GO TO o o o o THAT SAVES YOU MONEY (ALE OREGON FOR BARGAINS IN LADIES' SUITS, 'COATS, MILLINERY, DRESS COODS AND SILKS Our Prices are Always the Lowest BRING" WITH LINCOLN You are -coming back now from sum mer play and idleness, from the sweet green woods and the blue ocean, from lake or camp, back to the' towns and cities, to. school and work, to long winter evenings and busy winter days. You will find it good to read some of Lincoln's writings, with their high appeal to all that. is most generous and elevated and human, in its best sense, within us. A half hour every now and then spent in his society is surely worth an effort what would you not give to sit with him just one half hour? And yet there is so much of him in his words that too often we let pass unread and unnoted. The Gettysburg address is probably the most perfect specimen of his style, of clarity, conciseness and universality of his thought, and of the tenderness and beauty of his heart; but everything he wrote is worth reading, as everything he did .is worth remembering Ex. CHANGING A COMMA The Bible publication houses in Eng land have made some little' change of the text of the Scriptures in the shifting of a comma, which occurs in the Lord's prayer, says the Ohio State Journal. The text as it now reads, "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven," which is being changed so the comma appears after the word done, so that the sentence reads, "Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven." ., Of course this transition of the comma does not change the sense of the sen tence,' but it does seem to emphasize the duty of 'making a heaven in earth. But even this change, as slight as it is, would hardly be justified if the Greek original did not have the comma after done. In obdeb to secuee a change of ad dress, subscribers to The Chemawa American must give old as well as new address to insure prompt attention