The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 16, 1922, Image 1

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V I.
NO. 25.
Give Contract,
M ile, of New Road.
Chicago — Mure con.tructlon work I.
actually uuder way or projected by
the railw ay, of the country for 1922
than fur aeveral year., according to
Brief Resume Most Important alatlatlc. preaented Monday by the Tangled Bodies Thrown Into
Railway Age. T ill» waa attributed to
Daily News Items.
Great Excavations.
the ahortaga uf railway facllltlea and
the Improvement In railway net earn­
ing» within recent month».
" It I. algnlflcant," the maguxlne
»aid, "that public announcement haa
already been made of plana to con-
■truct more than 500 m ile, of new line
Kvm ta o f Noted Peupla, U otrrnjM ala th l. year and contract, already have I R elief Expert Picture. Vast Famine
been let for at leaat half. Among
Aera, Where liu g . and Bandit*
and Parine Northwest. and 4Hher
the project, authorlaed are an exten-
Vie With Disease.
Tfclnga Worth Knowingv
alon uf 55 m ile, on the Atchl.on, T o ­
peka & Santa Ke from Slatauta, Kan .
we.t, and a line 40 m ile» long from
Waahlngton, D. C.—Tangled heap»
HU mao were killed and 12 Injured, I’, Okla, to Owen, which are
one perhapa fatally. In the explosion underatood to be tbe flral of aeveral of froxen corpses, some attacked by
uf a rotupreaand air tank In a machine project» which th l. road ha. In con­ starved dogs, alcknras, dirt and cold
.hop of the Kanaaa City Hallway com­ templation.“
The Dallaa-Terrelt, a In the Volga valley are deacrlbed to
pany Tueaday.
T exa. road, haa awarded a contract
Secretary Hoover In a nightmare pic­
for the con.trurtlon o f 34 mllea of
A virtual brigade waa thrown around
line; the I’ortland, Aatorla A Kaatera ture of tbe famine dtatrlcta o f aorlet
Plume Tueaday by Italian Commission-
la now building a 32 mile extonalon at Russia drawn by Dr. Thomaa II. Dlck-
er Caatelll, who laaued ordera forbid­
a coat of $2,600,000, and tbe Kanaaa Inaon, of tho American relief admln-
ding the entrance Into the city of any
A Oklahoma Southern haa been au- latratlon, In a »pedal report on con­
but Plume rltltena.
Ihorlaed to build 71 mile*.
dition» tbere.
The eteamer Uornholm, fir e daya
"W ith reference to a aecond track,
Dr. Dlcklnaon made a month'» tour
out from 8L Johna. N P., for Halifax, the Santa Ke haa announced that It
la aluck faat In tho Ice about 70 mltea will reduce grade» and provide an ad­ of the Volga valley and tbe foothill»
aouthweat o f Capo Race.
She haa ditional track between Yampal. Aril., of the Praia, traveling 4000 mllee by
aufflclent coal for eight daya.
and Griffith, 73 mllea; the Great rail, auto and (ledge. Inspecting 150
Northern will build 47 mllea of aecond
T w o bandlta Tueaday held up Wlllla
villages on the »now-covered ateppea.
track In Washington and el.ewhere,
l.ltrhfleld, repreaentatlre o f the New
and the St. I.oula San bu. In hla report to Mr. Hoover, Dr. Dick­
York Ulohe, In front o f the newapaper awarded ccntrarta for 20 mllea.
inson gave the bare and gruesome de­
office In Hey atreet. and eacaped with
“ In.ofar aa terminal facllltlea are tails of bis observations.
$ 1193 In caah and S79H& In check.
concerned, the I'ero Marquette ba.
"Losses from famine In soviet Rus­
The American legation o f Pekin baa appropriated $1.400,000 for the con­ sia." bo said, "com e under tbe heads
requested the Chlneae government to .trurtlon of locomotive ahopa at Grand
of emigration, disease and death. Eml-
take Immediately all poaalble meaaurea Rapid», Mich ; tho Miaaourl. Kanaaa
to apprehend and bring to trial the A Texaa him awarded contract, for j gratlon from the villages now rises to
rubber, who murdered Dr. A. L. Shel­ the conatructlon of a new gravity da>- j about 30 per cen t Houses are de­
ton, an American mlialonary, at 11» alflratlon yard and ahop. at Denl.on, serted, not a dog, cat or pig left, with
lung Pebruary 17, It waa announced Tex , at an c lim a te d coat of $3,000.- snow breaking through the roofs and
000; the Santa Ke haa undertaken the
at the etale department.
Smoke comes from the
conatructlon of addition» to Ita ahopa windows.
Max W llkofakl drew a pat royal
at San llrrnardino. Cal., eatlmated to chimneys of not more than half the
fluah In a midnight game at the home
coat $224,000, and the Canudlan Pa­ houses. Traveling on the roads one
of Michael ICIaenburg In Newark, N J.
cific ha. announced Ita Intention of comet across pathetic caravans, fa­
ilofore ho could open the pot he pitch­
proceeding with the conatructlon of a
ther, mother, grandparents and samo­
ed forward on the table, dead. Phy-
large ocean terminal on Ourrard Inlet,
elclana aald heart dlacaae waa the
var When camel or horse falls alck
"In thl» aummary no attempt haa they leave him to die on the open
Vlacount Urey of Pallodon. formerly been made to preaent a complete Hat plain. Sick peraona alt on top of the
aec rotary of atate for foreign affaire, of the larger project» which have been sledges and are taken to town to die.
"On aiding, everywhere, from Po­
underwent an operation Tueaday night authorlaed or thoae which are In con­
for ulcer. Although the operation waa templation, but concerning which no land to tho Urals, are freight cars
declared aucceaeful the patient waa apoclflc announcement haa yet been crowded with refugee». The govern­
conaldered to be In quite a aerloua made, or to Include tho »m ailer proj­ ment haa not the locomotives to carry
ect» aurh aa atatlona and yard exten- them, ao they are waiting.
"Disease Is general. Swollen bel­
Rioting In Hanover atreet, Ilelfaat, alona. The Hat enumerated la, how­ lies of children are so common aa no
Ireland. Tueaday afternoon rraulled In
longer to excite remark. The charac-
firing Into a crowd by tho military, clualvely that the railway» are viewing terlatle expression o f childhood In
killing two boya and wounding an­ the future with more uptlmlam."
j Russia la that of a peraon 'sore at life.'
The lord mayor announced
I have learned to dread going Into a
Dairy Congrcaa Planned
that the Impoaltlon of martial law waa
Wnahlngton. D. C. — Leading dairy room full of children. They all look
and manufacturing Internet» at a con­ up at mo accusingly, bitterly, aa It 1
An Import duty of 7 cent» a pound ference at tho department of agricul­ had done It. They are born with re­
on long atuple cotton—tho figure In ture Monday decided upon preliminary sentment In their hearts.
“ Diseases are well distributed be­
tho emergency tariff law— la under- plana for the holding of the world's
atood to have been agreed upon by dairy congrcaa In thla country aome tween summer and winter. Last sum­
republican member» of the aenate fi­ time next fall. Tho date or the city mer cholera, this winter typhus. Rus­
nance committee who are rewriting In which the congress will aaaemble sia lost 6.000,000 dead of typhus In
the Pordney tariff bill.
were not decided upon.
Secretary 1919. One city of 200,000 lost 45,000.
This year will be ns bad.
Ptre death, appeared to be the total W allace and II. E. Van Norman, preal-
"8 o many are already dying that
o f futatlllea In the tornado, which dent o f tho W orld'. Dairy Congreaa
they are burying them In wagon loads.
early Tueaday ravaged mill village»
They take o ff the clothes of the dead,
In Georgia and South Carolina. The gre»a would bo divided Into four sec­
throw them Into boxes, put snow on
»term centered at Warrcnvllle, 8. C„ tions— Induatry and econ om ic, regu­
the bodies to freexe them, then tran­
whore. In addition to tho five peraona
sport them In piles to the cemetery.
reeearcb and education.
killed, a number were Injured.
There, twice a week, they are thrown
Germnn reparation, payment, to
Into great holes, crosswise, packed
Four Die A fter Party.
the allle. In caah. payment. In kind,
closely. Dogs have become a menace
and ceaalona of atato property, be
nnd attack piles of bodies In droves
tween the annlattce and December 31, dren lay dead of gaa Monday a . the and dig Into graves. Dead children,
1921, amounted to 6,487,856,000 gold reault o f an alleged "moonahlne" party starved to death, are left outside In
mark., auya a report laaued Tueaday In their home The condition of the open ways In piles, covered with rag»
mother waa critical. A note, scrawled
by the reparation, commla.lon.
until they can be hauled away."
on a »oiled piece of paper, found on
From his notes Dr. Dickinson de­
When Jamca llawklna, a negro of
the kitchen table amid overturned bot­
Peoria, 111., rouaod from hla Bleep, tles of whisky, gnve the only clew to scribes a burying ground near Sa­
Jumped from hla burning room, hla the tragedy. " I muat go," read tile 1 mara, where the dead, gnawed by
pajama, caught on a nail on tho win­ message, believed to have been scrib­ dogs, were piled In froxen mounds un­
til thrown into great excavations.
dow cnalng and left him dangling 30
bled by the father before he turned
feet above ground with flam e, leaping
on the gas.
Soviet to Lease Farms.
nbout him. Firemen rualied a ladder
to the .bricking man and saved him.
Moscow. — Tho soviet government
More Wars Predicted.
Mllwnukee. — In nddresslng several soon will be ready to lease to foreign
Attorney-General Daughtery haa been
concerns Inrgo soviet estates in the
aaked by ITealdent llnrdlng for an hundred peraona, Wilbur Glenn Vollva.
Volga and southeast Russia on a con­
opinion na to the right of Senator
cession bnsis.
Smoot, republican, Utah, and Rcpre- that Great ltrltaln would lose many of
M. Cereda, member of the supreme
aontatlve llurtnn, republican, Ohio, to her colonial poaaeasiona, which would
economic council, who Is charged with
alt on the allied debt refunding com-
the task of raising 1,000,000.000 gold
mlaalon while retaining their neat» In great northeaatern confederacy, with
rubles, or $500,000,000, for agricultural
congrcaa. It wu. announced at the Russia, Germany, Jnpnn and China
and road improvements, announced
white houao.
“ There Is no peace for the the plan In an Interview with tho of­
The alle .id victim , of Alfred E.
world— nothing but hell.” he declared. ficial Russian press bureau.
Lindsay, o Now York, who I. charged
M. Cereda said the leases will be
Railroad Order. Car*.
with .wUidllng wealthy women of
designed to put much of the most
nearly $1,000,000 In fuke .tuck trail»
San— F ifty ateel car. of valuable grain land In Russia tem­
action., Monday filed an Involuntary the most modern type, to coat $800,000, porarily In the hand» of foreign capi­
petition In bankruptcy agaln.t hint In were contracted for Monday by Paul talists.
federal court. Lindsay, deacrlbed aa a Shoup, president of the Pacific Klee-
broker In Inve.tment aecurltlaa, waa trlc company, for service between Los
Mexico to Quail Riots.
recently Indicted In the atato court..
Angeles and Hollywood, Cal. This In­
Mexico City.— Disturbances, accom­
formation waa embodied in a telegram
The compromlae aoldlcra’ bonua bill,
panied by some bloodshed, which have
received from him by the stnte rail­
carrying a hank loan provlalon In place
taken place In the states of Mlchoacan
road commission.
of the caah Inatallment plan, originally
and Jalisco during the last few weeks,
Farm Loan. A r . Approved
propoaed and once approved by the
have caused tho government to as­
houae, finally waa agreed to Tueaday
Washington, D. C.— Approval o f 91 sume an energetic attitude In policing
by republican m ember, o f tho w ay. advance, for agricultural and live­ those dlstrleta, although the activities
and mean, committee. It w a . Intro­ stock purposes aggregating $2.504,000 do not nppear to have been directed
duced later In the home by Chairman was announced Monday by the war against President Obregon. Morelia,
Fordney, who announced that It would finance corporation. The advances In­ capital of Mlchoacan, for aeveral days
not be called up until next Monday, cluded: Idaho, $136,000 and Montana hna been In a state of panic, due to
It then.
threats of rebels.
Haleru— Salem voters, at a special
election In May, will pasa upon the
question of authorising bonds In tbe
amount of $25,000 for sewer conatruc­
o f tho
P íix e s J
Albany.— An activo war on Canadian
thlatlea In Linn county this year la
planned by the Linn county farm bu­
reau. An antl-thlstle campaign la or­
ganised In all communities of tbe
Roseburg— Stockmen of tbe T iller
5 *» r r * ) * m rM . r r
vicinity have loat heavily by tha cold
weather of last Jan ary, according to
Forest Supervisor Ramsdell, wbo has
been making a survey of the grazing
situation at T iller.
Storm Countrtl*
Salem. — Although actual distribu­
tion of cash bonua checks to ex serv­
ice men In Oregon started les» than
two weeks ago, something more than
$1.000,000 already has been sent out,
according to a report prepared here
Saturday by Sam A. Kozer, secretary
of state.
Woodburn.— A t a meeting of the
North Marlon Berry Growers’ asso­
ciation, the association was disbanded
owing to the tact that It has been
merged Into the Woodburn Fruit Grow­
ers' Co-operative astoclation, which
now haa about 77 members represent­
ing 415 acres of berries. It Is In­
corporated aa a non-capital selling or­
Hood River.— Cold, frosty nights still
prevail in the mid-Columbia fruit dis­
tr ic t Orchard lata from all parta of
the Hood River valley declare that
they have never seen a more back­
ward spring. Dee Flat grow er» re­
port that a foot of snow still covers
the ground around their ranches, and
tho snow covering in the upper valley
Is even deeper.
Salem.— The state banking board, at
a meeting here Friday, approved the
appointment o f E. M. Watson, em­
ployed In the First National Bank at
Eugene; Glen V. Wimberley, cashier
of the American National Bank of
Klamath Falls, and Guy N. Hlckok.
In charge of the liquidation bureau of
the state hanking department as state
hank examiners.
Astoria.— "Guilty as charged” was
the verdict returned Friday afternoon
by the Justice court Jury In the case
against Ward E. Edwards of the Ne-
halem valley, accused o f having deer
meat In hit possession during the
closed season, and a fine of $300 was
Imposed. Notice of appeal to the cir­
cuit court was given and the defend­
ant's bonds were fixed at $5u0.
Salem.— Taxes have been paid to
the county at the rate of approxi­
mately $7000 a day. according to Oscar
Bower, sheriff and tax collector. A l­
though hard times have been preached
throughout the land, the tax receipts
thus far this year were said to be
slightly above normal. This would In­
dicate, officials said, that money Is
not as scarce as some people have
' ♦
•ynopal* — Lonely and frt*n<IIe*s.
Tonnibel I>*von, living on a canal
boat w ith a brutal fathar and a
worn out. dlarnuragad mother. wan-
data Into a Salvation arm y hall at
Ithaca. N T. Thara aha maats a
young Salvation arm y captain.
Philip MaeCauler
U riah Dovon.
T o n y's fathar. announeoa ha haa
arranged for Tony to m arry Uagi-
nold Brown, a worthlaaa compan­
ion. Mrs. Dovon object*. and Uriah
boata har
Thalr quarrel reveal*
that thera la a secret between them
In which Tony la tha cantral flgura.
Tony rafuaaa to m arry Reginald
and ee apes a beating by Jumping
Into tha lake
She flnda a baby's
pi-lu re with offer o f reward for Ita
dellvary to Doctor Pendtabavon.
Bt.s dal!ver* tha picture and tha
doctor visits her m other
Davon makes Tony sw ear "nevar
to aay nothin' mean against Uriah
D evon."
Tho Devons disappear
and Tony again visits tha Pendls-
Salem — The grain Inspection depart­
ment o f the Oregon and Washington
public service commission have ar­
ranged a aeries o f hearings In tbe
two states to consider propoaed
chances in tbe grading of tbe aereral
varieties o f w h eat
Haines.— Livestock offered for »ale
at public auction in several recent
sales held on local ranchea is find­
ing ready buyers at prices ranging
considerably higher than for some
time past. A t a tale held by George
Davidson, grade dairy cows brought
prices ranging from $55 to $117.
---- ;----- ■
.■ z— i
CH APTER V II— Contlnu«8.
T h is Is my brother, Paul Pendle-
hsven. my child," said Doctor John.
"H e wants to thank you fur bringing
back the picture."
“ Sit down a while," murmured Doc­
tor Paul.
She squetted unceremoniously upon
the bed beside the pig.
"Our little frland here la In trou­
ble." aald Doctor John to b li brother,
"and wants work. 1*11 come back after
three." Then he went out.
For a long time Paul PeodlehaTen
looked at Tony, and Tony looked bstk
at him. Tony waa mentally pitying
him with all her lovmg heart He was
thinking over the conversation he and
hla brother had had about thla strange
little girl who had brought from a
th ie f» den the picture of hla baby.
"How would you like to stay here a
while with meT” he aaked at length.
Gray eye» widened to the fullest ex­
tent of fringed lids.
"Lordy," was all Tonnibel could say,
as she glanced around.
“Tou might wait on me,” explained
the doctor, "and keep me company. 1
do get lonely sometimes. Would you
like that? I know you like flowers."
“ I love 'em,” cried Tonnibel.
Pendlehaven smiled Into the shining
eyes. He felt better already.
"I've such a lot of them all OTer this
wing." he went on. "You might take
care of them for me and— and other
Tony was almost bursting with Joy.
She had within her the greatest gift
of God, supreme gratitude. To work
for him would be bliss Indeed. She
didn't want to cry. so to keep from It,
she hit down on her red underllp. He
had said In pojltlve tones that he
wanted her. It did seem good to be
wanted somewhere. What she did then
Pendlehaven remembered many a long
day. She bent over and kissed his
hand. The warm red lips thrilled him
as vibrant youth always thrills weak
“Can Gusste stay, too?" she pleaded
presently. "She’d be without anybody
If she didn't have me."
“ Yes," said Pendlehaven, as his
brother opened the door. “ You can
Marshfield.— It was said Saturday
that the Oregon Export company, a
lumber concern embarrassed here by
attachments a few days ago, will prob­
ably resume Monday. An Invoice of
lumber on the export company dock
disclosed there was a net $40,000
worth. The creditors here have about
$25,000 against the company and it is
proposed to appoint a trustee to sell
the lumber and liquidate the claims.
Bend.— A new Industry for Bend,
which will mean a saving for Des­
chutes county farmers of approximate­
ly $2000 this year In tho price of sul­
phur, has been started at the sug­
gestion and under the direction of
County Agriculturist Jamison.
chinery has been Installed for the
milling of lump sulphur, making it
unnecessary for farmers to purchase
the rolled product at outside points.
St. Helens.— The breeders o f short­
horn cattle held a meeting Thursday
and formed the Shorthorn Breeders'
association. G. L. Tarbell of Yank­
ton was elected president, H. R. Dlb-
blee o f Rainier, vice-president, and
Ralph Tarbell of Warren, secretary-
treasurer. It was decided to hold a
sale of shorthorn cattle in St. Helens
June 1, and also to form a boys' and
girls' calf club. The county fair was
Indorsed and the breeders promised
to have cattle exhibits at the fair.
the house to stay, a girl with hare feet,
and enough balr for three people.
From what I could gather ahe's going
to atay over with Paul. And John In­
sisted on my going with him to buy
these. Think of a poor nobody dressed
up like a horse."
Katherine looked at her keenly. "I
suppose you served Cousin John a
deep-aeeted spell of hysterics, didn't
you, when he popped tho girl In on
yon?” she demanded.
" I did my boat," admitted Mr». Cur­
tis, sniffling.
“ M*n get surfeited to women's tear»,
mamma darling," said the all-wise
Katherine. “ I f I wanted to make any
Impression on him, I'd leave off howl­
ing every minute or two. And you
don't look pretty when your note la
red. Who la the gutter rat?"
T m aure I don't know. She’* got a
queer name and I asked her about
herself, and the looked as sulky as
could be."
“ Leave It to me— " began Katherine.
Jast then the door swung open, and
there appeared before Katherine Cur­
tis a girl wbo made her breath almost
»top with surprise. A very young
glrL too, the gazer caught at a glance.
Abundant curls hung about one of the
moat beautiful face» Katherine had
ever seen. Her mother hadn't told
her the girl was so pretty. She felt
a nervousness come over her when aha
thought of Philip MacCauley.
In alienee Tonnibel donned her new
clothes, and when she stood up to be
Inspected, Mrs. Curtla aoowl««l at her.
“Go show Doctor John." she aald.
“ He told me to send you right down to
Tonnibel was glad to escape. Kath­
arine hadn't said a word to her, but
both girla had eyed each other ap­
praisingly. and KatheriD# suddenly
came to a resolution, which she made
known to her mother tbe moment they
were alone.
“ She can’t atay In this house," she
said between her teeth.
Mrs. Curtla laughed sarcastically.
“ See what you can do with yonr
cousin, then." she snapped. “ I did my
best with John, and he positively re­
fused to let roe go to P au l! As much
as told me It was none of my busi­
“ I won't cry when I talk to him."
said the glrL " I ’ll speak my mind
outright. I'll make the bouse too hot
to hold her. I think I know how to
put one over on our philanthropic
When Tonnibel came Into the office
that evening to ask a very Important
question of Doctor Pendlehaven, he
said to her;
“ My dear. I want you always to re­
member what I am going to tell you
now. This house belongs to my
> brother and me. I do not wtah you
to take orders from anyone but us."
Tony gazed at him a moment, not
understanding at first Then her lips
T h a t means If anyone says I've got
to hike back to the canal boat I don't
go a.-less one o f you tells me to," she
demanded. “ Is that It?"
The doctor laughed.
“ Yes, that's I t " said he. “ Now what
did you want o f me?"
“Can I go down the lak* tomorrow
afternoon— ” ehe hesitated and then
went on, “ I wont to see If anyone's
“Certainly, dear child, you can,"
was the answer. “ But get back before
It'a dark; I don't want anything to
happen to my little Tony GlrL"
“ For Haavan'a Saks, What’s th» Mat­
ter?” Asked tha Qirl.
makf her a nice home In my conserva­
It took but a moment for the alck
man to explain to Doctor John hts ar­
rangements with Tonnibel, and the
glrl'a heart was not the only rejoicing
one among the trio.
W?ien Katherine Curtis came home
late that afternoon she found her
mother In a towering rage, surrounded
by many strange looking boxes and
"For heaven'i sake, what’s the mat­
ter?" asked the girl.
" I think ycur Cousin John's gone
mad," aald Mrs. Curtla, beginning to
cry. "He's brought a ragged girl Into
Th# Fight
Little by little Paul Pendlehaven
taught her, and little by little Tony's
salvation boy preached his lessons of
Universal Love to her; and the eager
young mind drank In the knowledge as
a thirsty plant takes In water.
There were no signs o f Uriah and
Edith returning, and Tonnibel grew
dally more hopeless when she thought
of her mother. Perhaps she would
never see her again. She had strenu­
ously refused to speak of her people
to Paul Pendlehaven.
Doctor John noticed as the days
passed how much better hit brother
wss looking, and no wonder hts own
heart wanned hourly to tha curly-
headed waif who had come among
them so mysteriously.
Unknown to either of the doctors,
Mrs. Curtis and her daughter had been
able to keep Tony Devon from meet­
ing Philip MacCauley In the house. At
first John Pendlehaven had Insisted
that Tony attend the family table, but
both Paul and the girl decided that
har meals should be served In the sick
room. Perhaps If Philip MacCauley
hadn't been Interested In t certain lit­
tle girl on a canal boat, his curiosity
would have taken him to Paul's apart­
ments to make the acquaintance of
the little companion John Pendlehaven
had casually spoken of.
"She's a wonder, Phil." he said one
evening. “ For the Brat lira# I've hopes
of Paul's recovery."
"G ood!" replied Philip, and Immedi­
ately fell Into a revery.
Tonnibel had reached the canal boat
and had changed to her old clothes
when suddenly »he heard footsteps on
the path beside the Hoghole.
heart almost leapt out of her month.
Perhaps her mother was coming home,
perhaps her father. Tremblingly she
peeped out through the aperture. She
drew back Instantly. Reginald Brown
was approaching the canal boat. She
heard him cross the deck, and then the
footsteps cca»ed. She hoped with all
her might and main that he wouldn’t
think of coming downstairs.
But that was exactly nrhat he did
She crouched up against the
bunk, as the boy stepped Into the cab­
in. When be saw her a slow grin
spread over bta thin face.
“ So you're here," he got out thick­
ly. "W here have you been? I've sla­
tted this place three times tn that
many weeks. Where have you been.
I aay?”
“ Oo away," she aald, half frightened
to death. "You’d better get out of here
before my mother comes back. She'll
beat you with the broom!”
“ I'm not afraid of your father or
mother," he said tauntingly. " I know
where they are.”
The words sent Tonnibel forward a
“ Honest?” the gasped. "Is It honest
what you say?"
"Certainly," replied the young man,
"and they told me to come here and
get you."
“ Where are they?" She had come
very near him now, her eyes gazing at
N e v s r H ad
She Seen
him wistfully. “ Please tell me where
my mummy Is !"
“ Never mind Just now," said he, hla
eyes taking In her slight young figure
passionately. "Here, I want to kias
He dragged her forward until her
slender, quivering body was pressed
against hla. He had said he Intended
to kiss her. All the rebellion of a
primitive uneducated nature sprang
Into life within Tony Devon.
curly head darted upward for a mo­
ment, and the gray eyes blazed Into
the muddy blue ones, leering down
upon her. Then, knowing no other
way to protect herself from desecra­
tion, she set her sharp white teeth
Into Reggie's hand, »Inking them
deep beneath his skin. A cry of hurt
rage escaped his lips, and he flung
her from him.
"You little vixen," he got out, shak­
ing his hand In panic. “ You little
wicked brat I T h e re ! Now I'll teach
you to bite me again.”
He sprang at her, and Tony
screamed twice with all her luag
Then something happened I
Someone grasped hold of the man
who had snatched her Into his arms,
and for what seemed an Interminable
time two forms struggled together In
the small cabin. For a few second*
Tony didn t realize wno Reggie s as­
sailant waa; then with a grip at her
heart she recognized Philip's white
face as with terrible strength he
dragged Reggie up the steps.
Into her terrified eyes enrae one
strange flashing smile of welcome.
Her salvation man had saved her, and
as e\ ’ ry woman does In ca-es w here
her need Is great, she cried out her
thanksgiving In his name, that best-
beloved name of Philip. By this time
the two men were struggling on the
deck, and as If Impelled by some un­
known force Touy staggered up the
It was Just ns she reached the top
that she saw Captain MacCauley, by
one mighty effort, lift the struggling
figure of the other man and throw him
Into the lake. A sharp ejaculation fell
from her lips. Never had she seen
such strength, never had her heart
sung as It did then. She trembled so
that when Philip swung hack and
ruihed toward her. ahe sank down at
his fe e t As f&lls away an old gar­
ment so fell away Philip's anger. Ten­
derly he lifted her up aud spoke to
"Poor little girl,” he whispered. But
he had no time to add anything, nor
had Tony time to answer him.
For there on the Hoghole path look­
ing at her, a frown drugging hit brows
together, was her father.
Uriah Devon hud halted at the sight
o f a man being thrown Into the water.
Then he came forward, and the girl
loosened herself from the arms that
held her and turned swiftly to him.
Don't forget that the wisest owl oe-
caslonall; hoot* at tbe wrong time.