PREPARING PORK TO USE OR SELL WORLD. 1925 OREGON D AD TI ANH I N V I T E S THE OFFERS A M A R K E T FOR Y O U R P R O D U C E r U K I L M llI / P ortland, O raron V A U D E V IL L I PMOTO P L A Ÿ I C om pleta C h an ga S a n and Thura. Matin«-«* l* a lly. T a lc a N ightly S a tu rd a y . S u n d ay, H oliday*. C ontinuous H ip p o d r ô RE , j ^ GO WHERE WAVES ARE WARM IN WINTER ufCtf9 E [_ At t r a c t i v e M a g a z i n e ^ M a t e r i a l Lqiul* Any California B ead. S o n iti Winter Katra Now in ESact I*»ved Highway SB VSiDE. OREGON SEASIDE HOTEL M Selling Hogs and Buying Pork Is Not a Profitable Practice tor Farmers. Section '•Dei ote J to i w ill m ake Silo», G ran ari ea, B asem ent*, e t c . W a te r ­ proof. Rotproor, Katproof and Fireproof D U S A M edusa W aterproofed W h ite P ortlan d C em ent !• the bent for Stucco P lan ter on outaldc for P u n g a - low »—Uoes not »ta in and d ir t can be hosed off ■ W rite for L ite ra tu re . Sold by M E N T a . M c M illan v » a ti««g HEMS 1 111 h i m ; 1ND PI RATING. Buttonholing — P ttor.» — P la itin g — T u ck in g and C hainstitchtng ‘ All Mail tarderà given ca refu l a nd prompt attention E L IT E S H O P , 128* Tenth near W a a h i r g t o i . __________ j A *rx»i i lace to F a t » iv i L ie » W ail. K em arkabta *Oe lurxbe»>n a t noon. 3pan ? ! * . » l a m tt* S ta rk St. PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. . ST .’^ Â ^ How’s Your Blood? Do You Need a Tonic? Ilvlp laaat* lh a ( irr* n «r« 4 by th* l i t i u . l MUI m |»*v»rti»»»* ui A frltf«ll«ir*,) CALLA I.II.\ ’S H U M A now ere ;liut happen, > 1 I» t*e growing near the Utile ttromu which run along NE day little Jack-lnth«-Pulpit l,T the conservatory was telling the wild flowers about On»n the wild flowers had nodded him how wonderful was the world In <*'» hothouse flowers and some of h d CASCARA î ha r which they lived. hud bent a little In answer, but .......... — MCNM -------------- HARE ite uvie» ao«r*. * -•».»«• » M T U M r t r O iâ H . M « A au re a» P et^artm ent B "Just think," he was saying, "how the stalely Call.» Elly. She pre- Write for Pnce» and Shipping Tag» fortunate art* we to be out here grow- tended she did not see them or their lng in the light and fresh ulr when friendly nod. KODAK FINISHING alt those flowers we can see through And there was a reason for this, for BEST R ö l'L T S —LOWEST BRIO S. tfí/ i/ n * Perrina» roti n m, w s , jo cu. Yrinu. the big glass window s have to live In- Galla knew that Jack in the-Pulpit was o*« ••• » f CV.SO««« all w « » . Velvet 4c. Bnlliant Gk*ss 5c. Robert* a rvlativc of hors—distant, to be sure, i'hoto Shop. Tit' Ss HiUg.. I\ rtland. Orv. > ' but still he wus related—and If one A»* j stooped to look an-! compare Calla PORTLAND. ORE. F ire Proof and Modern and Jack they would see at one« a N E W H OUSTON HOTEL | family resemblance. A. E. Holcombe, Manager E X PE R T W eekly K ate* to I'erm aA enl G uest» Calla's dutnty, wnxllke cup rxoem- S ix th ar.d F v e rc tt S lr r e ts . T hree Block» ew Postoffice, F our B lock» from hlea Jack's greenish lirown pulpit, and 4 9 j Union 1 Depot. P ortland, Or». Calla's pretty, yellow, upright center resembles In shspe Jack himself as be EXCELLENT SERVICE PATENT ATTORNEY .lan d s beneath the curved pulpit. And By Pared Pwt RHurn Pottage Paid. V\ We can *bv'w you how to turn your p»tentable Circular* and Prices. idea* into caah Oregon Licenaed Mev hamcai that was the reason t'alla Lily did no! nod or notice the little wild flowers At Your B eck and Call" S S & e Ä S a WLVtL “ s,*'*a* outside her glass home; she was afraid LAYTCN COOPERAGE^CO. I N F 0 R M A T I 0 N j that some one would know that she ' and humble little Jack were cousins, Manufacturer* « Dealer* in for she supposed that Jack knew It New and Second-hand and was bragging to the other wild Among the many prominent “movie'' | flowers about It. stare, Doris May Is rsgardsd as ons a g r icu ltu r a l im ple m e n t s “They will be sure to tell It to some of the most wlnsoms. Shs has bssn F arm Im plem ents—New und second hand, special prices. P. F F sb en sh ad «, of the flowers standing near the door seen In numerous promlnsnt pleturss PORTLAND. ORK. 360-36$ E M orrison S t _B a st » 1 ._______ some day when the gardener leaves on ths serssn and has hosts of ad- Ja ck ■/ft -1he Pulpit, nf j j BRAZING. WELDING A CUTTING the door open.“ ml rare. This is ons of hor latsat pie- N orthw est W elding «á Su p p ly Co. 66 1st St Te/ltnf IMe fJ o r ^ n j RLBBEP STAMPS and MARKING C k_ E A N N G AND D > E NG The truth of tho matter was that turss. DEVICES. _ __ Jack knew nothing about the s t a t e l y ----------------------------------------------------- For reliable Cle anin _ g end „ ¿* ln^ / erv“ * r“ "rnpar' ,ti* s 8l,ie an J never bfvuthe the clear, crisp relative growing Inside the hothouse, wild home and gave no thought to ¡V"forrn»nJr'*ya n j' pncee given »fr- and If he bad he would have pitied high-toned relatives. "Every* ¡ ¿ ¿ i c y up.:n reu-oest. “And here we a re close to this her. for he was quite happy and satis But If C ulls L ily had but known It E stSrah ed is»o S Portland stream and those poor hothouse plants fled growing out In the air and light i there was another Jack not far from have to wait until some one brings and would not have changed places •••« one she could see from the win- CUT F LO W E R S A FLORAL DESIGN» C ..i;k e Bros , F io risi», ->7 M rrison St. water to them. We should l e very with Calla for all her beauty and "f whom she had more to fear, thankful for all our comforts.“ stately bearing. for he bore much more striking tw­ FOLNDRY AND MACH INE W OR KS C om m ercial lro n W ork», *th & M adison. ilight near the window of the con- n e loved the woods and the moist » « “blance to the stalely Lily than the E xp ert ad v ice on Any Income ta x p ro b lem s HO RSES. M U LE S BOUGHT, SOLO s e r v a to r y . w h ic h w a s w h a t J a c k m e a n t .n o t w h e r e h e crew «n .I Ills f r ie n d , » t h e r J a c k . S e v e ra l y e a r s a c tu a l u . s. ST A B L X S. W l a i m * « ■ D raft ' "I" 1 " " * r e g r t " 8D J n w r r t e n ,u x, . ex p erien ce In G overn- horses bought an d sold.________________ g la s s w in d o w s, g re w a t h a t g r e w a b o u t h im . T h is Seoul und Jack-In the-l'ulplt had u green white covering which looked r u .v ... — -------------- m a c h i n e r y stutely Calla Lily In a big pot. She There were the tickle, Inte-comlng --------- J i ui auytl r« :n . ftea looked oat the mi M wild wind tl.uvcrs; though they never tar­ very much like Cullu’s wax white cup, f S J V ’ T S I J L U n e iv . , h n- Iron or W oodw orking M ach in rrv . Logging. and if sometime you are In the place ¡ d im e Tt . T l w v t o u to sa w m ill. C o n tra ,to r i K q u m m rrL L o v o - ried. Jack . . . Otway, glad lo .ox w| |h. j „ . k, t r „ w , nd }o0 I *J cSSlfi motlv-M. B o ilers. E ngines. OYushors, B all, ■■n,l lx .xi, «I»... .. * • I . h , them and hear them prattlx of 0 . the g et ln J ' w i,« ' a .r t lx n d Oreocn C ab, B eltin g, etc. B u rk e M ach in ery C o , look you may be fortunate enough to Room »0» L ew ie B ld g ., P ortland, O regon. K aiiw ay E xch ange Bldg . P o rtlan d , Or. sights they expected to see. and thetr find this other Ja rk with the greenish- Fire Proof And Modem MoLF.K BARBER COLLEGE farewell flutters as they sailed away white pulpit, though this Is not so com­ Teacoes trade in 6 wee**. Some pay while learn­ alw ays made Jack glad he did not cure mon a variety us the durk colored ing-. ¿’oauions secured. W rit* for cataAuaua 2S4 Burnside street. Portland. Ore. __ __ ( to roam, as they did. Jacks. O N U M E N T S — E . 3d a nd P .n e S t » , There were the wfld LltlesnMhe- PARK AND MORRISON STS. u M tto Sch u m ann G ran ite 4 M arb le W o rk « But yon can be sure both Jacks V alley; they were friends of Jack's rw p o t llo rtia n n C a r , d ir e r t to H o te l l opolar P E R S O N A L rather live In their airy, light P n c aa . O r . te r Shop p m * and T h eater d ia tn e t. also, and , he felt , they had much In n would M arry if L o n ely; m ost su cce ssfu l “Home o m es In in me woous man in glass homes In me the M aker” ; hundreds ric h . co n fid en tial, FRAN K A. CLARK . P ro p , common, for their name was as ong , . the _ their .. woods , stalely . . than . cousin . . Calls ... re lia b le ; y e a r s ex p erien ce; descrip tion » ., , . ., , , ‘ * house where fo rm erly w ith C lyd e HoteL free. “The S u cce ssfu l C lub." M rs. Nash as h s ; there were the b rds and the L1, (| Box 356, O akland, C alifo rn ia,___________ trees, too. Jack wus huppy In his tr s p r r is m > BAB’S RESTAURANT OIFFERENT WAYS OF CURING Young Animals From 8 to II Months Old Ars Beet for Furnishing Homs Msat Supply—Avoid Dangsr of Oissass. W a te r prooí ed C E Mm. Surah I .ami) O . . Dveing & Cleaning from * D EPARTM EN T BARRELS INCOME TAX P R 0 B L EM S'7 "nt Bur*’ “!< °,,tr” m R IT Z H O T E L K rtry furiiu'r cmi w%*ll proiluc# th# IHirk nml pork pnnluct» which nr«* con- MUiiioii on hi» fiirni, fur »«'llliitf I k > e » mnl bu>liitf pork I qvu I y n prollii», hut in*« to th«* farmor ««iigittfial In tli* prm*- tli'«*. Till» point la brought out III K m run*r»’ Hul U*t In 11 vi. publUluHt by lb«* United Stilt«*» m*piirtn»«*nt of Ag* rUulturo, which toll» how hog» »houbt I k * ktlU*il mnl ilofirtihi'a ilUT«*r«*nt tiicth- ih U of curing ami cnuulng (Mirk on th# furiu. Highly nulrltlou» mul p M lu tu h l* lH»rk priHlucta fi*r houn* u»«* nr«* «*u»lly iuaib*s miya tin* bull«'!In. I*i»rk can h* curtsl Mini cntnosi In a number of WHjri mul tin* vurl«*ty of prinluctM a f­ ford* u »upploiiicnt to tlm dully tn«*ul» Young Hog« Ytold B»«t M ut. A bog of iu « h 1I uiu condition, gnln tug rtipidly In weight, yield» the bent quality of meat. A roMonibl* niui»unt of fat give» JulclnoA» und flavor to the nirnt, but large miiountM of fMt are objtvt tollable. Smooth, even, and deeply fleidied hog» yield nicely mar* blinl meat». The meat of old bog» will I k * Itnproxed If they are properly fattened before »laughter, but young bog» from eight to twelv# month« old ure beat for furuUblng the homo meat aupplyr. The bulletin emplmaU«**' e»|»*clnlly the Import mu'«!» of i* an'tliig only healthy bog» for aL«ugbt«*r and of thoroughly cinikiug all pork product« u»«*d for food. Even If the hog ha» been properly fed and carrlea a prime tint»!!, the h«**t quality of meat cannot he oh taln«*d If the nnitnul 1» not healthy. There 1» nlwuya «i*me danger that dtaenae» may be tramuultted to the l*er»on who eat» the meat, particu­ larly If It 1« not thoroughly cooked. Hog« Before Killing. Ui>g3 Intend«*«! for elnuchter «houhl not be kept on full f«*«*«l up to tlie la 1 m , you » 0 Kast Haknraflidd. Calif. — “Dr Plrrcc'a Holden Modlcal Illscovary la tlio lM>st tonic and blood purlflor I liii." n r i lakon I llAV* Inkau and ha\o used ‘Uoldon Modlcal lua rovxry' In my family for many y><.irs. I And It oxccllcnt for rougha, colds and aa a I i U hh I purifier aud Spring tonic. Whenever I tieeoina rundown or havx a tired and worn- oul feeling. I lake the illscu v vry' aad It builds ui« rlghl up and gl.Va me now life. 'Gulden Medleal IMseovary' la a very «saentlal family medicine aud can !>« railed upon"- Mrs. Harah Lamb, 10U8 pacltte 81. Obtain the Discovery In tablets or liquid from your uearvst drug­ gist or send 10c for trial parkag« lo Dr IMcrca'a lnvallda' llutol. lluf- ftilu. N V. Look Upward. If we look down, then our should«!* stoop. If our thoughts look down, our rltsrarlx r bxnds It Is only wh«n wa hold our hrads up that the body ho- comxa erect. It la only whoa our thought« go up that our life become« erect.— Alxxaudxr MrKentle. He Hae a Big Head. A full grown buck antelope le sm all­ er than any adult specimen of our American dxor, and quite different from any of them In form, aaya the American Kureatry Magaslne. It baa a big head, which la held erect upon a short, thickset neck. Unethical. Blobba—“1 waa pretty well down In tho world when an Idra suddenly struck me." Hlubbe—"It's a cowardly Idea that would strike a man when he le down." • The End. "I'll never ask another girl lo marry me aa long as I live." groaned the ua- ; happy fellow. "W hat! Refused again V’ _ naked his sympathetic friend. "No. ac- J j cepted. you fool!” ] PAINS ACROSS : SMALL OF BACK P IP E R E P A IR IN G H otel H oyt Located Sixth and Hoyt S tr ic tly F ireproof an d Modern. N ear both depots and co nven ient c a r serv ice to a ll p a rt» of c ity P I P U C R ep aired by e x p e rta i I II UrO Plpe^Shop, pit>e Shoo. 272 27J w W ash a . PRUNE TREES PRUNE Before buying elsew h ere see us. Colum bia N u rse ry Co . 1400 Union A ve., P ortland, j BAN ITA R Y BEAUTY *| Hatband Helped in Housework.— Lydia L Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Made Her Stroag TREES PARLOR W e help th e a p p ea ran ce of wom ea. T w e n ty-tw o inch sw itc h or tran sfo rm a ­ tion, v alu e $7 *>y. p rice 92 45 41)0 to 412 D ekum Bldg. 'T T T 'h e R iq h t T h in q \| J ... —— i R ig h t T im e L ' VLUY place een dee.»a country ■ S...I a t th e ■ ' now gotta trouble. When de war go on seema Ilk -. everybody gotta same Idee. Only ting wot makn trouble , !{J tree, four year ago, was da flghL jg| Each niaka da strike or da keek bouta ' somathi.-ig. Only ling gotta do was CON VO T IO N S putta kaiser on da bum. But seence da war queeta fight and da kaiser go ou da hog we getta more « J ^ O X T you think It Is js-rfectly trouble as ever. Nobody feela good M—' splendid the way we are get and everybody wanta keeka other one. ! ting away from conventions?" a gusli- K*'" ,la f:* ht wt* ,nnka K<«"ia Job. but i lug young murrled woman asked the weeth du [ne day he saw M YERS BLA CK W E LL CO. L W»SS*"i B ; et, ¡ra F u n e r a l Pleeee people I knew are having breakfast I iiKItnoe L .vet et e “ i H Vl r>eel m r-v w fir the 'ad.' in our pa­ u hh ner F lo rists, 348 M orrison SL nooks In thetr i ! 'r V : r and don’t Proper Equipment for Rapid and Skill­ 462 Hawthorne Ave.. PORTLAND. ORE per t o llin g w h a t STOCK DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE ever Intend to have hreukfust In the Lydia K I’inkham's .... ... ful Work at Killing Tima It Impor­ Isn't It perfectly won- V e g e ta b le Com ­ ______ ___ . ml. E“-a> A lban y, Oregon 16« A culti- \ (lln,n|t room, tant. rw"'l bs bat* _ —------- -------- W-, i fl^irl dIpro- pound is doing for Wool c i exn ! r g and card Ir* W ool t s vs 7r««k "th r^ i'h fp derful?" tv . a g » ; trout creek jsm throu gh past time of killing. II Is belter lo hold VTC U U s.nsllss» I b „ „ J — 1 — women, so 1 began ° duces excellent grain and clover All An'*- o f course, I agreed that It wni custom card in g . W rite for prices them entirely without feed for IS to h " take it. It naa j rS ^ b S a o lo w T 7 a l7 ‘C r n ‘i^ournuU d* »*H that we could alter oar custom« w-lped me wonderfully. I am feeling Costal Springs Woolen Mills ingS on good g ra v e l road P rir«. S100.0C j to *ul* ,h** times without actually 24 hours prior to that (line, hut they fine, do all my houaework and waahing E st ablished ln 1905. ?er acre. should have all Ihe fresh drinking wa­ I 1 per a cre C laude H ale, M ilw aukee, Oregon ] l,,w< ‘rlng our standards. And she ! for »even in the family. I have been tr- R ftoute o i * ‘ 1. M ain O fflc« and F acto ry. ter they want. It Is essential lo have 7«l> U m atilla A v»., P ortland. j wen^ 0,1 : regular too, and now am ail rig h t I am the proper equipment for rapid and telling my friends what it haa done for “And It Is Just th« same with other i For Violin Backs, th in g ! Tom doesn't In tlie least mind | skillful work at killing lime. Such me and am aura it will do good for equipment includes a nt might sticking When any figure appears on other». You ran uae thia letter aa a tes­ having me hove my men friends, nnd smooth surface as though in relief, it j I suppose be keeps up with the girls | knife, a culling knife, a 14-Inch steel timonial. I will stand up for Lydia E. 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc. Is called mottle, says the Americac Vegetable Compound any | he used to know. | go to dances lo keep the knives sharp, a liog hook 't Pinkham'a i m e . ”— Mr». W m . J uiinke , Foster, Ovcrh.-j.ed , p o r e s t r y Magazine. The fiddle-back without him If I choose nnd accept | for holding Ilia nnliimla, n hell sliaped j Oregon. Invitations from men to lunch—It Is stick scraper, a gambrel for holding W E N T W O R T H & IRWIN, Inc., mottle appears a series of bills and Doing the housework for a family of all part of this new dlarcgnrd for the hog to facilitate cleaning and cut­ seven Oregcn D l.«trib«tors for GMC T r u c k , valleys and derives its name from tbi is some task. If you, os a house­ *00 Second S t., Cor. T a ylo r P ortland. Oi conventions. It's Just like paper nap- j ting the meat, and n meat saw. If wife. are troubled with backache, ir- ------------------ common use of maple with such flgur) the hog U not loo Inrge, n barrel Is a king—mother would have been horri­ rogularitica, are eaaily tired out and in making the backs of violins. fied at the Idea of either, but mother i convenient receptncle for scalding. irritable, or have other disagreeable sil- greea R A IN IE R H O T E L Complete directions for killing and menta caused by some wnnknens, give wasn't advanced.” he, SI 00 ari WL 128». 6» S l rxltailk. cleaning a hug, properly culling the Lydia E. 1‘inkham's Vegetable Com- Seven Wonders of New World. Very Centrally I treated. Conveu»ent to »11 And I suppose that there are some Depot». aiXl one block from main Pustoflice other people who have this same portions of meal, rendering lard, mak­ poiind « trial. Lot it help you. The Seven Wonder» of the New hazy notion of tlie "conventions,“ hot ing saiisuge, smoking cured meat, and World it an appellation sometime» High Price of Forgery. there really is n vast difference be­ home canning of pork and pork prod­ j conferred upon the following group oi tween the slight Innovation that ucts ure described In the bulletin, Three hundred years ago forgpry In 'n atu ral object» in the United State»: changes our precise mode of having copies of wlilrli can he obtained free Britain was punishable by death. In ou application to tlie Department of FISTI.'LA. F ISSI'HE, Itch- (1) Niagara Falls, (2) Yellowstoni breakfast or dinner, nnd another Inno­ Ir g • other rtv lx l, earlier times still, the punishment was conditions except C an cer ' park, (3) Garden of the Gods, ( l) vation that means n radical change In Agriculture. standing In tho pillory, having both our notion of married life. o u t^ "u rgfc» 1 Uoperat'on* Mammoth Cave. (5) Yo.emlte Valley So we may change our manners with j RIGHT TIME TO PLANT CORN ears cut off. having the nostrils silt m >' ! ' V '“'" ; l («) Giant Trees of California, (7) Na* sa v e s th, tissu e Instead of . _ , , and perpetual Imprisonment. regard to slinking bands; we might j ural Bridge. d estro y in g it. It is pain less, req u ires no a n e s ­ give up ham) abaklng entirely, bill j In Central Corn Belt Seed Planted In th e tic and is perm an ent. April Is Slow In Coming Up and that would not mean that we might [ Men S ell; Women Buy. T h ere i» no co nfin em en t In olden tim es If a girl were w illini to tied, no in terferen ce la Not Hardy. change our basic Ideas of friendship When men talk together It la of w ith t7usine»s or so cial en gagem en ts i to marry, and not engaged, it was th« and loyalty toward our friends. •fu yo ur fee. ( . . . . g u a r a n ts e a cu rs or w ill refund , . There la a right lime lo plant corn, the price at which things can be sold; C all or w rite for bo o klet M ention this custom fo r her to w e a r a ring on th« If you have the gift of thinking p ap er when w ritin g. , first finger of the left hand. If sh« clearly you won't confuse these two and usually the better fiiriiiera wheth­ women talk of prices at which U Inga er they figure by tho calendar, by the can bn bought.—Atchison Globe. sorts of unconventlonnllty. wanted to remain single, then sh« size of oak leaves, or by the phases (Copyright.) « a , .a k U arr — n Etw. P o r ti.n » . Ora. WOr* t b * r ‘n * ° n t*»« l it t le fin g e r. of the moon. In every neighborhood -------- O-------- Danger In Too Muck Talk. know when that right time cornea. As Usual. T alkative people who wish to be « It Is suggested, however, that more As usual, my monthly allowance had run short. Home went a telegram for corn Is planted too euily Hum too lute. loved are hated; when they desire to k- money, ns usual. Back came a check Corn Is n hot weather plant. In the please, they bore; when they think FACTS about 3 ?our name; it’* Ki*tor?; Both Mate and Female Care for Eggs, for half the amount I asked for. ns central corn belt the seed that Is they aro admired, they are laughed MILDRED meaning; whence it eJas derived; signifi­ pebble plays ln the lives of these Hatched in Nest That Is Slip­ usual. But I fooled them, for I had planted In April Is usually slow In a t; they Injuro their friend«, benefit MARSHALL birds—and no Incident could tie more cance; your luck;? da^ end luck^J jewel shod Affair. asked for twice the amount I needed, coming up and less liurdy thun Ihe their ennmlea, and ruin themselves.— | Interesting than that of the bird ns usual.—Pennsylvania I'unch Bowl. seed plunted about the middle of May. During nesting time the penguins, which, finding a South pole explorer The distribution of riilnfnll alTeela Un- -------- O-------- Honey That Intoxicate*. on the fr>v.en Ice fields of ihe Sooth 0,1 It* beach, and believing he must yield. and this varies from season to tlie lady lo whom the c a p tiv e c a v a lie r ALETHEA pole, live ln big colonies, not far from he some new dweller of the frozen season, hut tlie corn experts say, and Tho honey obtained on the banka of penned th e much-quoted lin e s: the water. The nest Is an untidy shore, carried a pebble and dropped Uils theory Is verified by common eg- tha Euphrates la of an Intoxicating A LINE 0 ’ CHEER atone walls do not a prison make, affair, consisting of pebbles laid to it at the man's feet evidently as a perlenee. Hint tlie heal yields and uniet nature. Nor Iron bars a cage. A I.ETHEA, though not In common form a hollow, and Is carefully built *1(0) of friendliness, rapid growth niuy he expected from To A let lieu Is given (he additional By John Ksndrick Bangs. “ * usuge. Is a most Important name. by both Mr. and Mrs. Penguin. There Equally human Is the action of a the medium pluntlng tlutea. Interest of naming ilie young.-st bride It comes from tlie Greek Alethla. are two eggs, and both birds care for flock of penguins In endeavoring to known to English history; In UK)!), nt which In turn was evolved from the them. “top » flkht between two rival birds. I THE GIFT OF SPEECH the age of nine, Alethea Brandling FEED CROPS ARE CONVENIENT V hen Miss Penguin w ishes to tnke The peacemakers do not enter Into Greek “a" and the word meaning “to waa married to ii mnn named llenry a husband, she signifies the fact by i the qnnrrel In any way, but push hide", nnd thus may he transluled as Hitch. The name proved very popular OAl L B L llL HE Olft of Hp«*«ch. th« lioldftn May Not Bring In Much Money, But "truth" or "sincerity.” Tongue, sitting on one of last year's nests, themselves between the fighters and j In England and Ireland, where II Is They Take Care of Animate used for baby*, clothes, will keep them Tho word« with which great The first appearance of the name Is sometimes and waiting for her admirers to pay part them, sweet end snowy-while until wans r t t contracted to Igttfy, Which Can Be Sold. «ong» t r * «ling, recorded In 1411 when Aletha of Try It enden# for yourself. A tgr— n her court. Tills Is done by approach- j War« not dealgn*lwt( pneltlnr jo i c e , Is her junto. Often there are bitter Jimmy—N aw! De referee counta ten | Alethea waa tnc form which ap- It hat the power to drive away evil ucts from animals such as milk, rreain, WF«t. with more rnon**y. Permanent poeltloni And apread good-will that earth RMmirpd our (lrn