i Miss E. 1* Carrell SUCCESSFUL TOMATO GROWING DESCRIBED OFFER S A M A R K E T FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon V A U D E V IL L E P H O T O * P L A Y S CompU’te C h a n g« 8 un. and Thur«. M m ln w D aily. T w l c « N igh tly Saturday, Sunday, H olid ay «, O on tla aoM Y O U C A N E A S IL Y L E A R N TO FLY and become * P ilo t by taking the oourne o f Instruction wo offer. but 1200.00—used to be |5« m i H>— amt takes but ten T h e coat — F or Inform ation e d d re « « . CO. O R E G O N -W A S H IN G T O N A ID A H O A I R P L A N E 214 S p a ld in g B ld g .. P o r t la n d . O re . P L E A T IN G . F f ' Buttonholing — Buttons — P la itin g — Tu ck in g nd Chalnstitching A ll M ail Orders g iven careful and prom pt attenuon Elite Shop, 384 M o rn ». « St. A ( T ' i place to F a t and L iv e Well. R em arkable k e luncheon at noon Open T a m . t o t a m.. Stark St Sixth >*reet rpponir. The Oregonian and Al- ilN c t or o»ite Meir & Frank'«. The Be«t ¿.ting place in the City. The Fineat Coffee and Pastry a specialty. PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. We Pay Highest Pnce«» for HIDES. PF LT S WvXU. MOHAIR. CASA'ARA BARK Addrves Department B LAYTCN r X A ^ i / 4 / n '\ V - / 0’ l-aS » y cwiaaias «•?*•». ■«•»*•«*»* -vv r\ A CO O PERAG E Grand Avenue at Yamhill PORTLAND. ORE. ill i V ^ J r a p ì V 4u p Much Depend* on Good Farm Prao tic«*. Seed*. Plants, Fertiliser, Plant* Ing, Cultivation and Thorough Spraying. w $ - About 2 1« quart* o f canned to- DMtoe* la ilio yoarljf p*r capita con­ sumption In llu* United S ta le s , accord­ ing to Ilsur»» of tho I'ultiHl s ia tN Department o f Agrlrultuiv. i l " - (ho tomato 1» grown, put up, ami alilppctl. together with praotUvs followoil In oounuunltlos whore its cultivation I* highly »peclallitwl. are given In fa r m ­ er»' llulletln No. lis t , r»v»'iitly IssnoU. copies o f which uiay be obtained free o f charse u | h > ii application to the IV - pn*tmi'nt o f Agriculture at Washing­ ton. p . C. The bulletin also contains tdluahle auggestlons to growers as to metlhnls which are prolltably foltoweil where the crop is most surceaoful. The story o f the tomato la that o f a delicacy which has llveil down a twul name ami come Into Its own after years o f effort. O f American origin, It uttra»-te..iro ot a ».' I hail au o|M>r*tum tor api-'m lliltla amt the doctor m id It would rotard development until l « » is or IJ >oar» of age. hut I hoard how pood Dr. Pierce’» Favorite Prescrip­ tion » a , for young ulrl* »o I took four bottles o f it and ram . Into womanhood within a year. Then I tin ned getting healthy and atrong. llefore I took Dr. Pierce’» med­ icine» I weighed only 72 pounds— now I weigh 10* 1-alor tn tlfo I took a breaking-out on my fac»v I wrote to Dr. Pl»'ri »> and he advised me to take the ’Golden Medical Discovery’. I took tw o bottles of It and my sklu Is as »mouth as I could wish for 1 would like to tell every sufferer about Dr. Pierce’s great medicines."— Miss K. U Car- rvll. It»« 24 W rite Dr. Pierce's Invalids’ Hotel tn ltuffulo, N. V.. for free medical advice or s*'tid U*e for trial package of any of his medicines. CO. Snowing. BARRELS There was no wind, so the flakes fell light oa feathers, gray In the gathering dusk ss the down that falls from wind-swept breasts of wild swans In their flight to or from the Polsr seas. Denver and denser It came, soundlesa at first, but after a while with a faint rustling and w h ir ring, as though the flakes were Invis­ ible birds of silence.— Fiona Macleod. PORTLAND. ORE, W rite for ". 4 / Your Beck and C all” RLBBEF STAMPS and DEVICES. Sixth and E n erett Streets, Th ree Block* from New- IN w tofflce. Four Blocks froui Union Depot. Portland. O r«. PATENT ATTO RNEY We can show you hoe to turn vonr patentar* g ideas into cash. Oregon Licensed Mechanical l.nginwr. THOMAS BiLYEU. Steeena Building. Portland. Ore. MARKING INFORMATION DEPARTMENT, A G R IC U LT U R A L The Boredom of Comfort. "N o one Is ever bored unless he Is comfortable. That’s tho great princi­ ple. Tber»' Isn't time for It. You can­ not be bored and something else at the same tim e."— From "Dodo,” by E. F. Deuson. Hardy Tomato Plant Started in Pot. IM P LE M E N T S F arm Im plem ent»— N ew ami second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshad«, 360-366 E. M orrison St. E ast 91. branded as poisonous and conscquent- ly avoided. Later, designated ns the I N P fl M P Expert advice on any y i p U m E love apple, it found favoi with a few B R A Z IN G . W E L D I N G A C U T T IN G t i y N orthw es t W eiding & Supply Co. S$ 1st S i : lovers of delicacies and with growers. I R A experience tn Govern- D P H R I C M Q len t Bureaus is offered C L E A N I N G A N D D Y E I N G By 1S67 the total puck of canned to­ F o r reliable Cleaning a n d r n U D L C I r lO D yein g service send parcels to matoes in the United States was about office. State you r troubles b rie fly and us. W e pay return postage. 3.000,000 cases of 24 one-quart cans aend in w ith I I and the w ill g ive you hon­ Inform ation and prices given est to good ress advice. It w ill pay you to each. Now the commercial pack, ex­ upon request. get in touch with us now. E. J. Curtin, Room 806 Lev« s B ld g ., P o r t la n d . Oregon. clusive of soups, purees, ketchup, and E N K E S C IT Y D Y E W O R K S pulp exceeds 10,000.000 cases of 24 ! E s t a b l i s h e d __________ Portland Fire Proof and M odern No. 3 cans. These figures do not In­ C U T F L O W E R S A F L O R A L D E S IG N S C larke Bros., Florists, 2$7 Morrison St.___j clude the millions of cans put up by F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN E W O R K S housewives for home consumption or P A R K A N D M O R R IS O N STS. j Com m ercial Iron W orks. 7th & Madison. ! the fresh tomatoes which grace Amer­ . M U L E S B O U G H T, SO LD Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular H O U. R S E S siTAB LfcS, 3*»5 Union A v «. D raft ican tables during the growing season. Prices. Canter Shopping and Theater diatnet horses bought and sold. Chief among the states where t»>- F R A N K A. CLARK. Prop., M A C H I N E R Y formerly with Ctyda Hotel. ! Send us your Inquiries fo r anything in matoes are raised for canning are. In Iron or W oodw orking Machinery, Logging, order named : Maryland. Indian i, Mis­ m otives. Engines. Hall, saw m ill. Boilers, C ontractors' E qu Crushers. ipm ert, Loco- j C&oie. Belting, etc. Burke M achinery Co., souri, Delaware, New Jersey, New I 62$ R a . i w a y Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. j York, Utah, Illinois. Kentucky, Ohio, M O I.H P \RRhK COLLEGE Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some p«y while warn­ Pennsylvania, Tennessee. Virginia, and The Sets Complete or Parts. ing. Positions secured. w r *. for catalog-*. West Virginia. The acreage planted In W r it e fo r prices. ! ¿¿4 Burnside street. Portland. Ore. __ ____ tomatoes for canning pur|K«es only U M E N T S — E . 3d a n d P i n « S U . MYERS BLACK W ELL CO. j o M t O t o N Schumann G ranite A M arble W ork«- In 1020 was 244.743. The yield froui 4*3 Hawthorne Are.. PORTLAND. ORE P E R S O N A L that acreage was 1.O0R358 tons. M arry if L o n e ly ; most successful " H me The bulletin follows the methods ’ M aker” ; hundreds rich. co n fid en tia l;' i reliable; years experience ; descriptions used from the seed to the can. free. "'The Successful Club.” M r* . N a s h , W ool cleaning and carding. W oo l bats describt's methods of pluntlng. soils and m attresses made to order. W e do Box 556. O a k la n d , C a l i f o r n i a ^ ______ best adapted for the vegetable's custom carding. W rite fo r prices. P IP E R E P A IR IN G growth, tells how the crop may best m p i p I T C Repaired by expert«. C o stal Springs Woolen Mills «k *M i I I I i i Shop. 272 W a sh. l»e harvested, and sums up the chief Established in 1805. P R U N E T R E E S !! P R U N E T R E E S :!! B efore buying «-¡tew her« ¿>ee us. Columbia requirements for good results as fol­ M a i n O f f ic e a n d F a c t o r y . j - lu r s e r y C a . 1490 Union A ve., Por Land. , lows : 76v U m atilla A ve., Portland. S A N IT A R Y ' B E A U T Y P A R LO R “ Successful tomato growing depend* W e help the appearance of women. T w e n ty -tw o inch switch or tra n sform «- on good farm practices, good seed, : tion, value $7 6 price $2.45. good plants, proper fertilizer, careful __ 400 to 412 beku m Bldg. planting, clean cultivation, and dis­ 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republic*. W hite», etc. S H O E R E P A I R I N G I N P O R T L A N D Overhauled—Guaranteed. Model Shoe Repair, 272 W a shington St. ease control through spraying and D avis B ro s , A m erican Shoem aker«, through the use o f disease-resistant W E N T W O R T H A I R W I N , Inc. 108 4 th S L _____ ______________ _____________ j Oregon D istribu tor« for GMC T ru ck « varieties. Growers who pay attention 2b0 Second St., Cor. T a y lo r V E T E R I N A R I A N — C a t t le a S p e c ia lt y Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton. Portland. to these factors produce crop« which Portland, Oregon give them satisfactory returns.” wVedd ng B o u q u e t s a - d F ^ - e r a l P ie c « « The Weakest Finger. The third finger on the left hand, on which the engagement and wed - 1 ding rings are worn. Is automatically the weakest of tho fingers. Pianists have to give the third finger twice j as much drill as the others. H O T E L Radio Outfits Tell Tele Traits. You cannot rightly Judge people by , what others say about tbem, but you can by what they say about others.— Huston Transcript SPENT HALF HER TIME IN BED SHIP US YOUR WOOL Farmer’* Wife Tell* How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Made Her a Well Woman USED TRUCK BARGAINS R A IN IE R Lu bliner F lorist«, 348 Morrison SL H O TEL STOCK D A IR Y RANCH FO R SALE 175 A cre Ideal Stock and D airy Ranch, SYSTEMATIC CROP ROTATION 7 ml eg n 160 A. cu lti- ; va ted : 15 A ex» client pasture; good drain­ a ge ; trout creek t hr oug h pasture; pro- : Some Legume Must Be the Base to Re­ duce«» excellent grain and clover A ll , store Nitrogen to Soil— Red b its ST 00 ad at 128 8 6* Sc N rthai On Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depot*, and one block from main Po stoffkt •v Frn't trres brr-iied frees heir'll «r-b- ar-1*. Apple. Fear. Cutrrj. Peact. Final, Prut«, ig le o t, Qulac«, G rip« Vium. Bhro&toery, Flint». » —pharrl«. Black« berrt««, Iogain. De^berr-«*. As^aragua. Bhubar’.». F'.t»we^ri* Shrnba. A mki , : Vire«. Hedre, Nut ar4 f?h»da Tr** Overlooked by Progresaiv* Farmer In Adjuet- j ported. ing Corn Acreage. In the fume vicinity a few years ugo -.vus f un i a tooth the »lie o f a loaf of Soy bean* »hould not be overlooked | bread. by the pr*»gres*lve farmer In the re- adjustment o f hi* corn acreage. They require careful attention like corn, but they will make hi* decreased acreage o f corn worth more money. It 1« a county jails. Ill* alleged often sea high protein, high oil crop In one. range from poeketbook snatching and corner lounging to burglary and at­ Loss of Manure. tempts to kill, l pon each return to Every ton o f manure you allow to the penitentiary he !* hailed hy the long-term primmer« a* the “ Dean of leach away out of door* loses from forty to sixty per cent o f Its plant- Convicts." When last released lu 1010, nfter food value. serving a three-year term, Bunday told Kom* Grown Seed Beat. the authorities that he hud determined Home-grown corn o f acclimated va­ to “ go straight" the real of Ids life. rieties will produce higher yields than imported seed. “DEAN OF CONVICTS” IS JUGGED At 93 James Bunday It Sentenced to Prison for Stealing Chicken«. New York.— At .lie age o f ninety- three Janies Bunday begun serving a five-year prlgon term for stealing chickens. Hloce he wns forty Bunday has «pent much of Id* time In the Eastern peni­ tentiary In Philadelphia and lu nearby : GIVE SOY BEANS ATTENTION Faislglited tunnel» gel more money for tbelr IIIo sliak '.d cr law ni aversg»' prl»-«m tu tbv marketing of tbelr produci» tbun ilo II iomi ubo iguore thè »eaaounl prlcv llucluatlon». In thè pa»t one of thè chlt'f dtltlcultlea conrionllng llinee ubo w lahed tu protll by »udì tufnnua tino u à » that rei la blu ligure» wlitch sbowc»l thè mouthly trend of prteea for cropa and live alo»-k were ito! rvadtly avallable. For that renanti "Market Statistica.” a ’.’!»*■ i>age hidletln puh- llahed hy tlie l'ulted S iale. lV|>art- nieiit o f Agrleulture, atiould prove t>»iM'dally valuatde. Il wus prepured oy thè butvsu of markets ami croji ra­ tiniate*. lu thè case of boga, for r»aiupl«\ nc- tual aversge prie«*» are g lieli for radi of thè last eie»eu yeunt. nionlh by inoulli. for »eversi o f thè more tin- portanl market center». T'alile» show thè aversge uionlldy prive» for thè «•leven years cumhlned. The tiisn who »hip» hoga lo t'hh'ttgo enn limi out frolli a laide In thla bullrlln that thè average LK»-»-inl>er prie* ta V por «■•lil lotver thau thè eleven-year averne*. Tho aversge September prli-»» I» tt |H>r cent ataive thè eleven-yeer aver­ age \Vh»m i-ompnring September. tlie blgliest month. wltb December. thè lowiwt month, It la aet'n ttint thè Se|v tember prie* for thè eleven yenr» I» 11» i»er c»'nt nl>o»e thè Dacrmber prie*. Wlth »udì Information avallable ous rati oftrn adjuat Ida fam i o|M-rallons ao aa to get hi» atork ready for mar­ ket iRirlug thè tnontha o f a vera g* high prlr»>a. Ile may alao aee ubere II would In* prontable to liold hla rr>i>» for marketing In tnoutha o f lilgher thau averag* prive. Tlie hidletln gtvr» «nrh Infonnatlim for all cta»»e» o f live BtiM-k, !n»*ludtug boga, caule, alieep and llielr inanu- fadureil prtalurta Ttiore are atatlalh-s Usually. The real trouble with life Is just the same as with the time table— by tbe time a man ha» It figured out the train is gone. @ R I T Z ut A* • Ituliur» l Health Brings Beauty P ro o f and Modern Dyeing & Cleaning N E W Fire H O U S T O N HOTEL A. E. Holcombe. Manager EXCELLENT SERVICE W eek ly K ates to Perm anent Guests By Parcel P o s t Return Postage Paid. Circulars and Prices. for Less M o n ey r a r tl*r.,>.■ .a » y ih. l'nll.u NI«t m lwy.ilm.iil * . \ew and Second-hanc EXPERT Duality Department o» Agricolture Publlehee Dulletln 8howlng Mouthly Trend of Prtcee. Manufacturer« of and Dealer» in v M ore INFORMATION ON MARKETING of Agriculture.) w ill make Gnuuirirs, Basements, e tc . W a te r ­ proof, Hot proof. K «tp ro o f and Fireproof Medusa W aterproofed W h ite Portland Cem ent 1« the best fo r Stuevo blaster on outside fo r Bungs- lows— Does not stain and d irt can be hosed o ff W rite fo r lite r a tu re . Sold by L A N A CO.. 120 Union Ave. N. P o rtland BAB'S RESTAURANT Bulletin Gives Different Methods Used in Industry. ^ Prep ared by th e U a lte d State« D e p a rtm e n t d e ce ivin g Sot*, com plete w ith phone* and w ire $60.00. Avenase K.inge 4o»> m ile* of tmv» .Lasting. 'dating. Sim ple pl« to operate. ~ ‘ L * * te inatrucUonn. *— * — -»* - Co., 246 Grand A v «., Portland, On«. A . F. FARM ANIMALS Carter’s Creek, Tonn. ’ ’ Three years ago I was almost an invalid. I »[»T it half o f my timii in bed. being afflicted with a trouble which women o f a certain age are ajit to have, l.vd Pinkham’s Vegetable ’eg« Compound Tablets and used Lydia E. Pinkham’a Sanative Wash. I am a well woman now and have been for two years. | I can work as well as any one who is younger and aa I am a farm er’s w ife I have plenty to do for I cultivate my own garden, raise many chickens and do mv own housework. You may publish this letter as I am ready to do anything to help othrr women as I have l*>cn so well and happy since my trouble ate past.’ ’ —Mrs. E.T. G a l l o w a y , fa r t e r ’» Creek, Tenn. Most women find plenty to do. I f they are upset with some femaleailment and troubled w i'h sueh symptoms as Mrs. Galloway had, the smallest duty seems a mountain. I f you find it hard to keep up. i f you are nervous and irritable, without ambi­ tion and out o f sort s generally, give the Vegetable Comp.'in 1 a fair trial. We believe it will he.p you greatly, for it has helped other».______________________ S H O P P IN G A PLE A SU R E If you take a Marengo “ 3 In 1” Whopping B ag w ith you. A change uree, Hand B ag an»! hopping Bag all In one. Loosen claep b e­ neath puree and bag extends to 17 lm*h length. E xceptionally w*-ll made o f best grade Black L e a th e r­ ette. I f your dealer cannot supply you, «end us N in ety -eig h t cent* (M e ) M oney o r ­ der or Bank draft, to ­ geth er with nam e of our Henernl Store or >rv > dealer, and we w ill prom ptly mall this most useful bag to you Prepaid. If you m e not m ore than pleased with your purchase we w ill refund your money. M ARENGO’ S P fC IA L T Y MFG CO.. R f Rot kford, III. | F f S BALL I O BLUE RBS 1« needed In every department o f hou«e- keeping. Equally 8 * 0 $ for tow. ’ * **M | linen, sheet« and pillow case«. Ar« V« Satisfied? I* t h « blrgCKt, most *t p erfectly equipped Bunin««* T ra in in g Hchool In th « N orth- ------------] o rth ­ w « l r F it ii y ju r neilf H T ii i»>r g n «r p om uon west. you fo r it a m higher position w ith more money. Perm anent position« aenured our (Irnduftte*. W rite fo r ca talog— Fourth and Yam hill, Portland. P. N. U. No. 20, 1922 [ j j ! I There never was u tinte when 1 » ««ly rn r Tire» were so good as now. Th ey arc bigger, heavier and stronger Dnlay than any earlier Gooityenrs ever were. Y et Goodyeur prices are lower now than ever. Not even in those rememlicred d.ivs l»efore the war did Goodyear Tires sell at such low prices us today. Look at the figures listed below. Th ey represent un uveruge decreuse o f more than 60^5 from Goodyear prices o f l ‘J10. When you can get thrse better Goodyears at such prices, there is no question o f the tire value at your command. Your Goodyear Service Station Denier will tell you that never in his experience ns a tire dealer has he known the equal o f this value. See him today. 30 t S 1, C ita » Hit* I *> « V . All Wr«th*r Tirati Fatut. .... 30 i V j All WcMhrr | i««4 CuiU X! « 3 ( All Wr«lh«f l 1c.4lv .1M 1l $ 10.95 II «4 All \Vr4thrf hwOM 11 « « Ail Wcjthrf IlCAslCuttl l«i * » hé Al . . . $ I 4- i • * t 0 $ 1 8 .0 0 $ : 5.50 $ j :.4 o $ ) 1.40 G O O D / Y E A R ’‘Western Mad* i x lor „ W n l i r r _ . T r a d * P op *'» Good by to Cardinal Gibbons. Should Hava Understood. I cannot help recalling an Instanco When l ’ . M. Blssell was In charge o f the old llarlcra railroad hs Issued where a lady, a guest at the White an order that whenever s conductor Mouse at luncheon, naked tho late Car­ rollocted s cash far* b* must give a dinal Gibbon» whether ha really be­ receipt, and enter tho amount on a lieved (bat the pope was Infallible In stub Very toon a committee from the all ha said The cardinal smiled and conductors called and asked for mors answered: " I can only respond to pay. Blssell Inquired: "W hy, boys, that, uiadamn, by saying that when why do you ask for that now?” There the pope bade me good-by the last wat some hesitation and then (bn old­ Urns he said. ‘ Addlo, Cardinal« Jib est committeeman aald: “ Mr. Blssell, honest’ " — Maurice Francis Kgsn In you used to be a conductor yourself." j the K tvlew of Reviews. Crows Ars L a iy Filers. Caro of Machine. Have you ever watched a crow fly and then watched a swallow? The crow, who la notoriously tho wisest of bints, usually loafs along on the wing at about twrnty-Mre miles an hour The swallow speeds at ninety. K «« p a small stiff brush on hand for rb-anlng the under work of the sewing machine It la Important that (his part of the machine he clean If It Is to run well, and going over It with a brush will not Injure any of (he mechanism. Let Advice Be Kindly. Advice le like snow, the softer It Someone Mutt Save "T here le one kind of money that fulls, the longer It dwells upon, aud the deeper It sinks Into the mind.— you can borrow," nay* a banker "That la the kind somebody else lias ».**«*<1 " Coleridge. Beauty In the South. tn the South the crape myrtle be­ come* a small tree and turna a bril­ liant brume almoet or quite red. »ay* Flock of Shstp Ready for Markst. tho American Forestry Mugaalnr. It o f a «huiler natura pertnlnlng to prac­ la much grown for tte summer and tically all crops which them ernge far­ early fall flower*, but It aleo ha* value mer has to sell. A study of the bul­ for the color of Its ripening follaga on letin would rail attention to market» tho approach of cold weather. receiving large i|iinntltle» of such proil- lire, lly comparing prb-ea at aeveral markets one could reach a ronclu«b>n ns to which generally pay* the moat attractive prleea. A book of this nature from a book putillnlier would cost *2 or g l, but It may be oh.'alncd at a cost o f only .'M> cents to cover the coat o f printing from the Sup«'rlntemlent of Doru- mento, Washington, I». C. Tlie «lepart- ment hua uo copies for free «ilatrlhu- tlon. Mephletophele*. The name Mephlitophetea le from the Greek, and It mean* "H e who lovta not light.” The name waa given to a Satanic personage of the Middle ages, who In Ihe Fault legend la appointed to obey Fauat’t command*, according to the terrna on which tho latter baa cold hi* noul to Satan. WRfGLEYS RATIONS FOR h DRAFT HORSES # Brood Mare« Requir« Much Greater Amount of Feed Than Gelding« or Dry Mare«. The University o f Missouri ha* been l doing Nome experimental work with draft horse», brtmd inure* und colts. Some of the results follow : 1. Brood mures may he used effi­ ciently for farm work, but the yearly feed required hy them Is 26 per cent greater than the cost of feed required hy gelding* or dry mare» doing the siime work. 2. ItroiMl mare* working and nurs­ ing foul* require 47 per cent more grain and 32 per cent more huy dully during the suckling period than dry mures. 3. Fifteen pounds o f corn silage, eight pound* of out straw, with eight pound* o f gruln I* n *uti*fuctory ra­ tion for horse* doing light work dur­ ing the winter months. 8he«p Convert W att«. No animal approaches the *hcep In converting weeds and waste Info wool and mutton. There Is a wealth of food and raiment In the wasted grn*s and weeds o f bam lots, fields, and roadsides. Lusty P ig« of Right Sort. T o get good lusty pig* of flie right sort, you must begin with the grand­ parents. Using poor sire* I* a short* sighted policy that produces poor feeders and plain fat liog*. not market toppers. 8 ucc * m With Sheep. Many farm«!*» nro now hemming In- t«'i«'»tp