The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, May 11, 1922, Image 1

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VI .
TI' l tNKIf,
Chang's Vanquished Forces Are Half
Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
FJvrnta o f Notrd I'roplr, Go*rrnnirnt.
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Thin e« Wurth knowing.
Sergeant Aaron Kaplan of tha 4e-
partnmnt o f crliulual Investigation of
tho American for era In (k r n iM f la
eufferlug from a gunshot wound to
til« left elbow. Inflicted during a May
day damonalrallon.
Iluaband and wlfo «erred on the
lu (he «'.«to circuit court
for l.lnn county, Oregon, Tuoaday. It
waa the flrat time auch an event had
occurred In Oregon and probably the
circumstance Is without a parallel any
eatue jury
In an appeal to "friends o f prohibi­
tion enforcement," tha Anti Saloon
leagu e urges defeat at forthcoming
prlmarlea and election o f all candi­
date« for the aeuate and houso o f rep­
resentative« who favor modification of
the Volstead law.
Tho American Ulble society has an­
nounced that President and M ra Hard
Ing bad become life members o f the
organisation. They joined at the re-
gurat o f a ( I year old woman member,
who said she had campaigned and
voted for the prealdent.
A 1» year old youth waa alatn by a
I t year-old fellow camper near Jamai­
ca, L. I., Sunday, as the climax of a
rifle dual In which the two had stalked
each other from behind tree«. The
fight started In a quarrel over the
spilling of a can of soup.
Agreement by both Ueneral Wu Pet
Fu and Ueneral Chang Tso l.ln, rival
Cblnrae leaders, to exclude Pekin and
Tien Tsln from tho field o f m ilitary
operations was announced In an o f­
ficial dispatch received by the Chinese
lega tion In Washington Tuesday from
the Pekin government.
Iloth houace o f the Icelandic eon
gn-sa have, by large majorities, passed
a bill authorising the government of
Iceland to exempt wine containing no
more than 21 per cent alcohol from
the prohibition law, according to a
cablegram received In Washington
Tuesday by the Danish legation.
la-on Trotsky, the soviet war m inis
ter, addressing tho Moscow garrison
at tho May day review In Ited Square,
at which the red oath waa taken by
all the soldiers, declared that the al
lies at Genoa desired conditions to
which Itussla would never yield; there­
fore, he asked the troops to bo pre­
Tho conference representing both
sides o f the Irish republican army re­
assembled Tuesday In Dublin, and ar­
ranged to mako representations at the
session of the Dali Klrcann relative
to bringing about unity In the army
and a peace settlement In Ireland. An
appeal was made to all ranks to act In
a spirit o f conciliation.
Reports that Harry M. Daugherty,
now attorney-general, had received a
fee of $26,000 from Charles W. Morse,
New York shipbuilder, for obtaining
Morse’s release In 1912 from the A t­
lanta federal penitentiary, wero re­
peated In the senate Teusday by Sen­
ator Caraway, democrat, Arkansas,
and denied by friends of the present
About 66 per cent o f the seed grain
that waa sent Into the Russian famine
areas was distributed In tlmn to be
sown, the central famine committee an­
nounced recently. More than 80 per
cent o f the 23,000.000 poods (about
828,000,000 pounds) o f grain from
Russian sources arrived In time, while
only 22 per cunt o f the 8,600,000 poods
from abroad arrived. In some districts
100 per cent of the amount needed was
Cheering crowds, whose tribute vis­
ibly affected them, acclaimed Chief
Justice Tnft and associate Justices of
the United States supremo court who
went to Philadelphia Tuesday, where
the first sessions o f that tribunal were
held In 1791. Sitting In the same
chairs that John Day, first chief Jus­
tice, and fellow members of the court
occupied, Chief Justice T a ft and Jus­
tices Pitney and Clarke heard recount­
ed reminiscences of those first ses­
sions, when there were no cheering
crowds. The occasion was the rededl-
ration of the building In Independence
square occupied by the United States
supremo court as first constituted, and
the observation of the 200th anniver­
sary of the founding o f the supreme
court o f Pennsylvania.
Starved, Hays U. H. Minister.
Washington, D. C.—Scenes of com
pint« rout among >h« defeated troops
of Ueneral Chang In China w «rs de­
scribed In a report to the state depart
ment from American Minister Hchur-
man at Pekin. He declared that until
Monday 21 trains parked with re­
treating troops had passed through
Tientsin and that rallroud traffic In
that section had been greatly congest
<-d because o f the efforts of the de­
feated forces to escape.
The soldiers of the routed army
were said by the American minister
to be completely "out o f control
Many of them, he added, appeared
"h alf starved." Upon representations
from the Chinese foreign office the
diplomatic council at Pekin released
$300,000 In customs revenue to feed
stranded Feng Tien troops.
The minister also reported that al
though there was no Intimation of
Ueneral Wu's next move, both Pekin
and Tientsin appeared to be out of
danger with conditions returning to
The American marines, sent as re­
inforcements to Pekin and Tientsin,
were said In the dispatch to have
been a "valuable factor In military
protection, especially In Tientsin."
cui sicoo . oco . n o
Huge Savings Accomplished by
Harding Administration
Cottage Grove. — Cottage Grove's
auto camp park has been opened for
the summer with a caretaker In
charge. The fee will be 60 cents for
the first day and 26 cents for each
subsequant day.
The Shadow of the Sheltering Pines
A New Romance of the Storm Country
Jordon Valley.— The county court of
Malheur county ha« called for bids
fur the construction of about six miles
of graded road on the Jordan Valtey-
Nyssa Market road. Work will com­
mence on the row1 In June.
Coorrishf b? Ihr II X Fly Company
anni u n n i
11 h u n n i i h 1 11 u l u l i l i ni ti 111 un nini i mu i mi inn ni ni i iiiiiiiiii mi h inn h h i h mu 1111111 uni ni 11 it in mu in 111 h i ui ■ ti 11 ir
“ I hope so," returned Pendlehaven.
and Doctor John pulled at the corners
A Will Is Changed.
of his mouth to keep back s malicious
The two years that bad passed grin.
Reduction in Routine Operation Is
•tnce Tony Devon bad entered the
“ I'm going to adopt Tony Devon— "
Ilrownaville.— A barbecue and old-
Pendlehaven home, tbs greater part Doctor Panl had only time enough to
Nearly llillion; Overlapping o f
fashioned picnic for the pioneers of >f which «he had spent In school, bad make this statement «h en Mrs. Cur­
Department« Fulminated.
the upper Calapoola river valley will srought about many manges. Paul tis jumped to her feet.
be held at Crawfordsvllle June 13, Pendlehaven bad taken bis place
“ You couldn't do that!” she cried.
one day before the commencement of imoog tbe world's workers, bat this “That would be wicked. Paul, abso­
lues not say that he did not still long lutely wteked! Ob God, don’t do
Washington, D. C. — The expendi­ the annual pioneer picnic at Browns­
for the child who had gone from his th at!"
tures o f (ho government for the fiscal
Ife eighteen years before.
Without heeding In the slightest his
Salem.— Loganberry production this
Mrs. Curtis was no nearer giving cousin's bitter ejaculation. Paul Pen-
your 1922 have been reduced more
than $1.600.000,000 from Ihe 1921 fig ­ year will probably be materially un­ "oualn John to Katherine as a father dlehaven picked up a box that lay at
ures. The reduction In the ordinary der that of last year owing to winter than she ever had been, and Ithaca hlx elbow. With much ceremony he
lad caught no sight of Reginald opened It and took oat an exquisite
expenditure« for the operation of the Injury. Jhe vines sre In a poor con­
Brown since be had fled from It with pearl necklace.
routine buelness o f the government, dition to produce • crop this year, and the notion that he might follow Uriah
“ I do not need to remind any o f
generally subject to executive control, It Is thought by growers that some Devon behind the prison bars. Philip you," be said, turning bis eyes from
aa compared with 1921. will be In the
had carried on his wonderful work, his brother to his two white-faced
neighborhood o f $907,000,000.
Grants Pass.— Farmers of this vicin­ living In tbe Joyous letters he re- cousins, “ that these belonged to my
These facts are shown In a report ity were disappoint'd by the small reived from Tony and spending his dear wife. I have always considered
them the property of her daughter
made public by Charles G. Dawes, di­ amount of rain which fell during the •pare time In answering them.
One rooming Tony came to Panl ton. That is the reason. Katherine,
rector of tbs bureau of budget, and past few days. Although the district
Pmdlehaven. smiling and blushlngly why I’ ve always refused your request
asked by President Harding on the Is now supplied with water from the
girlish, and he motioned her to s lit­ to wear them. But now I have a
United States Vrteraa's Hurrau.
economies effected In the cost o f gov­ ditches of the C n n ts Pass Irriga­ tle stool at his feet.
Men who were drafted Into war
H e turned smiling eyes
“ Darling," he begun In a moved upon Tonnlbel. “ I shall allow her to
tion district, crops had been planted
service and then rejected for physical
The report was Issued also In re which needed rain.
wear them whenever she wishes, and
reasons are eligible for entrance Into
rome to perhaps the most Important If— I f her lost sister Isn't found, then
sponse to n resolution adopted by the
national homes for dlssbled soldiers
Salem.— The Oregon Growers' Co-1 decision o f my whole life.”
they a re hers— hers forever."
house asking for Information showing
provided they are In needy clrcum
operative association announced Sun-1 Tony glanced up at him wondertng-
A long hissing breath broke from
In what way aavlnga were affected.
stances and unable to work, according
day that practically the entire pack 1 ly. He appeared solemnly sober and
Sarah Curtis, and a gasp came from
It Is etated that the essential cause
to U C. Jeaaeph. northwest district
of gooseberries, raspberries, straw­ looked as If be hadn't slept
of the economies and Improvement*
manager of the United States Veter
berries and cherries for the year 1922 j “ I f It affects me. Cousin Paul. It
“ I couldn't wear them," Tony got
In administration which have been ef
ans' Ilureau. The home for disabled
have been sold subject to future de-; can't be greater than the one you out at length, “ I simply couldn’t "
fee ted during the present fiscal year
veterans housing former service men
livery. Most o f the berries will be
“ Not to please me, yonr father,
In the conduct of the routine business
took poor little me Into your home,”
Tonnlbel?" demanded Paul, almost
from this district Is located near Los
consigned to the eastern markets for
ihe asserted.
of the government has been the as­
Ills hand fell lovingly upon her
sumption by President Harding of his
“ And me, your new uncle?" laughed
In many cases of this kind, claims
full responsibilities as head o f the
Doctor John. “ Why. honey, little girl,”
for government compensation have
business organisation of the govern­ during March of this year represented
be reached oat and took Tonnlbel's
been disallowed because no aggrava­
•Hence, the girl's dreamy eyes fixed
ment. Some of the agencies for the an Increase o f 516.413 gallons over an space, and the man gazing at her hand, "don't look as If you'd lost your
tion o f disability was shown In the
last friend!”
transmission for executive pressure, (he sales for February, according to •hlnlng head.
short period at camp, sometimes but
Then Paul Pendlehaven drew Ton­
plan and policy have been established a statement compiled by the secre­
“ Tony,” he ejaculated at length.
two or three days. The length of
The There was something In his voice as nlbel Devon to his side, and, when he
upon the advice of Director Dawes, tary of state here Saturday.
time, served, has no bearing upon the
had clasped the Jewels around her
and the prealdent has used the budget March distribution of distillate show­ he pronounced her name that dis­
veteran’s eligibility to enter the gov­
Deck, he lifted her face and kissed
bureau llaelt among his other agen­ ed an Increase of nearly 300 per cent pelled her revery Instantly.
ernment Institution, according to In­
“ Yea," the breathed. “ Yea, what Is her.
cies for the Imposition of executive over the previous month.
“There, little daughter!" His voice
structions received at the district of­
Salem.— A proposed constitutional
choked with emotion, but he con­
Pendlehaven cleared his throat.
"T h e bureau of the budget l i an amendment authorising the city of
“ I would never have believed that quered his feelings and went on,
Definite announcement has been
Impersonal, Impartial and nonparti­ Portland to raise by general taxation anyone could have wormed her way "they're very lovely, very precious,
made by Manager Jesseph that the
san business agent.” says the report. the amount o f $3.000,000 and to ex­ Into my heart as yon have." he told Tony, doubly so because you're wear­
new hospital for tuberculous veterans
"In this particular report where Its pend the same In holding the so-call­ her. “ How would— how would you ing them."
of the northwest district will begin
"Oh," she exulted, “ how happy I
estimates may become a basis of con­ ed 1925 exposition, waa submitted to like me for your father?"
to accept patients the latter part of
. I t
Isn't the pearls,
Tony tried to speak but. seeing he am t .
tention In an approaching political the secretary of state here today. The
this month. Formal opening of the
had something else to add, wslted ex­ though they're simply great, but It's
contest. Its figures should be conserv­ tax. If approved, will be distributed
that I have some real people." She
InallluMon, which coat the government
ative and meet the test of examina­ over a period of three years.
“ Once, ss you know," went on the turned a flushed and radiant face to
approximately $600,000, will be held
tion. not only In the present but In
each man. "Somebody that's my very
Juno 4. The first unit of the hospital
New berg. — W ork o f clearing the doctor, “ I had a little girl o f my own.
the future when existing partisan dif­
own. My mother's dead, and my fa ­
r l l ! have 260 beds. On the basis of
ground for tho new American Legion but the years have been so long and ther— "
ferences are forgotten and the record
so many sine# she was taken away,
182 employes for every 200 patients
Community Memorial building was be­
“ Is In prison." snapped Mrs. Curtis,
I feel I shan't have her again In this
for Impartiality and nonpartisanship
the Walla Walla Institution will have
gun Saturday by a squad of legion world."
vindictively. ‘T in wondering what
of the budget bureau Is considered In
a hospital staff numbering 227 doc­
men. Actual construction of the build­
Tony's dark head dropped against he'll say to all this when he comes
retrospect by the unprejudiced mind
tors, nurses and other employes.
ing will be started Just as soon ss the his knee in «¡lent sympathy.
of the governmental economist and
“ His opinion won't make any differ­
weather will permIL
The finance
“ Could you think o f me as your fa­
student. Out o f total estimated ex­
committee reports more than $16.500 ther. dear?" he said after an emotion­ ence to us." Paul Pendlehaven stated
penditures of $3,922.372,030 tor the
coolly. “ He has forfeited every right
throughout tho northwest for National
pledged, which leaves about $3000 to al silence.
year 1922. tho director classifies only
to any claim on Tony."
Hospital Day, May 12. Cushman at
$1,766,875,672 as being generally sub­
“ Hideous!” exclaimed Mrs. Curtis,
Tacoma, Fort Townsend hospital. U.
Salem.— The Starr Fruit company, ple who are not your kind. Cousin and “ Well, I never." dropped from
ject to executive control In the opera­
8. Veterans' hospital at llolse and the
tion of the routine business of govern­ which now operates In Portland, The Paul. You know that I Everybody Katherine.
government hospital at l'ortland are
“ And," went on Doctor Paul, re­
These figures compare with Dalles and Freewater, will erect a does! Then I ’m not so good as you
among those who will celebrate. More
actual expenditures under tha same modern cannery and preserving plant think I am. First of all 1 haven't al­ lentlessly, for he knew the barbs that
than 900 bedridden voterans will feast
were being thrust Into the souls of his
ways told you the truth."
categories In 1921 o f $2.673,435.079.77. In Salem this summer at a cost of
on ’’eats" furnished In most Instances
“ So my brother told me," remarked two cousins. “ I ’m going to change my
segregated out of a total annual ex­
Doctor Paul. “ Long ago he took me will In favor o f my new daughter
by veterans' organizations and their
penditure for 1921 of $5.536, 040,689.30. urday. The company expects to handle Into his confidence about the poison In here— "
women's auxiliaries.
'The reduction In the ordinary ex­ 275.000 cases of fruit here this year. my medicine. I've wretched yon for
“ And I mine In favor of our yonng
penditures of the operation o f the The location for the plant has not yet two years, Tony, and It seems to me Salvation Army captain who Is going
Legation Is Threatened.
that I know every secret of your soul. to marry my new niece." chuckled
routine business of government gen­ been announced.
Doctor John. " I guess that’s all we
Sofia. Hulgnrla.— A threat to blow erally subject to executive control In
Hood River.— Preparations are be­ I'm sure you love me. dear child. I'm
up the American legation here unless 1922 ss compared wllh 1921 w ill be. ing made for the construction of two going to adopt you legally for my have to say, Paul."
In silence Katherine and Mrs. Cur­
the United States brings about the re­ therefore, In the neighborhood of bridges on the Mount Hood loop high­ daughter. A fter this I ’m your father,
and I give warning to my Captain tis faded from the room, carrying
lease of Sacco and Vansettl. commun­ $907,600,000.
As against this enor­ way in the upper Hood river valley.
MacCauley that If he tries to take you with them bitter humiliation and
ists, under conviction for murder In mous total reduction the estimate of Oue of the spans, of steel, will bridge
from me, he’s going to heve some fight nursing outraged feelings.
Massachusetts, has been received at economics and savings Incident to the the east fork of Hood river.
“ It's nil your fault, mamma.” scold­
The on his hands. From now on. I'm not
the legation.
ed Katherine, bunting Into tears when
new Imposition of executive control other crossing a tributary of the east Cousin Paul. I am— what?”
The threat was contained In an ar­ over governmental expenditures In fork, will be of reinforced concrete.
"M y father," gulped Tony. " I t they were In the seclusion of their own
ticle In nn nnarchlst newspaper which, 1922 la estimated at the lesser sum The Union Bridge company of Port­ seems as If I couldn’t stand so much apartments. “ You've whined and wept
happiness. And If you're my father, yourself right out of Cousin John's
encased In a red wrapper, was sent to of $250,134.835.03.
land has the contract for the work.
life, that's what you've done. God,
that makes Cousin John—”
tho American minister, Charles S.
"T h e director feels reasonably as­
Jordan Valley.— Wool growers of
"Your uncle,” laughed a voice from how I hated that girl when I saw Car­
sured that this estimate of economics
this section of Malheur county who the door. “ So Paul has told you, has oline's pearls around her neck!”
and savings attributable to tho new
“ What are you doing now?" thrust
pooled their clips o f about three- he. little ^ girl? Well. Tony, you
14 Prisoners Wounded.
system Is an underestimate, but that
back her mother. “ Aren't you crying
quarters of a million pounds have wouldn't have slept a wink one night
Columbis, S. C.— Fourteen prisoners If an error has been mado In this re­
If you'd heard our argument abont as If your heart would break? I tell
sold their wool at 33 1-3 cents a pound.
wore wounded, two possibly fatally, gard the savings and economics are
you. W e spent several hours wran­ you tears— "
The clip will be lighter this year, due
“ Oh Lordy, tears!
What good do
gling which of us should adopt you. I
Monday, when 150 Inmates of the still so large as to vindicate it, and
to poor fall range and a severe winter. said I should because I saw you first, they do?” came sharply. “ Here we
South Carolina penitentiary revolted
are without a future, without a home!
February lambing In this section and Paul— ”
Indispensable policy of the budget bu­
ngalnst the authority of the guards.
brought an average of nearly 130 per
“ Has the prior right because you That Interloper will see we go the
The chair factory building, where reau to have Its estimates conform­
cent, while April lambing will pos­ saved me, Tony,” Interrupted Paul. moment Paul gets out those papers)
the uprising occurred, wns set on fire able to the principles of business con­
“ Now I think the family had better Oh, what shall we do?”
not exceed 65 per cent.
but the recalcitrants wero subdued servatism.”
" I wish that man— her father, I
know of our changed arrangements."
Grants Pass.— The Josephine coun­
and the blaze extinguished speedily.
Paul Pendlehaven acted as spokes­ mean— was out o f Jail,” mused Mrs.
All Children Are Fed.
ty rodent drive, just completed, was man when Mrs. Curtis and her daugh­ Curtis. " I really believe he could do
a success from the standpoint of the ter, Katherine, had been summoned to something, Katie. Perhaps, Reggie— ”
Church Campaign Begun.
New York. — Child feeding In the
Katherine wiped her eyes with a
Hot Springs, Ark. — A nation wide American relief administration In Rus­ Interest aroused and the acreage cov­ the library. He told them very grave­
ly that as his » ’ III now stood, his sudden movement.
campaign to place religious teaching sia has been extended until It now ered. said County Agent Howell. The
"Mamma, why don't you send for
brother, John, and his cousin. Sarah,
In all the public schools, colleges and reaches practically every needy child farmers co-operated In covering the were the beneficiaries of It. Mrs. Cur­ Reggie?” she questioned.
“ Now, lis­
universities of America wns launched In the famine area, said a. cablegram
Reggie confided In me
tis smiled at him and arranged the ten to roe.
before he left that he really was fond
here Saturday night. This campaign received at American relief head­ the poison for this having been fur­ lic e ntflles around her neck.
nished by the government and coun­
"You've always been most gener­ of that girl, and If— Oh, mamma. I've
was Included In the anniversary pro­ quarters Saturday.
thought of a wonderful thing.
gramme of the board o f education of
In tho Orenburg district alone, tho ty court. A total of 10,291 acres of ous, Paul dear," she simpered.
“ But now," went on the doctor, pay­ for Reggie, shove the girl under his
the Methodist Episcopal church south message said, the administration Is non-resident land and 17,020 acres of
ing no heed to the lady's remark, “ our nose every minute. Let him cut Philip
by Rlshops James Cannon Jr. of Bins- feeding 225,164 children In 1468 kit­ government lands were covered.
household's going to have a mistress." out— ”
Ingham and B. D. Mouseon of Tulsa, chens, operating In. 1509 villages and
Bend.— Oregon Juniper, once regard­
"And pc-haps have my son marry
Katherine lifted her chin from the
245 institutions.
ed as useless, now Is one of the most palm of her hand, and Mrs. Curtis that thing," objected the mother curtly.
costly woods on the market. When straightened up. Were her ambitions
"That thing, as you please to call
Detroit. — 8even men, declared by
Omaha, Neb.— T w o masked robbers converted Into small slats for making going to be realised after all? Was Tony Devon, Is one o f the prettiest
federal officers to have obtained hun­ who told their victims they once were lead pencils. It sells for approximate­ It Paul who was going to put her In and richest young women In this coun­
dreds o f thousands of dollars for bol­ In a church choir, sang the hymn ly $270 a 1000 feet board measure, ac­ her rightful place? The smile broad­ ty." Katherine snapped back. “ She's
shevik propaganda, through a con­ which Includes the words, "W e will cording to C. S. Hudson of Bend, the ened on her lips, and she sank hark heiress to the Pendlehavens, and en­
with a happy sigh. She had to ad­ gaged to be married to a man who
spiracy to raise $5 federal reserve come
In the leading spirit behind the local jun­
mit Cousin Paul looked very hand­ owns half the town. Thing, eh? Well,
notes to higher denominations, were sheaves,” as they held up and robbed iper "refining plant." The Bend Juni­ some. yes, even handsomer than Cou­ I think she's a little higher up In the
arrested here Saturday. The arrests nine persons. Including a number of per mill employa 30 or more persons sin John. What a fool she had been world at this moment than my half-
were the result of an Investigation by women, In a drug store here Saturday and supplies lead pencil stock to prac­ not to have caught him sooner.
brother, Reggie, If you want my opin­
“The woman you put at the head of ion.”
the secret service that began nearly night. They escaped with loot amount­ tically all the large pencil factories
your home will be most fortunate and
That night an nrgent message from
a year ago.
ing to more than $300.
of the east, and to some In Europe.
happy, dear Paul," she murmured.
the frantic mother traveled by wire
to Reginald Curtis, summoning hlu>
The Last Card.
One day some weeks later, Regi­
nald Brown walked rapld!y along the
boulevard past the row of squatter
shacks. He had received word that
Uriah Devon, released from prison,
would anchor the Dirty Mary near
the Hoghole In her accustomed place.
Devon was on deck «h en Brown
ran up the gangplank.
“ So you came, old top,” was Uriah's
greeting. “ It's good you d id ; I want
to know what's doin'."
A woman came to the door o f the
cabin and peered ou t When she saw
the newcomer, she scowled and went
“ I thought you said she was dead."
commented Reggie, with a wag o f bis
bead toward the spot where the wom­
an had stood.
“ Well, she ain’t ! Worse luck!"
growled Uriah. “ I told that to the
kid to make her feel bad. Kde was
willing to be dead for a while, any­
how. What's the news o f Tony?"
“Oh. she's a lady now." answered
Reggie, sarcastically.
“The 1'endle-
bavens have sent her to school ever
since you went away. My mother tells
me Paul Pendlehaven’s going to adopt
her. And «h a t do you think else?”
be demanded.
“ I dunno," grunted the other. “Good
G od! Don't sit there teartn' me to
pieces with curiosity. Fire ahead,
and tell me.”
“ She's copped Phil MacCauley," re-
turned Reginald; "Ithaca's snob of a
Salvation Army captain, the fellow
who threw me In the lake that day,
and he's as rich as the Pendlehavens
put together.”
"W ell, he won’t get ’er,” asserted
Uriah, sharply. “ Pve told you the
g irl'» rich too. Her father's got
money to burn.”
“ A lot o f good that'll do yon. Ry.”
sneered Reggie. “ She wouldn't look at
the likes o f you and Edith. You aren't
In her class any more.”
“ Ain't
grouchlly. “ I reckon her hide ain't no
tougher nor thlcker’n it used to be.
Til thump h— II out o f 'er once or
twice; I’ll show 'er what class she's
l n. "
“ You'll have to catch her before
you beat her. won’t you. Rv?” Reg­
gie Inquired tauntingly. “ How're you
going to get your hands on her? Tell
me that, will yon?”
“ Yep. Mr. Mealy-mouth, I w ill,"
thrust back Devon. “ W e got to steal
’er." He clenched his heavy fist and
swung it menacingly and suggestive­
ly. “ What’s left o f 'er when I’m done
with 'er '11 marry you all right. That
over. I’ll tell 'er who she Is, providin'
you promise to halve up the stuff with
me. "
“ I did promise you once, didn’t I?”
asked Reggie, sulkily. “ O f course, I
will, but what's the use of dreaming?
The Pendlehavens're too much for
us. Now that Paul's well, he and John
are a big team, and they worship the
ground that girl walks on. You're
biting off more'n you can chew, Ry.
You aren't any too strong, you know.
A prison record doesn't help any."
Uriah grunted and followed a ring
o f smoke with his frowning eyes.
“ She’s my girl,” be said at length,
“ and I’m goln’ to have > r."
" I thought you said she wasn't,” put
In Reggie, suspiciously.
“ Well, she don't know that, does
she?" Devon retorted. "Nobody knows
but you and Ede, besides me."
“ She's a beauty." sighed Reggie^
his voice lowered to a growl. “ I'd
marry her if she didn’t have a cent.”
“ You don't need to make any such
sacrifice, old horse," said Devon.
“ Your eyes will bung out o f your
head when you hear her name."
Reginald argued he should know
« h o the girl was before he married
her, but Uriah wouldn't give up his
secret. Indeed, he unfolded to the
prospective husband how he planned
to capture Tonnlbel. and sent Reggie
away convinced, red hot to perform
his part in the scheme. At last, he
was to have the girl he wanted and
money too.
The next morning Reggie ap­
proached his mother with an air of
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
Insects Not Prohibitionists.
There are no prohibitionists among
the Insects, says a correspondent. Hun­
dreds of wasps were recently observed
among the fir trees of Keaton lake
crawling eagery over spindles and
sucking at drops of turpe it It e which
form at this time of year.
A vast
humming came from the trees, reminis­
cent of the midsummer ring over Ihe
heated hay fields.
Large files and
blue-bottles were also seen. In msnjr
rases the Inserts consumed so much
o f the firewater that they fell to the
ground In a drunken stupor, or clung
hazardly to the trees. The wolf-
spider chasing Its prey through the
grass like a dog was having a rich
harvest. Other Insects came to the
bacchanalian repast.
A species of
aphis was much hi evidence and also
Its keeper, the ant. busy milking It of
Its gathered liquor.