OREGON I N V I T E S THE WORLD £ *' «H PORTLAND HrpPÓDPÒME iï? WORKS FOR CHILD MUST KEEP WELL 1925 OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE APPLE-PECTIN AS COW FEED Mother* in n Like Situation Portland, Oregon V A U D E V IL L E PH O T O P L A Y S Com plete C h « n | t Sun and T h u r * M .«ttn r« IVaily T w ic e Nightly S atu rd ay . S unday. Holiday «. C o n tin ú en » Y O U C A N E A S IL Y L E A R N lO 0 00— and tak e* but ten w e e k * For addreaa O R E G O N - W A S H I N G T O N A I D A H O A I R P L A N E CO. 214 Spalding Bldg., Portlan d, Ora. MADE IN OREGON Pulp Should Provo Valuable Adjunct to Faro of Animal Whan Com­ parad With S.lage. >' ( A ( : |. u 11 u i • » T h e # o «t — tnfoiuutlion That drietl «iqde ptviln pulp shoultl FOR EVERY NEED p r o \ e a \ a lu u M o m ljiin ot t o t h e f;tr%* o f th e d a iry c o w U the* c o n c lu sio n l i m n n fro m a n a ly x e a a n d M i n i t r i a l* Should Read This Letter from Mrs. Enrico PUBLIC ROAD CONSTRUCTION » ------------------- Chicago, Illinois - " l took Lydia R About One-Half of All Highway* Balng Built Aro Boing Aided by tha Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for a Government. sarlou a trouble. l had tried doctors and [ ____ all said the s a m e a n ti*r.p«t.a k , i h , railed ot.t*e i s , , r i m * « i operation. A t tin t 1 i e> a«n«eii»re ) >nly f e lt th e p a in o n W hat th e n e w fe d e ra l h ig h w a y WMGLEYS np my proprlatlon to lie et pended under the ■ r i left side, “ s i hut ‘ later ‘ W. t.»el it on iin ' d .......... . . .. . . . . . . __ i. I 1 seemed to feel ire c tio n o f th e b u r e a u o f p u b lic rondi, A I L K TmJ# in Your OKI O re Write for Caiakv both sides. 1 am a lT ilt e d S t a i « « lh*im rtm ctit o f A g r i c u l­ Q l’ A U T Y SPR A Y E R MFC CO «45 Gnunl Axe IVrtlawd. Or» tun*, In c o lla b o r n t io n w it h th e U u r v a u p o w e r aewing-ma­ T h is M m ade w ill m ake Silo*. Airanarle*. lU s # merit*. e tc , W a t e r ­ o f A n n u a l In d u s t ry . chine operator and tu ra , w ill m en u to th e c o u n try I* a c ­ proof, K otproof, Rat proof and Fir#pi oof M E D U S A have a little girl to c u r a te ly g a u g e d In a aytiu pal* p r e p a r e d a f a v o r a b l e sU*>rvlni 5 w h e n c v u n p are d McHlusa M a t c rp r«« i W h ite V tiai I Cem ent !• support, t w o r k in a b v th e hutvMit a h o w in g th a u m » »•* the beat for Stucco P iaster on outside for H u n gs- i w ith d r ie d b e e t p u lp a n d c o r n sila g e , ta ilo r shop and that lo w s— D ooa^n ot »lain^nm ll ^d^rt . an^ln. hoa. J off A|le |H-vtln p u lp Is t h e b v -p r o < lu .l lineof work has been A . M c M i l l a n a c o „ iso u n ion * v i n . P ortlan d re u u tln in g a f t e r pectin ha* b e e n <\ v » n alack thia year and 1 am home juirt t ra c t e d fro m a p p le p o m a c e , or, a s It ....................................... H E M STITC H IN G A N D HLKAT1NU. . . . _______ of the timo. I do not like to take any B u ttonho -,g — 1 ttcris — rialtin* — T u . k tn * »n.l C l u i i u i t i c h n u . !< aotnetitnes called, elder pre>s cake chances, ao 1 consulted mv friends, and All M i ll eirdvrs giv e n c a re fu l and prom pt attention A f t e r the p e c tin lias been extracted one lady said. T a k e Lydia I'iukham's E i r e Shop. SSa M orrison St. - .. . bettor . about three-fourths o f - the total weight medicino,‘ * so I did. 1 have felt A iw »i »i*ce to hat end L ie . w«ti. of the pulp is water, rendering it sub- right along and am m good enough health Open-« » a t , . x.* stark S l J'v t rit|>ld K|HiUage. Heretofore tt to go to work. 1 recommend your V e g ­ etable Compound an 1 Sanative «Vash to has been thrown away, hut It has been a ll." — Mrs. M a r y R n k ici ». 46J N. Car­ Sixth street o p p osite T h e O reg o n ia n and Al­ found that when the pulp Is dried penter St., Chicago, Illinois. d e r »tre a t op p o s ite M #ir A F ra n k '». Th a B #»t tt can he kept for a considerable time Often the mother is obliged to support E ating p la ce in tha C ity. T h a F inest C o ffe e and. because o f Its reduced weight, her children and good health is neces­ and P a *try a S pecialty. handled and shipped economically. sary. Lydia B. rSnkham's Vegetable Some manufacturers have recently In­ Compound is just the medicine you can Writ# us for prieee ar.d market condition» on stalled evaporators for drying the depend u]wn. It is a medicine for wo­ Vtsl Host. Pool In, Fisks. PcUtoes. Omoes. etc pulp In order to market the product men's ailments and the relief it brought Mrs. Enrico it nu r b r in g to you . Keep Forty Years in the Same Location. for stock feed. Portland, Oregon well by taking Ly i !'. Cinkham’s V eg­ The feeding experiment Included a etable Compound preliminary test with one cow for a PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. hid » '- ’ì 1?/ " ¿'" mc I u «. period o f 20 days, and a later one Did Seem Time for New Hat. l i n i MÖSTS. SOIT .A03 USIMI. CASCAR A HARK with ti cows. The dried pectin pulp Addr«** B Write for 1-rice« and Shipping Tmg, was always mixed with three times its When does a man need a new hat? weight o f Water several hours before This by Harris I'ayne ought to shed feeding. In the first test the cow was some light on the question: "W e fed corn silage for 20 days, then, after shall have to purchase a new hat. It a transition period o f 5 days, she was construction of a Rock Road 1 to 5 ton l!MC, Republics. Whites, etc. given pectin pulp for 20 days, and. embarrassed us no little yesterday to Overhauled —Guaranteed. after another transition period o f 5 discover. In observing the usual social which the |275.00n.ikkki previously ap W E N T W O R T H A I R W I N . Inc. days, she was fed corn silage for an ameully in the presence of a lady, that preprinted by congress has been put Oragon Distributors for GMC Trucks Second St., C o r T a ylo r other 20 days. In all these periods re had politely lifted the brim of our I'p to December 31. (212,077246 bed | P ortlan d. O ragon EXPERT grain was fed in connection with the [hat and left the crown itt statu quo." been put to work In projects either etr ttrely complete or under construction Fire Proof and Modern roughage. — Detroit News. Dyeing & Cleaning To match that amount the states ap The average production during the propriated (2 S U ÌV J U , making » total corn-silage feeding-periods was 312 EXCELLENT SERVICE How Halifax Got Its Name. o f $402 15»! ■ pounds o f milk and 14.65 pounds o f BvPsrdPoM R-um M m PMd wot« J ^ R K A N D M O R R IS O N S TS. I f placed end to end the ronde to be Halifax, the cat lt:il nf Nova Scotia, butterfat. During the p e r io d when Circular» »«wt price». Depot liemaon Car» diract to Hotal. K op ala . mr r » r j /a n » » Pric«». Canter Shop pm* ar.d Theater district. founded by Lord Cornwallis In 1749, paid for by thle money would encircle j A t > our Btxk and Call , pr anx a . c la * *. p ~ .. is named after the ear! of Halifax, the the earth at the equator aud extend as 1 fern er;y with Clyde H« k «L far ns from New York to Suu Fran English statesman who served his cisco on the second lap. The total RCBBEP STAMPS and MARKING country In the house of commons and mileage of roads under construction DEVICES. house o f lords from 1693 until his and completed, the department's roc- death In 1715. In England, the city of orda show, was approximately 27.0u* T h e Sets Com plete or Parts. Halifax Is o f considerable Importance miles. O f this milage U.Ó53 miles was W r i t e f o r p rice *. !u projects entirely completed. I'll, as a market town MYERS BLACKW ELL CO. balance of 17,440 miles was In projects lAf u * « MS Hawthorn# Av*.. PORTLAND. ORB which were still under construction Pioneers of Today. but reported lip per cent complete Oe Must Keep Credit Good. I Lea* Costly Dealing. The yonng fellow who leaves a sal­ tober 31. In those projects there was Lots of men do business on other "T h e portrait painter charged me F.xpart a d ric e on any aried job to go into business for him­ the equivalent o f 12. miles of rotn- I people's money. Those who succeed $1.000 t«> do me In oil,** said the man INCOME self Is as much of a pioneer as his pleted roads, so that the completed | learn that It’s not how much business who hail Just cleaned up In the stock experlrr.ee tn ■ . A -r W J a n u i l U U l t 1 , TAX PROBLEMS I m ent B u re a u * Is offered ancestors who crossed the plains.— road to data was mora than 7!1.0U<> A G R IC U L T U R A L IM P L E M E N T S those u nable to visit our iulles. * or~ nsarty enough to encircle | do but how good they maintain m arket **You got o ff cheap, * replied F a rm Im plem ents— New and secong office S tate you r troubles b riefly and Portland Oregonian. hand, sp ec i*l prit » - I'. F. K v enahade. the glot>e. i their cred it The man who can bar the man who had been on the losing •en d in 1 . 1 w ith i ; I «X I and situ w *s e C w v . , ill . 1 a. ■ < w you y V* h s.vsi- on- V, . . . . . . . ... eat to f"*odrie.*s advice. It w ill pay you to 340-366 L M orrison S L h a st 51. _____ prior to five years ago the federal ' row when he needs money Is tho man side. “ In the future 1 think I’M have get in touch with a s now E. J. Curtin. B R A Z I N G . W E L D I N G A C U T T I N G Nova Scotian Honorary Titles. Room 806 L e w i* Bldg.. Portlan d. O regon, j N o rt h w est W .id ir .g Jk S upply Co. u 1st SJ government took no active part In the whose conduct of business Is ap my dealings with a painter Instead of In 1621 James I conferred the titles road construction of the country. To- ; proved.— Exchange. C L E A N IN G A N D D Y E IN G i a broker.**, F o r reliable C lean in g and knights and baronets o f Nova Scotia day about one-half o f all roads under t . i — R A I N IE R H O T E L D y e in r se rv ice rend parcels to us. W e pay return postage. on a number of Scotch adventurers coootracuon ur* t-Wa« nfifi.l nn.,.. U! Horn4)i Qw, „ Saturday NoU. Ra»t H M d a 1 3 U *k . Or* Inform ation an d prices given Very Caetralh Located Convenient t» all whose object w ai to colonize North Ijr by Hi« fiilvrs l govrm m .fit, anil to# upon request Depots, and one Mock From main Po*tofl*ce const met too is sul>J« J W flin ow * To Rester© Handwriting. N E W H O U S T O N H O T E L C lark e L ire -, r >r S pr 4 Y it d « PO W ER SPRAYERS f r o m $150 t o $400 c o n d u c te d by th e b u r e a u o f c h e m istry , I 'n i t e d S ta t e * l v p u ru n o u t o f A g r lc u l* W aterproofed C^E M E N T BAB S RESTAURANT ? L Cafetería Page & Son USED TRUCK BARGAINS RITZ HOTEL Radio Outfts INFORMATION DEPARTMENT A. E. Holcombe. Manager W e e k ly R a ta * to Perm an en t Gueate Sixth and E v e rett Street*. T h re e Block* from -N>w Post of flee. F o u r B locks from U n ion Depot. P ortlan d. Or*.. F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN E W O R K S C u m m .rc ia i Iron W orks, Itii a M ad.son. □ R U G L E S S P H Y S IC IA N Chronic diseases a sp ec ia lly Dr. W . N Alien 330 FWddner Buildina. pectin puip was fed the cow made 3s"«0.9 pounds o f milk and 15.68 pounds o f fat. Although this test showed FORD O W N E R S that the pulp produced 14.7 per cent M r F ord O w n e r— D o you w an t to In­ D R . G. E. W A T T S more milk and 7.1 per cent more but- crease your m ileage to 50 per tent? If 212 Oregonian Baikiing. so, buy a S tran sky V a po rize r and D e c a r ­ terfnt than the corn silage, the re­ bonizer Good live A g e n ts wanted. A u »o PORTLAND. OREGON sults can not be considered conclusive. £pei ialty Co.. 5*8 Pey ton B idg , Spokane, W a sh . SPECIALIST In the second and more extended ex H ORSES. M U LE S B O U G H T . SO LD perl men t the pectin pulp was com­ Female and Rectal Troubles and U S S T A B L E ^ . 166 Union Ave. D ra ft pared with drle«l beet pulp, a feed that horses bought and sold._____________________ GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS It resembles more closely than corn M A C H IN E R Y Send us you r inquiries for an yth in g in silage. 'Die 6 cows were fe«l for 80 Chicken House Sash, 67c Iron or \V< er cent P IP E R E P A IR IN G E a s t Bide Station. Mi P I P F C B e p a ire d by expert*. crude fiber, as compared with 0.3 per I II L O M -h cent crude fat, H per cent crude pro­ S H IP U S Y O U R W O O L ^ T T trees prune V r V esih — w J llll L kj 1 v ^ / L ^ IV »V J \ J Before buying r>i»*where «»re us C olu m bia tein, and 20 per cent crude fiber In W o o l clean in g an d cardin g W o o l b a t* ! ^ uf C o . 14 if» Union A v e , Portland. beet pulp. The two feeds are similar and m attresses m ade to order W e do S Ä ~ftlT A R Y B E A U T Y P A R L O R In being- able to absorb water readily. custom carding. W r ite for prices W e help tne app ea ra n c e of women. T w e n ty -t w o r:> h sw itch o r tra n sfo rm a ­ The cows while on the ration con­ Crystal Springs W oolen Mills tion, valu e $7 6 m . p r i-e $2 45 taining the beet pulp produced 4970.3 400 to 412 D ekum Hldg. E sta b lish e d in 1905. • H O E R E P A I R I N G IN P O R T L A N D pounds «»f milk and 171.86 pounds of M ain O ffic e an d Factory. , 272 „ n SL 76o U m a tilla A v e , Portland. butterfat; while on the pectin-pulp ra­ . tion they produced 4376.7 pounds o f 108 4th St. V E T E R I N A R I A N — C attle a Specialty milk and 132.93 pounds of fat. Forty D r C h as M An ders ri. K en tor*. Portland. pounds o f the w et pulp were offered t«» W A NT E D ^ A G E NT 3 F IS T U L A .F I S S U R E , Itch­ each cow daily. The palatabillty of C ry sta l radio ».utflts. Im m ediate sh lp - in g if*d all other r^'-tal the pectin pulp did not appear to be j conditions except C an cer ment D etroit; retali i l o and $35. H e a d ­ qu a rte r*. A« me P ro d u c t* Co. 21s C h a m b e r perm anen tly cured w ith ­ so high ns that o f the beet pulp, since of Com m erce, P ortlan d, O regon out it su rgical operation It My rn< f tro-atm^r;! i Wedding Bouquets and Funeral P l * c * t c o w s «II«! not eat it SO r ea di ly . .. . . . .... i l ______ _ a . ! I l.ll r ap L a ... % « G . . . . ■ . . « _ _ ■ m s; ves the tissue instead of L u b lin e r Flor A t*. 348 M orrison Ht seems that pound for pound o f dry destroying it It is p a in ­ mutter the pectin pulp Is superior to less, requires no a n e s ­ thetic and is perm anent. Jud Tunkins. i corn silage and perhaps Intermediate T h e ; e is no confinem ent between the silage and beet pulp. to bed. no interference Jud Tunkins says be helleres the sin e** or social engagem ents I The loss o f appetite for the pectin guarantee a cure or will refund your fee. world is getting better, and any im- pulp by some o f the cows may be at­ Coll or write for booklet Mention t h i s __________ __ paper when writing pression to the contrary is due to the tributed to the fact that It was thp j fact that Satan is doing more adver- less familiar feed and that the second test was conducted during the summer •acond and M o rm o n t u . . P ortlan d, Ora. Using than he used to. when cows are more apt to tire of such feeds. PILES DR. C. J. D E A N AROUND THE WORLD Chinese have lacquered fans for sale, | A perfect preserved carcass o f a hut use a cheap bamboo and paper mammoth was found frozen In the Ice contrivance themselves. j In Siberia in 1D0.‘5. Uohemia proposes to coin a small: The globe fish, an Inhabitant of trop- ctirrency o f glass. The newt coins leal waters, Is said to he the only mem- w ill be much cheuper to manufacture her o f the finny tribe that swims on than the present inetal currency. Its hack. The new chancellor of Syracuse uni- The area of Egypt proper Is about versify. Rev. Charles \V. Flint, Is the 400,000 square miles, but only 12.076 son. the grandson and the great grand- square miles are fertile nnd Inhabited a>m o f Methodist local preachers. ! by a settled population. VILLA IS TO BECOME BEEF BARON Former Mexican Bandit Chief Will Rebuild Packing Plant at Ciudad Juarez. Washington.— Franci*«*o Villa, for mer Mexlrnn hnndit, who Rince Preal f simply reminds him of de feck dat It The first known Englishman, ac­ projects approved In each state fob cording to scientists, was the I ’iltdown low : Alabama, 3; Arkniisas, 3 ; Call-1 man, so called from a part of a skull furnia, 2; Colorado, 1; Florida, 1; Training Child Through Play. found at Uiltdown, in Sussex. The Idaho, 1; Kunans. H; Maryland. 3; The soul of the child In his play Massachusetts, 2; Minnesota, 13: Mia brain capacity Is equal to the smaller tlsalppl, 0; Missouri, 4; Montana. 1 ;[ should be trained to that sort of ex human brain of today. Nebraska, 2 ; Nevada, 1; New Mexico, cellenco In which, when he grows to 2; North Dakota, 2; Ohio, 2; O kla-1 manhood, he will have to bo perfected. True. hotnn, 1; Pennsylvania, 5; Mouth — Pluto. A millionaire can’t make "has went” Carollnn, 3; Mouth Dakota. 1; Texas, and " I done” sound any better than a 3; Utah, 1; Virginia. 12; Washington, day laborer. 1; Wisconsin, 2, and Wyoming, 1. The longest single stretch o f roadway Mrs. Iteri Putman approved In one project during the month w'lia an earth road In Calhoun county, Mississippi, 35.3 miles long; the shortest, 0.1) mile, was a brick road In Stark comity, Ohio. i im m i tha bar. I |o not and art a lit tin dlrtlor.** Poat Worthy of Honor. 1 think, anil think I think rightly, the laurel appointed for triumphant captains doth worthily, of all other Irarnlngx, honor the poet'a triumph. — Sidney. Other Than Material Things. Our uwn experience has taught ua that even In this world of reality thero exists dreams and desire«, thoughts and feelings of beauty, of Juatlco, nnd love, that uro of Iho noblest and loftiest Maeterlinck. Kissing In China. Women In China never kiss, and when n Chinese woman wishes to show her Affection she gently touches tho hnnd of her beloved. TW ELVE YEARS AGO AND N O W GOOD USE FOR SUBSTITUTES I f you were a user of automobile tires twelve years ago, you know how true these things are. Gravai and Macadam Can Ba Em­ ployed Until Mora Durable Type of Road le Built. Self Preservation— Nature’s First Law— HEED IT! M cKenra, Wash.— " I consider Dr. H e rc e ’n medicines to he wonder­ fully good and «-commend them to everybody. 1 used Dr. Pierce-« Favorite I ’ rotioi Iptlon for feminine trouble and was cured. And my uncle tts«3d Dr. Pierce's Holden Med­ ical Discovery with fine results.”— Mrs. Bert Putman, Box 192. When run-d«iwn you can quick­ ly pick up and regain vim, vigor, vitality by obtaining this Medical Discovery of Dr. Pierce's at your nearest drug store In tablets or liquid, or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel In InifTalo, N. Y., for trial pkg. o r write for advice. sd Cross i I BALL BLUE 1. needed in every depertmenl of house­ keeping- K«iue1ty areid fo r tosvele. table linen, sheet, in d pillow caoee. C rorrrt Arc Yon Satisfied? B F U N K E -W A L K H t BUSINESS COLfZcr Is the biggest, most perfertly equipped lineine** Training Hchool In the North w*-*t. Kit yoiireelf for a higher poeitlon with more money. Permanent positions a*Hur*d our (¡rnduate*. Write for catalog—Fourth and Yamhill, Portland. P. N. U. No. 18, 1922 G o o d y e a r T ire s, y o u w ill r e ­ member, were good tires even then. It will require avverai ycure for tbe Vnited State, to curry out the plans for a couiprehenalve system of hard- surfaced highway,. Until auch time as the main hlgltwnys can be built of the durable type, gravel and macadam may lie used ua suhatllutea, but what the whole couutry wants and demande are real honcat-to-goodneaa good roads. One of Largest Industries. Hoad building In the United Mtntes la one o f tlie nation', largest Indus­ tries, a million men being employ««! last year throughout tlie conitructlon season ut building or repairing tli« country'* highways. Asphalt Streets in Majority. Virtually 61 per rent nf all the mu- Mclpal streets In the United States have an asphalt top. Aa a consequence nt heavy truck trnfTlc many o f (base streets are beginning to slmw serious evidences of disintegration. Means to Lessen Accidents. As a means to leaa«>n automobile ac­ cidenta, the bureau of public rosile, United States Department o f Agricul­ ture, urge, the standardization of all danger signa along the American road­ way!. Money for Mors Roads. Conservative estimates place the f«dal expenditure for paving streets and highways of the United Mtntes In 11*22 at more then a billion dollars. Slightly more thsn half o f this amount will he expended on rural highway«. B ut they gave hardly half the mileage that Goodyear users are reporting to us today. Good ns they were, they could not compare in size or strength or lasting qualities with Goodyear Tires now. Goodyear Tires were low priced then. B u t they are far lower priced now. They sell today at prices that represent an average decrease o f more than 60% from the level o f 1910. The proof is in the Goodyear prices quoted below. The proof o f better quality in Goodyear Tires today is furnished b y the finer and abler perform­ ance o f Goodyear Tires all over the world. Y ou r Goodyear Service Station here in now offers you the utmost in Goodyear Tire value nt the lowest Goodyear prices ever listed. See him today. 30 1 3 « Craat Rib ^ _ Fabric ................. $10.95 9 0 1 .114 All-Weather Trnut Fahr* '4 All-V Tread Cord . $14.75 $18.00 32tn<4 All-Weather Tre«id 1 Lord............ < 3 2 *4 All-Weather Tread G»ri! ........... 3 3 *1 All Weather Tread C o n i............... $25.50 $12.40 $33.40 M anufacture'» tan extra 'Waatarn Meda fo r W e s l a r n T r a d « '