnila ( I I I . K K O in meut he does not uperute forehronlp D h trlc t < I n k . Cara or F. W . H e w itt, .( U a l it y , u n . I t lie p r i c e i , u lit t le " p p ' nill. itl», gall atone«, uteera o f »tnmu. li, (otiailn or adenoid». * F iiu iriiia n B . urd of D ir. oli i». Yick So Tone 1 ta n g 's L I Range People’s Furnilsre Store UJ1¿9D€ÜICC€ TH6AT«e tdm inislratrix N ot’cc Dr. O. L. Scott l:yes l ested * * * * * * The StovdiuildcTs' Indie’s and (ients ; SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR Entered at tW' Po?t*»ffice at Turner. Oregon, a« sccor.d-ela.ss matter, under the Act of March 3, 1*79. Uady Assistant ft\ the Count'. Collii of th«« Mute of Oregon for the Comity of Mai ion. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOroOOUO 0 0 000*1 D. II. M O S H ER Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon A I N ^ ^ C ^ ^ E ^ E M ^ B A L M ^ R ^ 0T Physician and Snrgcon L IN E S THE TURNER TRIBUNE A D M 1 N IST R A T O It 8 N 0 T I 0 R A P F O Q iT M f iN T II. N. Gragg i W EBB & C LO U G H CO. SUM M ONS e ( iivuit Court «*1 the Slat«* ol O d oit, tor Marion County, D purtmeitl No. I. ¿Si Executor’s Notice G la s s jc s F itto c i C u m in g to SALEM Adm inistrator*» Notice 1 .V* ,,t" Notice of Annual Scliool Meeting »n o n on T u » d « y to visit friend». Dr. Mellenthin Marion hotel Thursday, June 8th ONE D AY ONLY CH IiR RO Poultry Feeds are Best L. M . H U M T h e Ice praam noclal th u l » : . » too? bet'll Ilei.) n l Flo ve rd a le m -I io o I h»u»e hi»l Salurday niitlit was pimi|MiDed u n ­ til some time in Ju ne . C H IN E S E M E D IC IN E AMD T E A CO M PA N Y Mi-» E.-Hier L. J.dinaon, n Dircetor o f the Kill».>ii-White Fhautau.|Ua, I» In re tliia we. k at the Baker hotel a» »¡-lim i our local Chautaa.j.ja cmn- mittee ill neeo. «»ary al rai'ií. in. i.t» f..r llie >.|»'ii;uu .lay w h ich ia Friday ufterniMiii, June ‘J , at the Tabernacle. I he yo u n g Indy i» very energetic live- wire I hm «te r; | (rasant tu nil s. ml a liuatlyr for • ha.it!iU>|ua burin.s». ATTEND The Turner Chautauqua ■ ■ - TV ii .. . - ________ A ir A rappers t\ T * ^ f i l l « i\{V \ca CM, L IllO Ml ll« .C !cas 011 acculi n t of fieig lit. If y o u Im ve n o t u s e d ( M I K K R O , K O It S .V L M . N l '-U r g e houie und four lot» In north T u r n t ru t reasonable t r y it u n d he l l i e j u d ^ e . Iins mrdicin» wfii#-h will ^iir« lirici! Ini|uire tliia oll.ee for p a itic u - k^iowri «liions«*. Open Hundnyi from lnr». 10:00 a. ni. lo 8:00 p. m. I.rj3 8 . ILtfh S ’ ., Hnlorn Ora I’ atteriuu timi W li ite have »wtiug I’hone 283 in to line for (lient t » hit'll . lio w » the true rpirit o f repiilillianirtn. Hull For Good Noodles See w a l In-next after lie Im» »| ent a few lliiiuaaiids In tr) ii.g to Ii ml out » In ri * ¡enera! Banking Bu»ine»^ ho Í» at. Interest ru n ! ou T im e Deposits and W. H . I(*rrh< 1» to build a new H a ving » A cc o llili» At Most Feed Stores ta ile d States N ational Hank garage for W. T. liioh lea to lmu»u their newr Overland car which unstained In. 1 F o r. Htulo and F oim iie rciu l HI«. J iir ic -» l Independence a week ago in di»puting the right-of-uay of a truck in which the entire family » .-re «o im - i w h * l »ligkeli up S a le m ;.i O re g o n Jo hn For rest • » In to » u ( 1 . 1 » « Read thp L. Bone« udv, BIN SIN BEST CHINESE DISHES ». Liberty Kt. — • in to .’ hi|re|i f g n . l .; . Salem H e lia » t o t il« ere.Ill won derful ro. »ult« tn diæaaca o f llie alotnaeh, liver, bow el», blood, aliln, nerves, heart, kid. m y , Ua.I.ler, Ioni wellin g, eatnrrh, » e iik Iniig», rheunialUni, ». Intica, leg ulcera und rectal mIIm. ni». Ifyou huve lieen uilliig for any leni of lim e and do get nny hett. r, do 1 full lo cali, a , iiuproper iliruMtire, rn er tlinii