1 THE TURNER TRIBUNE VOL. TU11NEH, OREGON, V. WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK TAX MEASURE UP TO HOUSE Itrdurtion» lu Aggregate $350.000.000 DreUlon Due Soon. Washington, I). ( ’. - T h e administra­ tion tax revision bill was laid before ALLIES MAY UR LID ON RHINELAND Ilia fiousa of reprosentatlves Monday Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. after the republican membership of Dial body lu coufsruuce hud changed It aa aa to make repeal of the exceaa End of Economics Barrier Put Up to Germany. FOR YOU PAYMENTS IS FACTOR Thla change, on tho basis of pre­ vious In the corporutlone would will furbiah muiic at thla year's state fair, according to an­ nouncement made Saturday. This band played In Salem during laat year's fair and gave satisfaction. re­ # Indi­ (jueatlofi o f Occupatio« o f Klght Rank S a lem — It was announced here Sat­ o f Rhine lo t oms Up Again and l, w l l ( N u r th .n l, and Other viduals with large Incomee paying to urday that a Salem physician had been the government In the next calendar A I Next Meeting. T h in ii Worth Knowing. assured of approximately three fourths of a grain of radium The coat of the year something like 1200.000,000 more portion Is approximately $tit)00. Ra­ than they would have paid had the Paris.— 'The liftin g of the economic dium la now used In the treatment of la the b u ilM tt district la Huattls ad ministration plan of making the re­ caucer and similar diseases. Tuesday, a rubber sulerod a candy barrier of tba Kblnoland ou September peals relruacllve prevailed. Kan Diego officials were recently the guests of the officers o f the naval air station on a flying tour over the city, »loro. Ii.ld up a wmnnu rlork and ob- H alsey— J. A. McWilliams, while at­ 15. providing Uermany pays up the Total tax reductions for this fiscal when the rudder of tbelr big Blimp, the B-S, collapsed. Lieut. (Jordon MclJonald, the pilot, kept his machine going, talnod 110 from (ho rash register. tempting to move an extension ladder amount aha undertook to pay under although he knew not whither, and changed to drift low, over this soft-looking spot—tba high school lawn, and set­ year under the bill aa revised were In painting the W. H. McMahan resi­ legislation tor regulation of the estimated by aome majority members (he London ultimatum and agrees to dence Saturday, waa struck serosa the tled on It. rusat pack Rut industry, long botoro con of the ways and means committee at remove the boycott agalnat French forearm by the ladder, which b ro k e ! great, finally « a i mado ready Tuooday $J60,000.000, aa ugalnat approximately goods, was decided upou at the dual both arm bones. He happened to be j for approval by the president. $550,000.000, planned by committee re­ session of the allied aupremu council lucky enough to carry a little acci­ * Eat» Eggs Taken From Tho etulc department wna Informod publicans, and Ihe total tax yield at dent Insurance. Saturday. Snake; Has Weird Dreams about 13,200,000. Aa a result of the Tuoaday by lla representatives at It waa derided, however, to maintain Salem. — I ’olk county w ill have a • banges made by the republican con­ Winchester, Vs.— E. W. Knee, Klga and llcval that Atnrrlcana who ference, majority committee members the occupation of Ituhrort, Duisburg larger tonnage of dried prunes this prominent churchman and mer­ bare boon Incarcerated at Moacow and Düsseldorf until the next meeting year than Marlon county, and Yamhill further amended the bill before lla chant o f Marlboro, Vs., was wore on tho way lo (ho, frontier Mon­ presentation lu the house so as to of tba council, which It was under­ more than Polk, acrordlng to the esti­ "dead aure” be saw snakes while day. stood w ill be held previous to tho mates of the United States bureau of he slept, and be Is not yet en­ make the corporation Income tax 12H for localities In which tho operation Washington disarmament conference. markets. The repc «1 was prepared by Activities of Forecasting Depart­ The Ituaalan public ao far la ap­ per cent after next January 1 Instead tirely convinced be didn't. o f small craft Is Involved. On the oc­ A t that time Prem ier Urland con­ F. L Kent, statistician for the market Mr*. Knee had an encounter parently Ignorant that tba queatlon of of 10 per cent, as originally planned, ment Cover Many Features casion o f violent storms on the Great with a six-foot black snake while the releaao of American prisoners la and tba manufacturers' tax on cereal sented that the question of the occu­ sud crop department. Lakes or Gulf no means Is spared to That Are Little Known. she was gathering eggs late In Involved In famine relief, aa Moacow beverages 0 cents a gallon Instead of pation of the right bank of the Rhine spread the advices and warnings ss Scappoose. — At a special election the afternoon. The snake was should be reconsidered. newspapers received at Itlga made no 12 cents. far In advance as possible. Warnings held here Saturday to vote on the ac­ colled np under a ben, and Mrs. The decisions were reached after M. mention of the notea of Secretaries are broadcasted by wireless to ships Tho bill proposes repeal of all o f Ihe ceptance or rejection of tho proposed Knea touched the serpent when Ilrtaud. aa president of the council, afloat. Hoover and llugbea. transportation taxes effective next she reached tn to get the eggs charter for the city, a section provid­ replied to attacks made by Lord Cur- Klver and flood warnings: This the hen had laid. Tba fancy allk ablrt. sporty ana and January 1, Increased exemptions to son, the British foreign secretary, and ing for $30,000 bond Issue for a water service Is of great value to the com­ A fte r the snake had been Beneficial to mercial. Industrial and agri cultural loud, eipenalve cravata are doomed to heads of families and married men S ir Robert Stevenson Horne, chancel- system was carried by vote of 85 for, Services Specifically killed an egg came out of Ita Agriculture— Timely Warnings for glva way to cotton Hale and plain having Incomes of less than $5000. de­ lor of tho British exchequer, against 38 against 'T h e city has a voting Interests In whatever regions are month, being the egg the ben Stockmon— Aida Efficiency of Inundated. It always Is effective tn knitted gooda. becauae men are Blank­ creases In ihe levies on randy, sport­ what was termed the present expensive population of about 147. had laid while sitting on the saving vast amounts o f property, and Forest Fire Fighters. ing tbelr clothing bllla. Cblcagb baber- ing goods, furs and art and art works; system of administering the treaty, es­ snake. Mrs. Knee. It was said, Salem.— The atate of Oregon has the substitution o f manufacturers' tn some esses great saving of life also daabera told the board of review when laid the egg aside, bat Mr. Knee pecially aa concerning occupation of power to assess and collect taxes on questioned about Ibelr peraonal prop taxes for the so tailed nuisance and the Ruhr region. (Prepared by the United States Depart­ results. got It by mistake, boiled It and a stock of merchandise owned and Valuable Aid to Food Shippers. ment of Agriculture.) luxury levies, sad other changes, de­ erty taiea. ate I t During tbe night he had This. Lord Curxon aald. “ la very kept by a trader doing business on an Shippers' forecasts: During the It Is quite probable that the weather tails of which have been given In pre­ terrible dreams, neighbors said, costly; alao Irritating to Herman na­ Indian reservation, according to I. H. burean of the United States department winter particularly this service Is of The four big railroad brotberhooda all caused by eating the egg. vious Associated I'ress dispatches. tional sentiment and pride.” In Canada announced Tueaday they Van Winkle, attorney-general. The o f Agriculture Is performing services special benefit to those concerned In * » Additional revisions Include exemp­ The chancellor o f the British ex­ opinion was asked by Bert C. Boyi-ta. unknown to yon. o f which you might be the movement o f perishable products, ^ « % w % w w w a % s x « w « w « w w « w w w « « ^ would Jointly content the 12 per cent tion from taxallun of the xalarles of availing yourself with profit. The dally Commission merchants, shippers and chequer argued that continuance of the wage cut, which baa been put Into district attorney of Jefferson county. I the president of Ihe United Slates and weather forecast appearing In the tgents handling commodities of this Ice. The weather bureau advise» the present system Impoverished everyone effect on the Canadian rallroada. They the Judges of tbs supreme and Inferior Salem — Marlon county farmers this corner o f the morning and evening character are advised In advance of of the Interested powers and that stock-raising Interests of the approach have applied to thn government for federal courts and alao amour'.? re paper Is but one o f many scrvlcea. 1 temperatures detrimental to perish- and severity o f cold waves, storms and means ought to be examined for re­ year wiU harveaf approximately 20 a board of conciliation and a ten-day I f you do not know o f tlie others It able products and tn which shipments atmospheric conditions Injurióos to reived by Individuals as compensa­ ducing the cost, aa the high expenar bushels of wheat to the acre, while . coufarence In Moutreal. tion. fam ily allotments and allowances With ample warning In ad­ Polk county ranchers will harvest 21 will be worth while to read about In particular directions are likely to cattle. meant less reparations. them, particularly If you are a farmer, be exposed. This enables railroad men vance, the weak stock can be brought lamona came down from a little under provisions of the war risk In­ Ambassador Harvey took a more ac­ bushels from the same acreage, ac­ truck gardener, stockman, planter, or and others Interested to property pro­ to shelter, and enormous losses pre­ price aviation trip Tueaday when. In surance aud vocational rehabilitation tive part in the three hours' meetlug cording to reports received from F. j dealer tn perishable products, for the tect shipments hy beating or Icing vented. L. Kent, statistician with the bureau Ihe commission house dlatrlrt In Han acts. weather bureau makes the efTect of cars, and In other ways to mitigate of the council than at any session Fire weather service: The studies Francisco, tbey were quoted at from since the deliberations were started, ot markets and crop estimates, with : the weather on these businesses Its the losses and claims which would re­ o f the foresters and weather bureau Farmers' Rights Avowed. $3.40 to $5 a boa. wholeaale. Thla la offices In Portland. sult from damage In shipment constant concern. The dally “ prophe­ being asked for hla opinion or taking employees have resulted In supplying The foregoing Important services of a service on the part o f the weather sies" are among the oldest features of a drop of I t for the beat grade and Washington. D. O.—American pro part In the discussion o f practically Medford.— At the receivers' sale of the bureau bear only Indirectly upon the service, but other forecasts have |l.to for the common gradea. In (lie ducera must "oppose any effort on the every question brought up. aa America •he Oregon Gas A Electric company s been added from time to time, so that the agricultural welfare o f the nation. bureau to the national and state or­ pant few week» the price »oared to ganizations which Is helpful In the «a s directly Interealed, especially lu plant, held here Saturday, the proper- ’ the list now contains many surprises The services listed below, however, are prevention and control of forest fires. part of the Interests to pluco farm pro­ $10 a bog. Ihe Russian and Austrian situations. ty was bought by the Anglo-Callfornla to the average reader. ! specifically beneficial to agriculture. Its advices to forest-fire fighting agen­ ducts on the tariff free Hat," said a At this session tho council dreidod Trust company of San Francisco for Day-to-day forecasts are Issued 36 Frost warnings and special fruit cies promote the most effective distri­ Iteductlona of approglmately tfiOO. telegram sent Monday by five sena­ upon the makeup of the International j $55,555 50. The bondholders were to 48 hours In advance. These relate frost service, alfalfa warnings, etc.: bution o f fire prevention and suppres­ 000,000 In taxca and 1S20.000.000 In tors from western stales to the South­ famine relief commission, which will represented by Thomas D. Patch, re- i to the general weather, temperature. It has been conclusively demonstrated sion agencies. government expenditure» thla flacal ern T a riff association, meeting at deal with the famine situation In Rus­ celver, and the trust company by its j aud wind Conditbulb for the various '.bat the damages by spring frosts In Weather and crop bulletin: The year were agreed upon at a confer­ state units. The forecasts are Issued the horticultural sections of the coun- IJroctiaboro, N. <\ The telegram was sia. Thla commission will not be vice-president and cashier. Louis Sut­ object of this bulletin. Issued weekly, ence between ITealdent Harding, Sec­ at approximately 9:30 a. m. and 9 p. try can be greatly mitigated, or even Ii to get the fullest possible Informa­ signed by Senators Hooding. Idaho; merely Inter allied, but Sweden, Den­ ter. retary Mellon and republican leader» m. The first of these is given general prevented entirely, by proper methods tion to the agricultural Interests as McNury, Oregon; Cupper, Kansas. mark. Norway and other neutral coun­ of the houae of repreaenlatlvea, In­ Salem.— The first gun in the cam­ distribution through the display of of artificially henting the orchards, to the weather conditions week by Johnson, California, and Nicholson, tries will be asked to Join. The nu­ weather and temperature flags, the The weather bureau undertakes to tell week. The effect o f the weather on cluding member» o f the waya and Colorado, and said It inuat be made cleus will be formed by the entente paign to organise the non-partisan telephone, printed curds, and bulletins, the orchardlst when frosts are coming, crop conditions ls also mentioned. Tha mean» committee. league In Oregon was fired at Union- Clear to leaders of both political countries and the United States, each and the afternoon press; the »econd what the prooable minimum tempera- bulletin Is Issued at a great many out­ vllle, Yamhill county, Friday night. federal agenclea will co-operate with purtlra "that agriculture and Ha nf- to appoint three delegates. one Is dlstrlbu.ed mainly through the ture will tie. and even to specify the lying stations, and also at Washington. The meeting was addressed by II. 11. atate officiate In a fight to eradicate rtllnted industries are entitled to the various press associations for appear-, time to light the orchard fires and to Highway weather service: Thla Steallard. national organiser for the Hocky mountain »potted fever In Mon­ »aiue consideration as the manu­ ance In the morning newspaper. perform other operations. A like service, which ls o f a general charac­ league, and a number of persons were tana, It waa announced Tueaday by facturers." Indlcat» Weather for Week Ahead. ls »«e n d e d to trucking Inter- ter, was Inaugurated In a limited way signed up. - Meetings In other sections the public health aervlce. The situ Weekly forecast, are issued Sutur- " sU- gr-wera. and many as an outgrowth o f war conditions. It of Marion county are now being ar­ day of each week for larger areas than ° ' h» r »«lc u ltu r a l Interests which may consists of adding to the forecast mes­ atton Ita. been under dlacusslon be­ Mexico's Csss Debated. the day-to-day forecasts, and act forth l>»nef!ted by forewarnings o f early sages and bulletins Issued by the bu­ ranged. tween Hurgeon General dim m ing und Washington, I>. C.— Advisability of the expected general conditions o f the " r Ia,¥ fros,s » nd o f « » ‘ "H'herlc «in - reau at a number o f Its stations, ad­ W. F Cogawell. secretary of the Mon Prlnevllle.— Crook county is sched­ Ixmdon.—O fficial light on the status vices as to the conditions o f the prin­ recognition of Ihe Obregoti govern­ weather for that period In advance, d<‘trl,mMlU1 tana board of health. of the Irish ncgotiatloua was given by uled to have a livestock meeting Sep­ These are disseminated largely through cipal highway» of travel. This Infor­ Timely Warringa for Stockmen, ment In Mexico was debuted In the the government for the first time Sat­ tember 8 and 9 The first day's meet­ the press, but also through mailed i Advices o f weather conditions favor- mation Is of Interest to large num­ Hepubllcana of tho aenate privilege» senate Mondny. Senator King, demo­ urday In the form o f a letter wrlttan ing will be held In Prlnevllle and the cards and bulletins. ; ing the catting and harvesting of al- bers o f highway users, but owing to and etectlona committee voted Hon second day at Towell Butte. Topics l.ocal forecasts are Issued dnlly by falfa, and operations of Hke kind. Is limited funds the service Is not ex­ ator Newberry, republican. Michigan, crat, Utah, declured that no such step by Oeneral Jan C. Smuts, the Soutn under dtscurjlon will be "N ew er Meth­ the officials of the more Important another specific service In the Interest tensive. w h o»« election In 1918 waa conteatod should be taken while American rights African premier, to E&monn de Valera, Any person or concern desiring to ods of Fattening Steers." and "Feeds weather bureau stations for their re- o f agriculture. by Henry Kurd, democratic nominee, In Mexico were Ignored, and Senator the Irish republican leader. T M s let­ Cattle region service: This ls a secure the benefit o f one or more o f for Wintering Cattle.” Several of the spectlve regions. These Include a state- a clear title to hla »cat. Democratic Ashurst, democrat. Arlxonn. asserted ter, which was dated August 4. reveal­ these services should send a request foremost authorities on stock Industry meut ns to the probable weather, tem -! service oi>erated during the summer committee member» all voted In op llmt If any state had suffered ut the ed that Premier l.loyd George offered pornture, nnd wind, nnd during the season especially. Authentic Informa- to the weather bureau, Washington, will speak. 26 Sinn Fein counties complete dom­ poaltlnn, and the long-contested caae hands of Mexico It wna Arlsona. whose wlnter mouths, tlie probable minimum tlon Is disseminated concerning weath- D. C.. stating as specifically as possi­ ; er, especially precipitation conditions ble the use that he will make of the goea to thn aenate for final declalon. legislature hail unanimously petition­ inion status, subject to certain strate­ Albany. — More rattlesnakes have temperature. gic safeguards. It was also known by been killed In Linn county this sum­ Warnings of violent and severe over the stock ranges and stock-raising | Information asked or the character of Tho committee vote waa 8 to 4. ed for recognition. the text o f the letter that Sir Janies mer than In any single summer for storm conditions at sen are given tn j districts of the West, enabling stock- the Interest» that w ill be served Dayton, Ohio, truffle policemen rub­ Uralg, the Ulster premier, has refused many years. Some have been killed the Interest of navigation o f the men to determine the best distribution thereby. Juarex, Mexico. — The chamber of bed their eyen Saturday when n minia­ to negotiate with Mr. de Valera, and near Plainview, some near Browns­ coastal waters, the Caribbean sea. the I of their cattle In the grazing districts ture automobile Bailed pa»t all aemn- commerce has received a telegram and the places where grazing Is most that Ulster Is staudlng firm for re­ ville, several In the Calnpoola valley Gulf o f Mexico, the Great Lakes, and COHENS LEAD IN NEW YORK the region around the Hawaiian plentiful. phorea. There wasn’t a soul In It. from ii,. stale department saying that taining her present government. between Brownsville, Crawfordsvllle Stock warning service: This Is Islands. The advices cover also storm It waa a drlverloaa radio automobile Alberto Paul, secretary o f state, would and Holley, and three were slaughter­ conditions of only moderate Intensity closely allied to the cattle region serv- More Men In War Service by That from McCook field, controlled by a puss through here on his way to Wash­ Name than Any Other In C i t y - Firs Stirs W ild Baaata. ed at a county rock crusher In the radio In a car 100 feet behind It. The ington. D. C. The message also said Smiths Lead In State. 1,0» Angeles, Cal.— F ire at the Sellg Charity grange neighborhood east of automobile Itaelf contained no wlreleaa the secretary was going as a personal motion picture studios on Mission road Harrisburg. and la aald to bo the ftrat of Ita kind representative of President Obregon New York.— The Cohens led New Saturday threatened aerlous lots for Salem.— One of the outstanding fea­ York's fighting forces In the World publicly exhibited by the radio air on business for the government, which an hour or more, but was finally con­ war. The war record bureau of the tures of tho Oregon state fair this year was being kept secret. aervlce. trolled with loss estimated at $20,000, will bo the displays o f the boys' and state bonus commission has found that New York waa Introduced Mondny more soldiers aud sailors o f that name exclusive of the value of one completed girls' clubs. Interest In these Indus­ Stabilized Exchange Aim. to the poatage meter, a machine which than any other were In the service unreleaaed feature, which the manage­ trial contests has grown yearly during from the metropolis. Washington, D. C.— Assembly of an ment said waa worth a large sum. The make» every man hla own alamp print­ the six seasons that they have been The Smiths, however, are ahead tn er and doea away with tho necea»lty of International congress of financiers at Sellg etudlos have a large collection held, anil with the Increased premium the entire state. The bonus commis­ »ticking them on. The National City Washington- possibly coincident with of animals which were In enclosures fund through the classifying of stock sion estimates that about 6,0110 of them bank hua the flrat one exhibited. Thn the disarmament conference In Novrm nearby. Until the fire was controlled projects this year. It was anticipated wore the uniform of the United States machine, recently approved by the her— to discuss stabilisation of foreign panic reigned In the neighborhood, aa while the Hlndenburg line was being that the big educational building on pcetofflrc department, print» on tho exchange Is under consideration at the the collection Included scores of Hons, smashed. the state fair ground In Salem will letter» a little aquare about the alxe treasury, officials said Monday. Tho tigers and other wild animals. In the state the Cohens numbered house an exhibit the like of which of a »tamp. In which appear» the word» purpose wduld bn to evolve a program 2.500. There were 2,400 Millers, 2,000 has not heretofore been made. The Sullivans and 1.800 Joneses. which, by stabilising exchange rates, "U . 8. Poatage-Paid 1c." Millions Won In Suit. club work Is directed from the state would pave the way for a revival of I.en Rmall, governor of llllnnla, after Chicago.— Bdward W. Morrison, 82. department of education, co-operating confidence between the different na­ New York Home Building Booms. realatlng arrest on Indictment» charg­ known for years as the "millionless with the Oregon Agricultural college tions of the world. New York.— New York city’s home ing emboixlemnnt and conaplracy for millionaire,” Saturday won hla long nnd the United Stales department of building campaign has passed the three week» on tho plea of executive battle to prove hla right to real estate ngrlculture. J. E. Cslsvnn, Industrial ! 4100.18 ni .OOO mark since the tax ex­ Train Wrecker Curious. immunity, or that "thn king can do no valued at from $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 field worker, has just returned to emption ordinance went Into effect, ac- De» Moine», Ta. — " I have always left by hla father. Captain James M. Salem from a trip which Included wrong," aa atated by hla counsel Tuea­ i cording to Harry Curran, president of day, finally auhmltted to Hherlff wanted to wreck a train just to see Morrison. A fter years o f lltlgati n, several counties, and which was taken } the borough of Manhattan. Meater after the latter had beaelged how thn cars would pile up," was the Judge Stough affirmed Morrison’s to arouse Interest among the Juveniles Since February 25 plans have been filed and construction begun for dwell- the atate capitol with deputies for sev­ startling confession of Prank Walters, rights to the property. Control o f the In the coming state fair. The counties Ex-Presldent William 11,.»aril T aft taking the oath of office which made Ings to hou«o 20.007 families, a? com- eral hours. The governor protested 16-yeur-old boy, now in the county jail, property was taken from Morrison aev Included In the itinerary were: Polk, bla arrest until the last, charging per­ charged with attempting tn wreck g ere! years ago and the aged man was Yamhill, Washington, Columbia, Clat­ hlm chief Justice o f the United States. The simple ceremony took place In pared with buildings, costing $37,143.- the office of Attorney General Daugherty, the oath being administered by Chief 0U0, to house 0,004 families during tha secution !>nd asserting his Innocence. Hock Island passenger train. sop, Jackson and Klamath. left In poverty. Justice tloehllng of the District Supreme court. I same period last year. ICvsnIa o f Noted I'sopls, Government, sult treasury estimates, NO. 47. Ileppner. — Fire starting from a threshing engine spreud Into the wheat field at John Pleper'a farm near Is lin g to n Thursday und deatroyed 50 arrea of fine wheat entailing a loss of around $ 2000 . Portland In excess of 32 per rent effective next January I Instead of laat January 1. IH, 1021. Salem — The SU>udemeyer band of profile lax and the Income surtax rates COMPILED JTl¿ KSl)AY, AUGUST and M a n y S erv ed b y W e a th e r B u reau OF GREAT VALUE TO SHIPPING DOMINION STATUS OFFERED IRELAND j to Taft Taking Oath as Chief Justice