— - WAY TAKE NEW CENSUSN1925 i Structure to C:nn?ct Detroit and Windsor Will Break All Records. THE TURNER TRIBUNE PFAHL P HASSLER. EDITOR SUMMONS s u M M O N S No. LW7 In the Circuit Umili «4 the State of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT S U M M O N S On gun fur Ma i n n t’uunt v. Of the State of Oren on for M.trton In The Circuit Umirt Of The Stnlv Of Dvpailineili No. l.'»UH F. Itobtil««, Phlilllitr, V* Maud R »bvit* Di fvii«l&' t SUES KliTIt'N »I.2.-I I'KR YEAR Tt» Ma,hl li»«ti.s, ibp Defendant Entered at the Pestnffice at Turner, above Haiti« tl : Oregon, as seeondelftM matter» under IX X V Ol ri!ESTATI the Act of March 3. 1ST». OFOBI .iiOX \ . u ar« In »th within »i* w«tk* IIis spLiuacli drtn pt J in gliUvnlng fr«»m January Iaud in ativ V • wni within Inrly «lai s freni the ilatc of fold j pt i-oiuil », r\ let rvg>»n, His voit-A’ sevinctl rolling mil to me and lf\ 'll lati to*'» at *aer, for want “Darling, I am grow Ing e’.d,’* ibt'itt i. llf Flaintitl will take a de «'lie against von f«»ni « r «!:>* Ring Hie He may have t en a baby once. liomU ot matriiiion v m»w t\i*Ung br Iw«en y«'> h other relit f a.« I«» ll fore Methuselah u as bom Hu* limn laide < »mt may «tini meet w ilh » tiuiiy. H s w bicker.'» .-«arti d in to grow. riu« Kummoi .« I* |»iil»l.*ln «I in the I think he was a little chap, Turner Tribune, n wcvkli n"W*pa|»»r «»f general virvutali« n in Mai ion e«»un- When »th started on the ark. iy. Oregon, prlniiil uml pul»li*livtl at He must have grown to be a b<»y I'ur.ier, In s.tid C'Hiuly anti *:.ilr, *aid 1 publlt atii'ii tn h < nn>de ft>r six v«»n When they cut the hay on Wilson SV« Olive W Vvk * ill il ' .'H .i’ivt w uh lilt order «»F the 11«< »rablvt»« «» G Ring- Park. h ull, J ll Jgv «<1 > t :d I «'Hid, ¡ml ina«|v Wh ( «in and Alni |¡.nl tin ir faut, ll*;* 12th »lay of J.«unary, P>..2. tin* «lati Yv c.tig la v was but a few daya old. of tiie first p i« it'.«ii«m of .««aid Sum­ mons In mg l!.?*«h»\, January I’d, And so I join th sweet refrain, of J 1922, and the driv *»l Hie last puidica- H i » l di it* f 11;,; Fluirxlay I « hruary “Silver i'i»rea«ls Among the lioid.” 2.1. 1922, or in Ih u «»I such publieat i«»n, ! lids So mno1 n.i ^nay I v >» rvrd upon Some’.ti.ly told u* Ilie otlier d:»y tliat \«» ii pvi*«»nal \ «>nl*i.!e I lie Sial«' «»f Carle Abranie, ihr Sahin pei» »bootcr. Oregon an«l piovf tin ref muile as pro- i hit il by law . i* a nephew «f »Id I). Lee. O, Tim Ivan G Martin, .»•’2 S. High St , Salem, Ore. pora, O, Ma. s. Carey F. Marlin, fi 7 S. I.i’.u m x. Salem. Ore. I With two rimili; ca » ill tile Att i v\ * for I’lniulili. I'fllce ndtirvs.*, 41.» M-,* inv libi, Ile d f< r »late Irvn-iin I, HufFuill ik w Sab ih . Ore. get busy with bi- Ferner M ».»' an I ! Tuned Cc.i| dera') e Dissatisfaction Ex pressed (her Count Mar'e* Year Aro. ---------------------------- ------------ — Every Thursday nt Turner. Marion County, Oregon Ode To J. D. Lee EEPBESEUTATISN IS AFFECTEU jjpper Deck Expected to Be Ready for Serv:c; With n Fcur Year»— Two Year« More Will Sea Cridge Completed. Detroit. Mich.—Plans for |h? new International suspension bridge to con­ pert I'vtmli ami Windsor, just cn- pounced. show that it w-ji have the | ott; •st single span In the world, nicas- tiring : 1.NU2 feet, or 21 inches l< longer I han t! e great cantilever at Quel <•. pf doubltMleek construction, the new jink between Canada and the United States will acconinndaTc street car, niitonioblle and pe tons, with eight cables carrying the huge span. Six of t!.* se cab’« s will be 2» inches In dir meter, and two will be js inches thick: t-'gether they w|ll support a pull of 14XOOO.OOO pounds. Su*i'v* <’ I from tw*' tuwvrs. each flying .V*) feet a! «»ve the water. The Fpan will have a wi lth of 07 feet f«»r fhc I Ighway deck with two trol’ey tracks, two sidewalks and two r»'a«1- ways. while the l«»wcr dock will have four railway tracks and a 2J foot space for public utilities equip* ent. F!«t trie !«»•'« morives wonhl ! e nso-.l L r traffic acros* the lower d«' 'k. Completion of the t>r,«I e will mean (he er.d of the (rain ferrie« which fu» years have carried frvlgl t anti pas^n- ger traffic arr«»lt river, peon after the operài,..: of the MichL fan Central tunnel. The trJd ;t. irh’rii wit! I»e built by the Canadian ibe American Transit c««inpr.ny. with the approval of the Canadian and 1’1 !!♦• cities. On- Ft ruction Is expected to Lcg’.n (rmn the American ride. Cords for $30.000 000. The promoting companies have been £?0.'***» • ««I in fco- putltor :»‘>1 to pnrities for the project. It Is vstimat- rn « f the structure will be r«»ngh Rapid Transit com- nnr.y. New York; Prof. William H F.tnr *>f New Y<>rk. Col. C. M. M«»nser- rat. M«nnr«‘:t1; Prof. C. R. Young o' the Pnlverrity of Toronto, and Prof. H. E. RUgs of the University of Mich­ igan. EVEN LIKEN TOWELS COMMON Innkeeper’s Prótesis to Health Cids Vain Against Penn­ sylvania Law. Offi- Harrisburg, I’a.—A strange lnten>rc- tntl«»u <»f the state law prohibiting the iiae of the “common towel” in public places has been received by state health officials from a hotel proprietor in a small town. A formal nutic* • wuif served on him that lie must di scori­ iJntie l he ti se of a “common towel” ir, ©is lun. In an indignant protect he replied that he did not ‘use cumnioq («»wvb. but had bis wife make u »¡>e- rial trip to Philatici|diiii to purcbn*^ linen ones.” State health officials dis­ agree with bis lntvn»rvtntion of tli^ law, and have notified him to discon­ tinue the ‘•common lowel,” even ifJt iij limn. JOHN D. J?. EOPROWS COAT Rockefel'er Tells of Attending lm< per.’jl Carden Party in Tokio in Borrowed Raiment. New York.—John I>. Rockefeller, Jr., told how he borrowed a frock coat from the Amer - an !-.ni’>:i■•td«»r to in­ tend an !ni|icrin! garden ’ Royalty were rcqul European divl;i!Hea Elier Ln Fore and Babcock oi Sale ii. I. E. Putnam and wife •«Vvre callers during the «lay. Census Tck.ni in January Is Disap­ proved cn Cround That Weather in That Month Is Serious Handicap. WariPngton.--Because of “ct»nshb orubie «¡l*»atl*i:tcfion” i\ rh the result : of the coin i in the census Liken lust ' January, the hou*»» « ensiH c* niuiittee is eon*itiering h gdativn pmvhllug for another viniiuenithm ,»f the population ; of the United States l;i 1925, or soiao other year prior t«» flie next decennial »v. .*•:>. S- ,tn: \ Ih^ver * iya i»‘ that |M»rtion of his annual rvt»«»rt dealing with the activities of the census bu­ reau. ‘This prop s'.I l.',ls!atlon has tnj I approval,” M:. H«»o\«;r says, adding that “Il i as fiv<’’.ie: lly lax n contend- ed that the d:stribi:tlon of the popu­ lation ns *h*»wn by the retorts of tbe i fiMirteentl; cvr.sus it« abnormal,” and. j that prior to that enumeration there , was a great nioxemeiit from rural tc, urban «Ustriets width, since the enu­ meration. has teen lieufraliztsl In large j measure by a reverse movement. Affect* Ccngrccs Representation. “Further, it is sahl. that this shift­ ing of the pop ¡¡utlon l :.« :« «! the to­ tals for certain states, thus Influenc­ tire in more propagarli« dope. ing the app rtn i incnt of repiesenta- lives In congress.** Wc understand that the eyes of the Census taklt y in January Is disap­ prove«! «■!) the rfuijnd thill the weath­ Pirtlaud village undertaker faiily er In that tnoiirh is a serious Lar i rap glister.» every time the name of J. 1). to the enumerator, «’elaying it ' work and making It necessary “to take un­ L-*e is iiicnliotml in his presence. usual precaution* to insure Cliver up old t* j», busini ss ahvuy » gt t> piete canvass.” good after a l«mg, dry sjh II. The report says t*mt the fimi for taking the next censn, hould bq tn The Oregonian opims Hint Chnrlie April, as was the disc !ef»i.'c the last census. Th'* change • for the last cen- Hall of Coo» ci uilty . is ti l'll » III* eou- im.s was mad?, it sa iys. at tlie request tlieling emotion» wlietlicr to run for of various Inti'rests mak Ing u*e <»f ng cs, the tden Lt Ing g iverimr or »tale trea-uri r. Chur lit rim! turn I stnt that ni«»rc • -urate c«»uhi be chance» for treasurer would t-e good, obtained ernrernf ? the a* I <’f th1 «»ph.L n t!t: :. in or­ The sp >ke*.nan for the Salem Min­ der to ndvar.ee the work rf subsequent ceiisu«os. It will be necessary that isterial association, in a ncvnl article changes be made in methods of pro­ ..i the Statesman, r« ft rs to a past« r of I cedure. if n<»t In the scope, ef «»¿ue of another denomination than ij con­ rhe Inquiries. “It w«>’ !d hrsten the publication of the figures fr»r the total population.“ rhe rep Tt * iys. * if the sup rviso**s In the various districts made the p.ellm- Inary count nnd announced the popua- fation. subject to correction, for the political subdivisions of their dis- tricts.’’ To avoid duplication of effort nr.i) eliminate annoyance tn manufactur­ ers nnd othp;*s. the commerce secre­ tary has ns’:«-d the director of the cen- sns to negi'tiate with other catlstical bureaus of the fo«b*ral g »veniment looking to a ron*olidat!op of eff«»rt In this direction. Receive Many Ccmp’aiHt«. “Mmy complaints have boon re- reived from manufacturers and oth era concomlrg the numerous requests made l\v the f.-deral bureaus for sta­ tistical and cih r Ir.form.'ition.” Mr. Hoover says. “I feel confident that In many instances the peri« ’■< nt the week end at hinny. M s. F. A. Wood has Lien sick the past u v« k. Sam Drager u tut to Portland M »n- day on 1> umiiv ? s malt« js. Mr and Mr*. Aithur Hunke ur.s hi Sah in Monday vi»itit g tvlalixts. Walley Blact^h a <• > m la it I im * lay c . ium .I by v’mckii g to th :.th on a p< - tatu, Levi Flit!« t nr I family cf Snlt iii, ovrviit the M. Filth t ii<»mvSuutlay. <’ha* ¡¡c Haling and wifeof Portland' vUttvd Sunday with Mrs. Carolim* Drager. County. Daga minuit No a Orvg.m, Ftir Murimi ('utility. Maitslh ¡d Bro. k*. Flahiti|r, Depuri in«-ut N a . 2. va Dana ILmliu, l’Ialntltt, Janie* Nc'Litt. alan all «»ther prrtiHIM p«'itoiiM VM or parlies unkiiouii. elnlmlng any Ma«* Paullu, Ih'fvmliint. right, title, « stale, lien <>r lut« i> «t in th«* real estate described in th«'colli* rWiH|x Ah°V,: MAK pjalnt livrein, lh fendunia. IX lìil X \ MI OF THE STATE To Juiiiv« N« sbltt, nhui all other per- OF OllEGOX s« uu* oi parli« s unknown, <*h| I tiling nit y YOU ARE IIERI .IIY NO FI FI Eli right, title, »'state. II« it or inter* >l in the real »"'lat'1 »I« •til»«d ill the v«un- l‘«t npptar und nnswvr a vniuplalnt tll«'«l ngitiiikl )«»u In (he akivt« •»nlltb'd plaint livrvhi, Defendant*«: | \ I III \ \\i| Qb I II! STA l’| • au«v w i l li iti i li«» lime i»r«»vi«ti il in Ibis Ol <>lll ION. You are hvivby rv, miti If y«»u rall ••» lo nppcnr «d to api», ar and nnauer the complaint nn«l iiiimw « r snid «'«»uiplalnt, PlaliiliH III *1 against y «»u in th* al»«»\c «Militi» »I will npply 1“ lln» ('miri f«»r a drereo ('«»uil atol i ' íium -, on ,»r I»<'<♦ »re >1 \ Wia'kw f«»ivivr tli«*.»|\ lng thè I miih I n i»f mairi- from i h»'«lute of i he tlrst piildh'alhiti nmny « virihig talwveli tliv l’InliilIfT of thU S uiiiiihh )», and if y. ti hpl to ami Dvfvmlant In rvln, and (or ti»«* Appear anil mi*u« i nnltl ctonplaiitt f»«r w lndeoflhe rdlt'f pravi «I f«»r In anld Y«m are hvrvbv militled va'ti ih . < . lb * Pliilnllll will apply voniplnliil t«» rhe I'oiirl brili«’ let.» f pray « »I ft.r (hai «ni il»«» Ifth «lay of l> rt*mÌM*r, in his v mqilaiiit plaint herein, a « ivcjiil h«_’l, th«* Il'»in>nililv ( jvo. G Hliiglmm, I nT f u Inch Is a» fiilloa A Judgv i>( thè alarne vnlitlvd Court, tl»*vr* c re»|Uiriitg you to s» l fottìi I h< Iliade mi «irih-r al II»«* city «»fSnlveii, nature vf utjy » lalui th it you n.ay Marion «"miti, Oregon, uut boriali»« j have in the folhiaing í Í cmci II k i I pretil unti dirvetlng ibi«* SuninmnM tu l»v ' m r\v«i tip«,n >«»ii l«> pultlicNiiun tlirrv« is» s, t«»-w il : The 1 1 ist half ’t' lut «Mit* in Block ,»f, »»lire a wcvk for «*i\ ibinsecuiive I.»«, iti s mih W » -t \«hhti«>n I«» tin wvekshitliv Fuinvr Tribune, a iivw»- t’ity *»f Salim, in Mat luit county, l' i|" r publhhvd \v« « kly in Turin*r. Oregon, a*» the sanie io sliou n miti \lm *«»n vouiiiy, Or« g«ui, nml imam»#* designateti on the rcc«»r»le»l plat <»f ing thè «pi illtbmtiniia r<«piirv«l l»y ln n«»u «»»i Rie ili theoRIve fur tliv pnldicnlbm of Stilli ninna. Tliv firmi ptibllviiti«»n nf tbia Suine t»f (he lì « *r»lcr «»f (’«»a vey anees fui nmna w aa Iliade «»li Hi«’ *j2nd day «»f saitl Mar.mi county . Oi» gnu. Aulititi all alili«., claim* I • «lv- D« ,’vml*« r. |92l, nml thè Inai pul»li- tt'riiiinvtl i y drt’rev of (be »bave en- «'iiti«»n w ili Lr mnde nnd thè amm» w ili filled Comi, and timt by said »Icetee «'Xplrvun ihv 2ml «lay «»f Fvbruary, I u I mii . I h - rri|illrrl« of mini prvllliye« anti the «»n *»r liftirv tin- uili i|ny 1-cbruury, whole tIt« re«»f, and (liai yon Imi« no 1922. M s LAMPO HT. righi. title, estati', I liter« st «»i lit u in or M X »r\. M« X try A !<•*)<». A|l»»r- ( »««Iti premi««« s t»r any pail thereof, and that a «lecrev la* vntvrvd f«»rvyvr m y » for i'hilnlil!', Sah n», Oregon. enjoining and n «training y«»n (min a«H*riing nny claim or Interest olmi ^ttcvt r in t>r I.» .-aiti premi«« s, nr any X«>TI< i: |s ll| RI'iiY GIVEN. part thereof. :u! vi ’ * to ihv l*laiuti|| ««r his slicet xm » ih in int«*rc»t, or fornuvli I'lmt the uiitii-tr|gii< «1, I'V tin «»r«lvr «»f ll»«' c« unit < "url ,‘f Mtirlon i!«*utHv( «»Cher an«l furtliei relief as tu I lie ( uurl Stntv of it y<»n l i pub­ I JI, w .i*«l I v tippdnlt tl A'hniidri»u- lication thereof intliv 1'uriier I rlbu{i«*, (•»r of tilt I'Nlatv of IL'njmill» I. Eri« a. a new spa *, «e r print« <1 mid publish« t| In Dt-< t‘h.M«ll mid that h«» hu* «Inly qimli- I’urm r, M tiion county, <>r«g«»n, timi Ih «1 i* sill 'i. \ 11 p »1 a Ilin having clrtillia that th»' «Lite <>t the lit'«! piihli • itb»n again*! *.«nl ’ ’latem, hcr« l»y n«»llti« t lie . >ih «I ty I» <’t’inl»vr. IRJi. t«» pleavHt I hv rtiiilv. «lull v« riflv«l I»* ami the «late of tin* Hat publica!inn ' rt «put« «1 l \ law. lu I lie iimlt-raigmil nt therv-'j will In theUth «I v of Fvbrnai \. , ( I lie «»fllt'e uf Smit ii «k slih hla. bin Sa­ IR2J ’ lem Bank of Commerce. Salem, <|rv lìiis Summons I« h.» p!il«li fi’lii the dal«' «• rv» .I upon y <>u pur-nr«tit I«» an «»r«li r «»f ! Ilia H'lti, v. thilrd mid i|r^t publirb« ,1 ibla 2Uli> «»f tin* 11 m. i it*«, i ;. Bingham, Julgv» • •f «ai-i (' nirt. which *»i l< r u is tim I« day of Ih t'vmbt r, h>2l. I I <» X CHILDS. ami entered «>f record in «ai»! <«ain*e «m Vlminlrirut««r Iht Friale i f Ben­ the 27th day of D . «mis r, |!ij|. iamin I . F.*h *. Ih « i a*«,l. IIOBI.S D DAY. Smit!) A Sim Ida, Sul« id , Oregon, B«‘<»tn 17, L *>ltl A; II um I i Biilg . Salt in, At tor in ) » for Ad|iilni»iii•* Phone 12S3 «***»*»#»»«»««*•»« ♦ ♦ ♦ Eyes J ested I A m iTia/e licetUM* ims been granted D. A. Mutisvll 2.g and Kathrynr Brock 21, both of Aurnsuilk*. Wc understand that Jim Kelly i nou i.uyii /«:.■•* and I t iter. Hurrah! M . M. I’. MiIler attend« d ll.c Mme Syhumannn H« ink concert at vallu last Friday. There will be humorous reading«, a big comedy, band, Kilo’s by out of tow n talent, and music and cuts to be sure. Ifcmcmbcr the dale, Feb. lltli. 1 Ì » : Glasses Fitted 4 L vihm • nveuralrly duplicate«! Optical repali • « ar« fully and promptly mud« •. X • HARTMAN BROS. H C. I.CHW4A. ! SALEM •«••••a••»•••>••«•« Natke ta Creditors Norn I. IS II EltEHY .-ecti»Lt r, |!‘2I, w <«.«ialv <»f Mary Petrn», |>r <•«. -u «I. suol timi she hai Lutate arc hert-hy nollf|«o|J it . IlKI I.»Itl.K Date I and fir«! (»•lltlltthctl thia 2klh tiny of I hf iiil»» r, PnJI. LILLI AN I- A I Iti* II I.I>, \diiiiu i-( ml 11 M of lite l.«late «I Mgry Ia• »'(’»■»letl til««»«» Filini PriviH, ! let » l.«t ll. Hiniih A Shield«, Silent, (pcgmi, Slut«- A I.II m r'JT St*. NA I.CM Attorney» h r Adiuini-lrairix. D. H. MOSHER An I'pw«»rih I.vignv was organize«! STATE or ORE ION. FOR TUB Sunday evening Ly th«» young pvop’v COUNTY CF MARION. a| the h«»ute of John *|'hotnas, i hvre Here “4 young pe«’piv present. Mis*« In tiiv inatt« r of tb - E-tnte of J.irhi«» Myrtle Taylor was elected Pi*.si«i«*tit J Kcanlan, Dt-veaM'd. Mr*. Thomas Vi«< Prv»id«*ut. Ruth XOIK i: IS HI.RI RV GIVFX. Drager js m e’y-tn a*ur.u-. rimi Ih«- limi inign««i A Iniitiirir:.!' r nected with the ass •ialion us a Mr. ami M fs S. Huh n and Mrs. wi I, «di thè filli day «»f FeUruary, IdJ'. al thè hotir of teu «>*c!«»uk »». Ili , «»li »«ahi “narrow-minded l.igid.” Better bv Risco attended Pomona Gruime at «late, upitii th»? prvinl»vs lo-r in «!»«»■ C *reful boys. Maybe that ro •!< w ill Sai« in W**dm* I. . crii»« d, •••Il l" tbv hi^ht ri lii«|«h*r f««r < .»rii in bnnd, i i «>f lliv bdinwing de»- drop tack <»n lop of your owu greep- vi!i . «! rvul pi«»pvrly, t«»-wit h use. We havmU «* •< n Hip Van \V|nklr L«»t* Iwfiity-rtv«-t2u’. and tarili), pul on the sia i a«* Intending to take a rap at the Qre» *lm*>vn l»y t he record« «I piai <»n file In died. Why don’t J. I». Lee tukv on Uoqiity Ri cor.trr,M « Ilice «»f M.ui«>n goq exposition management, the couuty, stai«» <«f <>rvg«»n. the role and ipxnclbing lie is litt» d Warrenton Ntwssay». Asa Imsine-» Sai«! -ale w ili bv inad«» puntuali! t«» fur, rather than annoy people with hi* thè« >r«l» r of l In» «• «uiity Court «>f Ma., m ’ nun Mr. Julius Meier is undoubt illy ---- w- pestiferous ttilk about l»» ing governor <*<»unty. Oregon, l^ui ing date <»f Jan- a succ «r, but as a politician hr Is a uary, 5. P»22. nnd Hi«* - ani «ale w ili I«»» . NOTICE Gf FINAL SETTLBMfWT lie has about a» much chance to be­ imiti - «qbjvrt l»» thè con tir inuli«»n of KQTIU1 IH HI hi Bì «IVI N failure.” It waa our impr«s?ion we ( ’miri. l’bal thè Un.il n«’L* «uni «if Harry ! come governor as the .-\ur>>n*<|b*vrver tliv abow imuivd w. u. l’i. I TYJOHN, 1 < ‘.«1«! m rii. |ì\»-i'iili'r t»f tjic H”h*lv «( would rather have our fair bandied hut» to I m i iu< a nvv, spa|M r under its .Vimini*! rat««r « f III« Estate • H» W,it» tin in’s FuUpInin r«»h»| jinsiuit management. so why kick about Ju'iu*? vminly, Oi't-g« li, limi ijiut tbv (Sdii day j»f J.inqary, lu.'2, ut thè Imur <»f h ri (’nui* > PA|MTtiri, Y. »V K. Filinn While p tiring hot grenze Jagt Sut S u M M O N S o’clovk a. ih .. th«TV'»f, 1 h 0 I m - vii dqly i;r lay, Mr-*. ( A. R *«* >.ii|d> <> W11 o in The Uircuit f’onrt Of The Stqtv appellili« d by Nircll Colltè iim Rie ItUte ^,M»l» ip-, i(ht» L mh|iniiter* »,.» >cj|ool B< h >L» niol Supplies f>»rtlic hearing «>f «»I jveiiuiis la s«dd !ii « s west <>! the Stat»* svh‘M»l, severely Of Orvgon, Far The County <)f The n >:th end of Marion county ( tinnì «< c*»un| am| th«- ■«< tllvi||viit Ihrp*- NiAflb St , Salem burned lu r h it Im nd- Marion. I)niunl Nlmiihl imi bv ^||p»v- of l'. l«vai«i • ’«»iliter, ni*«» all «¡tin i- per­ candidate for the next ttute senate, soli«* «»r patti«» unkhown, vbtiiniiig «•«I nini npprtiv. il l»v *ai«l Court. W. J. PORTER, IlARRY I CALIffi E(.L, M -t everyone in Mur ion count j any righi, lille, «*lat«-, Urti «ir flit«»: I * iiTiiitir «>|i, ctpable man, conservative and br< ad Picture Framing T«> tlje q I m >V c uain« «l Defviidulit»: AttornvyM f«»r Exvriitor. lift Court St. Qr. l.x THE NAME OF THE si vii ; miuded on legislative mutter^ con- O| ORI'JiO.X, X ni ni«- btirby n«|iiir- c ruing matt* is of state and taxation. • <1 t'» :tpp .i ami a ut w« riho «ompiai ni NOTICE OF FINAL |IET*VLHMENT NUTI1 1 IN Hi RKIIY n <«r Lef«»re tiu» 2.3rd dav <»f Tli.it thè lliml nrvoiinl of Nel« A. taxes each year, you can bet that Fvbru.iry, 1922, nml if y« u fnR w to SwiiriMoi», Extcuh.r of III«* F.|1 h I v of nppear und aiiawcr *»»hl <-<>iiiplnii)t, for Aiulieu Sor* ii*< ii, Devi nrr il, lui*« liven will look after your tax interests want ther«« f. thè Plainll’f will apply tllcd in ihe voimty ('olir! <»f Murimi well as his own. .Sam Brown cuu t<» thè ( <»m ». t«*r tip» teli« f prnyt-d f«»r in coniti \ , Oregi'it nnd limi thè |.:ili«luy hi.* comphiinl In r< in, a huv «- i Ì ici «tate of Fvliriiary. 1022, ni ih«* limar of ini I elected. «»'<*|o« k u. ih ., ili« riof, I iun bvvn rlitly l»;«-lit of W hicli i* »»* f; 4 BIG ACTS A di-cr« e re«piirhig y«»u, niid envli of ' nppolniiii h.v »U( b Cv»*H «u» ih* tino Even Kri'lay nini Suturila)' with As fur ns the length of day» is cnn- f««r lite hearing <»f plgvctlmiN lo r*nld y>n, lo s< t forili tilt* li atti r«*of any hvn, : c riel. we have passed the rii«»rt<*at— duim, ,»r ini« r« ri w bidi y «m, or ¡» ii v «•! li un I Mcciuint and thè svilii invili llivrv- with a lotupleto cbniigr of tbu in other words wc have gone over the o o y««u, hav» in or lo Un* f.dlow ing «ì« * <»f. All pvrsons iiitvrvstrj in salii |*! n -< o program ou >uuday. tnt<- un-hci« l»y r««|iiirn lo U h * < ‘ily of Salem, Mar­ yiiid »inni arenili shoiibl noi bv ullow« «I , Watt Shipp, propiini I t Sul« n» mar, o long a.« nnv other range with o o i o ion county, ami state <»f Or« g .n, a«* nn>l n(q>r<»v« t'gh< ut Marion o Je-* wood, or your money hack. o X FLS A SWANNON. riiown .uni «!v*ignnt« d oli th«* r« ••«.r«l- o o county, died nt a Porllnnd hospital Exvvutor of thè E s I i R c of Aiulrew ed piai of thè *ald Addition Iti tI h o Ifvour dealer will not «apply o AMMUNITIONS o la.-t Sunday from an < p<-ration of tin? o oillet» of tll'* Itvrord« r of (’»»li veynn Norrnson, D«,r«iiMr<|. o o you, nd for catalogue and Sinllli à. Sliivlds, Sup*ni, Oregon^ <•« * for th«* Mnid Marion county, Btomuidi. o o o and limi ali a«|\<»r*«* (daini I h * d«*t« i Aiiorncys (oc Exvvptor. o price li-t. o minvd hy dvcfri* •»( tliv ¡^I h » v «» enlith»d .112 .1 o Rifles and St\9t (Jvps We will i' ll ranges that nave o o l’ourt, und l»y u-ml «1« ;*r« <* il I h * ^i: willi thè huir cut o and Ilio w Indi* ih« r< of, nnd tlial nvitli- o The Sporting Goods Store dow ii lo a intuirli r. o er voti, thè nubi Dcfi’iidantn, m»r nny <), Jayrimlum! o o «•f \ou, hav,» any riglit, liti«*, crini»-, o FLORIST and DECORA TOR o Eor Suh-. Kleven hundred |>ound 120 H. Com ’ l Rt. SALEM o o li» n or I nt< i, *t in or to miiìi I pr«*inisvs o 12-1 North Liberty Street o or nny pari Ile u of, nnd timi a drcree mure for «ale cilienp. Intuire of «’. A. o -71 N. Com11 St. rALEMg i>»• coler« <1 by nubi Court, fon v, r en- I la U hi p, Iti. 2, Tprm r. SALEM, ORE joining and r< yiraining y<»u, nml « urli <2 uoooocococoooocpoooooooooo of you, frolli :i*M-rling any daini or I ii - Turner'* M om * eonferri'd with III" | lerewt w ’ra!*o«*v«*r hi or («i wild pn niis- Urial eliti'f, trenmirer llofT, In Snh ni Chiroprnc|ic-^|>inologiiil oooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooj • •« or nny part Un-reof, advi-i^«» to tln* till* week. <>, Mhekinnh! 41 l 11^ y. S- ¡Ij^k Building Piai ni ili «,r ber mii (’ c « h *» oir in int«*r«*ri, ami for sudi otlier nnd lìirlher r«*li< f Salem, Oregon n* l«» Ih«* Court inny h *cni » <|niiald«* and proper. ------- ----------------------------- T You Are Furili« r Notiti« «I timi ilih» Suipnmns h K« rvo(| npon yoii |>y pub licatlon l L« i« <»f in I (n- I iirm-r l'ribii ne, Tlie »lx niotlicrli *» rliildrrn of W. I a w« «*kly m w-»pnper prtulcd and pnb- llnhvd in tlirtow n ni Turner, Marion Physiciaa and S«r^ linyi' Im o ilHlriliiiltil Io county, Or» gon, nnd timi Un* finte <»f A. thè tirsi piildlcnlloii ther»of I h i h»* I2ilt 1 U'lnlhi'» for tloir riiro. The rldof TUUNEg, • ORK. H dny of Jnnunry, 1922, nn«l thè tari pub- ’ noli Hheliion, wii. Iiiki n l.y hl* iinclr, I I i < *:i f I « » 11 11 iv r<« »f w ili Le nnidi» oli ih»* I liny l’« t< r«on, of flr<'*lmrn. Tho girl 23rd dny of Febriiury, 1922. 'I bis N uiii - —. ■ A j- moiiM i«* no ptildished nml Mervi-d npori Nolii mid broiler V'-arnyl went loan you p'irsinUil to Hu* ord AiiniRvilh'. Mr*. E« daughter» Hll-I Marron roiinty, Oregon, wliidi «»pler « drnl mid hiirr. 1, mid K«*l-I w ' iim dtily nitide an«i etih*n*d of record | in «aid «miire «>n fi»« 7th «»f .bin­ burn of A iiiiihv III c , will cafe (or the' t week» old Imby boy. ila ry, 1922. Ladie’s and Gents Pomeroy & Keene Jwelefs and Opticians THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE Sam Brown Salem’s Larges! Book Stor$ The Stovebniiders’ Masterpiece UJUID€UI££€ Lang’s langwftcd Range “PETER S’’ Remington & Winchesirs C. 15. CLANCEY People’s Furniture Dr. O. L. Scott Just received a car of Children Have Good Home« H. N« Gragg No. 1 Clover May Mr.-. (• <>rgia Robertson is visiting a voiishi nt Brownsville. A See us for prices Oregon Grain Co Turner Butter Wrappers at this oflR^e ELMO M. Will I E, ............. ................... ....................................... Trn'rOIng grip* »nd h II kln.l^ One i.r the mn«l tinhfiie program» Attorney b»r l’Iüintiir. .................. ........... «..IttÄ PoMtiifflce ami rvHhh'ticp siddrvw«, 102 Hin < hiistmii church on Kaltirdny street, Masonic Ti mplv, Hnlem, Ore. even lug, Feb. Illli. There will lw »*•, '■‘>""-•-'7......... I^vnd tii' advertí1-' mcnt?. a Iipmey pii/« to (bv yvlimer. «fri Uotni Hf., Halevi. ’ •