THE TURNER TRIBUNE VOL. VI Tl'H N K IL WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK PACKER RULING IS UPHELD Huprem* Court Hays Htorkyard llual- neos Interstate In Character. Washington, D. C.— Tha packer and stockyard regulation art of CHINA TERRIFIED AS ARMIES CLASH 1321, Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU IC«H|| at Noted I'o o p K (M T m m M t i and I'aclB* N orlh srst. andMXhrr T h in *. Wurth Knowing. Thar« Is no Intention of compl*lely abandoning Camp Lewis, Hecmtary of W ar Weeks aaauratl Senator Pollute* tar Tuesday. Mary Garden haa announced her re tlramant aa director general o f the Chicago Opera company. Bha had bald the poaltlon for the paat year. It la utiwlso for lourlata to co to China, owing to the dlaturbad military condition) there. Jacob O Hrhurman. American m inuter at I'ekln. aald Tureday In a maaaage to Americana lit Toklo who had aaked hla advice. I’arltamrnl haa adopted a reaolulton In favor of ralelng Immediately 2100. 000 for the uae of Captain) Coutlnbo and Hacadura. the Portuguese avlatora who recently flew from l.Ubon to the HI. Paut'a itocka o ff the coaat of ltraxlL New York cuatoma o ffic ia l) an nounced Tueaday that they were work Ing to auiaah a rich bootlegger ring which they charged bad moblllted a fleet of ex-submarine chaaera to meet creation of Am erica'* "dry navy." A man eating ehark waa caught by flahermen a abort dtatanca outalde the Oolden (lata Tueaday and waa placed on exhibition In a downtown meat market. Marine men aald that the niaoaaltng abarka rarely «ta il Ukla auction. ly through the effort* of tha agricul­ tural bloc, waa held constitutional Monday by the supreme court. Dodarlng the stockyard* “ are nut a place of rest, or final destination, but a throat through which the cur­ rent flows and the transaction* which occur there are only Incident to this current from the west to the east, and from one state to another," the court described the livestock business con­ ducted In the yarda aa Interstate In character, t'ongress, In the act, “ treats the va­ rious stockyards of the country aa great national public utilities to pro mute the flow of commerce," t'htef Justice T aft stated In delivering the opinion of the court, "and assumed that they conduct a business affected by n public use of a national character subject to national regulations. That It la a business within the power of regulation by legislative action needs no discussion." The law was challenged by certain commission merchants and dealers In the Chicago dockyards, who brought separute soils In au effort to restrain the secretary of agriculture from en forcing the law. The opinion reviewed at length the frequent court proceedings Involving transactions at the Chicago stock- yards against the packers and an­ nounced that "whatever amounts to more or less constant practice and threatens to obstruct or unduly to burden the freedom of Interstate com­ merce Is within the regulatory power o f congress under the commerce clause ." "It Is primarily for congress to con­ sider and decide the fact of the dan­ ger and meet It." he continued. "This court will certainly not substitute Its Judgment for that of congress In aurb a matter unless th* relation of tt . subject to Interstate commerce and its effect upon it ara danrly non estate« ( U. S. RECOGNITION PUT UP TO RUSSIA Twenty-tma faiatlUea wad buna re­ ported Tueaday night aa a rwatilt of auvare atorma In north central Tutaa. Heventaen death* at Port Worth, one Washington. D. C.—The American negro drowned at Waco, and a negro man and wuman at Palmer, made up government stands unshaken In Its determination that Russia must put the Hat. her own houso In order before she Seventy thouaand acre* of land near can expect political recognition by the Cairo, III., la completely covered with tint ted States. water, which la not expected to recede Making his first statement of policy for four week*, according to a aurvey regarding Russian affairs since the made by Mayor Ithoadea of Cairo subject came to the fore at Uenoa. Additional auppllra are being aent to Secretary Hughes Monday told a dele­ tho aectton. gation of women at the state depart­ ment that before any outalde power The »hooting aupcratar, deacrlbed could resume full relations with Rus­ by New Jaraeylte* aa "bigger than the sia she must herself adopt a policy of moon," which Hunday night ended a sound Internal reconstruction. He brief but lurid pyrotechnic career with added that the American people were a plunge Into the Atlantic, atruck anxious to do all they could, but would about five mile* aouth of the Toina not attempt to extend credit where river coaat guard atatlon, It waa estate there was no aound basis for I t llahed. No particular form of government More than 3500 peraona are hom e was cited as desirable or undesirable leaa and at leaat 1600 home* In the by the secretary, nor did he mention T rin ity valley between Arlington any of the developments which have Height* and Port Worth. Tex . are In Influenced the fortunes of the soviet undated, according to advice* received since the Uenoa conference began at the office of the aouthweatern di­ He did suggest, however, that the vision of the American Ked Croaa In principle of self-government In Russia was "somewhat complicated" by the St. Irfiul*. effort* of some soviet officials to In­ W illiam I.. Wood, 35 year* old. city terfere In the domestic affairs of other editor of the Durango (C olo.) Hornld, nations. waa ahot and killed Monday by Rod The delegation to which tho secre­ S. Day, 47, editor of the Durango Demo­ tary addressed his prondtinrcment c ra t The shooting took place on represented the International league Main street In tho business district. for peace and freedom and had Day gave himself up and waa held at brought to the state department a tho sheriff's office. N o witnesses to petition for full political recognition the ahootlng have been found. of the soviet regime. Plans for wiping out the deficit of the republican national committee, said to nmount to about 2600,000, were dlacuased at a meeting between Chair­ man Adams, Treasurer Uphnm and Charles D lllllea, the latter commlt- teemnn for New York a ’ chalrmnn of the finance committee. It was said that no difficulty was anticipated In raising funds to cover tho doflclt. Arbuckle Is Called. Chicago.— Roscoe Arbuckle, motion picture comedian, was Invited to ap­ pear before the council Judiciary com­ mittee Monday and defend himself against a resolution which would bar hla films from being shown In Chi­ cago. The resolution wns based on rev­ elations made at Arbuckle's recent Vice-President Coolldge, several members of the senate and house of trial at which ho was acquitted o f any representatives and many other per­ connection with tho death o f Virginia Rappe, film actress. aona prominent In public business and social life were among some 600 pa­ New Orleans.— R elief organisations trons of the New Wlllnrd hotel who were routed from their beds at an continued work Monday among the early hour Sunday morning by a fire thousands of homeless In the stricken which swept the top floor of the ten- flood zones of Igiulstuna and Missis­ story grayatono structure at Pennsyl­ sippi. Particular-efforts wore directed to tho area In central enstern Louis­ vania avenue and Pourteenth street. iana. where a lake of more than 1400 nolllng down the ten commandments square miles now stands on fertile for brevity's sake, tho suggested re­ farm lands and commercial towns ns vision In the prayer book, If accepted a result of the breaking o f the leveo by the general convention of tho Kpls- of the Mississippi river near Ferrlday. copal church at Portland, Or., In Sep­ tember will allow clergymen to em­ Rucharest, Roumnnlu. — Upward of ploy either the short or long forms. 100 persons were killed Sunday In a Five of the commandments stand as mlno explosion In the Lupenl district heretofore, without blue penciling. of Transylvania. Tho bodies o f 50 The Joint commission on the book of victims were completely cnrbnnlxed common prayer has recommended the while those of the others were blown cuts. to pieces. Astoria.— The spring fishing season on the Columbia river opened at noon which waa put through congress large Brief Resume Most Important Oli BOON, T H U R S D A Y , City of Pekin Is Placed Under Martial Law. Monday and the Indication* are that the amount of floating gear In the water will be the largest for tha first week o f any season In many years. Htayton.— Slayton’s new water sys­ tem la now completely Installed, and In a short time the streets will be ready for pavtpf. T b e county rock cruabsr here started tbla week and It Is thought likely that the county President llsu Hhih Chang Points to wtll furnish tbe nAk and bltullthlc WANT U. S. WARSHIP Serious Consequence* i f F or­ Redmond.— W ork began this week eign Interests Are Hurt. on the foundation of a new cheeae factory building for H. A. Karlen and I). C. Keyser of Vancouver, Wash. Tbe London.— An airplane used by the building Is being erected by F. O. Atkinson. W ork will be rushed so Chi LI forces flying from Psottngfu that (he plant, can operate aa soon as (o Fengtal, dropped a bomb, but with possible. out much damage, near a train carry­ ing a detachment of American ma­ Hood R iver.—T h e orders of north­ rines to Pekin, says a dispatch to the western lumber mills has Increased Isindun Times from Pekin. tbe past few months to such an ex­ tent. according to Nelson Kinry. local I'ekln.— Martial law was declared In lumberman, that dealers here are ex­ Pekin Hunday. periencing difficulty In filling orders The armlet of General Chang Tso­ for local builders and In keeping their ld n and Ueneral Wu Pel-Fu fought stocka supplied. continuously throughout the day. The Redmond.— The bucking contest fighting centered around Changtln- which was staged at tbe fair grounds tlen. 1! mlioa distant. A government at Redmond this week was an exhibi­ communique said Chang Tso-LIn was tion of nerve and horsemanship. victorious In the fighting at Maehang T w e lv e horses ridden were bad actors The American legation has request­ for those attempting to mount them. ed Washington to send another war­ It Is expected that several more con­ ship to Tientsin. tests will be held. Commander Charles T. Hutchins. American naral attache at the lega­ Redm ond— Tax collections In Des­ tion here, returned from the battle­ chutes county are 10 per cent less field The automobile be used flew than last year. H alf of the levy placed the American flag. on the s h eriffs books this year is He reported that firing had not I W T J H Ü and of this 2205.979 34 has ceased during the last 36 hours. From been collected. O f 2249.596 64 collect­ a hillside overlooking the Hun liver ible last year 2192.544 52 bad been be witnessed the operaUous of both received on tbe corresponding date. armies, with Chang Tao-Lln's troops Salem.— Th e King's Products com­ bolding the village of Cbangslntlen and the Wu Pel-Fu forces two miles pany. which operates a ’ arge plant - - ward fighting desperately to ad- In Salem. Saturday made its first pur­ chase of strawberries for the 1922 sea­ • anoe. Smoke from the cannon enveloped son. The price waa fixed at 5 cents tha hillside; shells were bursting In s pound. Other buyer*. It was said, the trenches; camels were to be seen have contracted for several tons of transporting guns to various points strawberries at prices not la excess and refugee! were observed running o f 4 Vi cents a pound. from their homes. A vivid picture of the seriousness of the struggle waa obtained. About 1000 dead or wounded were observed by Commander Hutchins. Doth sides appeared to be shelling wide ares*. The relative position of the contending force* did not seem to have chnnged m aterially since the battle began. The opinion expressed by Com­ mander Hutchins was that Wu Pel- Fu's object wss to push forward and capture Pekin, with a view to con­ trolling affairs from the capital. Chung Tso-LIn asserted that Wu Pel- Fu was ambitious to become a Chi­ nese Napoleon. He declared that peace would not be possible until Wu Pel-Fu was captured and banished like Napoleon. When Wu Pel-Fu was captured. Chang Tso-LIn said he was willing to resign and assist In abolish­ ing the Chinese system of military dictators. President Hsu Shih Chang, In con­ sequence of the hostilities. Sunday Issued three proclamations, calling at­ tention to tho serious consequences to China which might result from the Jeopardizing of foreign Interests. The first proclamation aald the Chi­ nese people were terrified, that mer­ chants were suffering losses and the Industry of the nation was demoral­ ised. Therefore, It was demanded that Chang Tso-LIn and Wu Pel-Fu Immediately withdraw their armies. Forestsrs Discuss Plan. Washington, D. C.— Methods of ap­ portioning among the states federal funds for cooperative protection of forest lands against fire were dis­ cussed Saturday at a conference be­ tween foresters from 25 states and officials of the forest service. Tho federal government now contributes 2400.000 yearly toward the cost of maintaining state systems of protec­ tion and more than 200,000.000 acres of forest land Is now receiving some form of fire protection through the co-operation of state and federal for­ est officials. The states represented at the con­ ference Included Oregon. Washington. Idaho, California, Maine, Massachu­ setts, Minnesota, Montana, Texas and Wisconsin. Society Women Accused, Philadelphia, Pa.— Miss Mary Wln- sor and her sister, Mrs. Rebecca Kvans, both prominent socially, were held In bail of 21000 each Saturday on charges of resisting arrest, breach of the peace and Inciting to riot. The charges grew out of their arrest at the Metropolitan opera house after police had frustrated their plans to distrib­ ute cards bearing an appeal to Presi­ dent Harding to grant amnesty to pris­ oners convicted of war time offenses. Salem.— There were four fatalities In Oregon due to Industrial accidents during the week ended April 27. ac­ cording to a report prepared by the state Industrial accident commission The victims were L. J. Throop. chok- erman. Healdsburg, Cal.; A. M. Dan- ton, laborer, New berg; C. F. Scoggins, logger. Oswego, and R. Morlyaser, hog feeder, Astoria. Rend.— Buildings to be started in Bend within the near future will reach a total cost of between 250.000 and 275.000, It was estimated Saturday. Following a 215.000 deal through which he becomes the owner o f a par­ cel o f 17 Bend lots. John F. Casey said that he would erect dwellings on each o f his new properties, the ag­ gregate cost to be In the neighbor­ hood of 230.000. Tillamook.— A t a m eeting o f the Tillam ook fair board Saturday, Sep­ tember 12. 13 and 14 were the days fixed for bolding this year's county fair. County Agent Pine wns elected secretary and manager. As proper ac­ commodations have not been provided on the new county fair grounds the fair will be held on the old fair frounds. The annual stock show will again be made a big feature. Salem.— Report* were received here to the effect that a number of grow­ ers of that vicinity recently contract­ ed to sell a large pool of loganberries to the California Packing company at 3Vi cents a pound. For gooseberries the growers w ill receive 4 Vi cents a pound and for raspberries 7 cents. It also was reported that the California Packing company Is quoting canned loganberries at 25 25 a case, while the Oregon packers had expected to ask as much as 26 a case for a similar product. Salem.— A copy of the so-called com­ pulsory education measure which will go before the voters at the general election In November was received at the office of the secretary of state here Friday. The measure has been referred to the attorney-general for ballot title. The measure, If approv­ ed, w ill not become effective until September, 1926. The proposal pro­ vides that any parent, guardian or other person In the state o f Oregon having control of churge or custody of a child under the age of 16 years and o f the age o f 8 years or over at the commencement of a term o f public school o f the district In which the chid resides, who shall fail or neglect or refuse to send such child to a pub­ lic school for the period of time a public school shall be held during the current year o f the district, shall be guilty o f a misdemeanor and each day'« failure to send such child to a public school shall constitute a sep­ arate offense. MAY 4, li>22. NO. í)2, S h a o f d the o w Shelfeimd Píives V* ay G R A C E c u rx p /a rrt M IL L E R W H IT E o m a n c o o P t Ko Öt or tn Cpunt r tj C H APTE R X III— Continued. "N o one but that girl Is allowed — 13— near him.” flashed back Katherine. When be got upstairs, he looked at “ By John's orders," supplemented himself In the glass. How white and Mrs. Curtis. thin he had grow n! He looked as If Katherine's Up curled. be bad died and was trying to come “ Then why not appeal to her, to life again. He was frightened al­ mamma? Perhaps she'd reach the most out o f his wits too. Then Ton- ears o f his majesty, the Lord A l­ nlhel Devon really was In the bouse. It mighty," said she. hudn't been her ghost that had thrown “ Oh, Kathle, don't be horrid," him bodily from tbe window sill after sobbed her mother. “ You know very ■II. Criab, knowing that, had come well I couldn’t a»k him through her." and made a demand for his daughter “ Then what w ill you do?" demand­ and had been arrested. Perhaps be ed the girl. “ You say Cousin John would be arrested also, and for a won’t help Rege, and you refuse to crime worse than stealing. Had the ask the girl to ask Cousin Paul. Then girt mentioned the fact of his trying what will you do?" to poison Paul Pendlehaven? I f she "You ask her, Kathle,” said Mrs. hadn't, would site? When Mr*. Cur­ Curtis. In coaxing tones. tis came In to ask how he felt, he was Katherine tossed her head. crumpled In a big chair, shaking as “ You've got a iwnre to send me to If he bad been attacked with ague. her for anything." she shot back. “ I "M y goodness, Reggie, you look will n o t!" awful,” she said, coming to bis side. Mrs. Curtis came forward with "T ell me. child, what's the matter?" trembling footsteps. “There's matter enough." faltered “ Not for your brother’s sake? Oh, the boy. “ I f you don't want me ar­ Kathle, d o !" rested like that man today, then give “ No, I won’t." said the girt. “ So me some money to get out with." Just don't ask me. Reggie’s not my He dropped his head, and for a mo­ son. and I haven't any sympathy tzr ment she stood staring at him. Then him." With that she made fo r the her mother heart relaxed, and she door and was gone. sank besldo his chair. For over an hour the anguished "Darling." she crooned, "darilng mother walked up and down. Then hoy, go to your Cousin John and tell as If she had at last reached a con­ him all about it. He will forgive you clusion, she went to the servants* quarters. There she sent the maid to and help you— ” The boy bounded up, maddened be­ ask Tonnlbel to come out to Doctor Paul’s conservatory for a minute. yond endurance. Tony silently stared at the white “Great God," he cried, “ he'd box me up for ten years! No, no, you've woman when they came face to face. got to help me get away from Ithaca. Mrs. Curtis swallowed her pride, gulp­ ing at the lumps that rose In her I must have m oney!" “ W alt," said Mrs. Curtis, and she throat. "I'm sorry about this afternoon. hurried from the room. When she appeared before Doctor Miss Devon.” she said. “ I really didn't understand." John In hi* office, he arose hastily. Tonnlbel thought In a flash that “ What's the mutter, Sarah?” he Mrs. Curtis must have gotten re­ asked. "John," she entreated, forgetting to ligion ; nothing but a softening of raise her handkerchief to wli