THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN LOCALS Mioses Faris and Grear enjoyed a trip to California during their vacation. Willie Ready has entered the print ing office and is a very bright "devil." Mr?. N. J. Camdbell and Miss Irene Campbell arrived home from Portland a fe days ago. Miss Brown arrived home from Port land a few days ago, having concluded her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are now domiciled in the brick house north of the school, a portion of which is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Dillstrom. After this week ihe school and indus trial work will be thoroughly organized and we will be able secure more news rel ative to local matters. A card received from Fortunato Jay nie announced that he would sail from San Francisco for Manila, P. I., at noon Wednesday. He was in Oakland when lie wrote. Mrs. Mary Hanahan, of Wood burn, Oregon, arrived atChemawaon Wednes day to perform the duties of stewardess at the Chemawa Club. Mrs. Hanahan comes well recommended as a chef and an excellent opportunity , is offered the girls who may be associated with her to learn how to provied and cook for a large number of people with the least amount o? labor. At Chemawa we have many things fur which we should be thankful. First of all, beautiful surroundings and all modern conveniences; then we have . harvested fin abundant vegetable and hay crop; the fruit crop proved an ample one notwithstanding contrar' re ports. We have a bumper crop of potatoes yet to dig. All in all, it is hard to beat Chemawa. Haines DeWitt recently arrived from Alaska in the capacity of chaperone for a party of, pupils. Haines is a splendid carpenter, haying learned his trade at Chemawa. During the past summer he had employment as carpenter at a sal mon cannery at Klawack. He will re turn there next summer at an increase of salary. During the winter he will probably work at his trade, in Grande Ronde. At present he is at the latter place finishing a house for Mr. Joseph Teabo. , pispies icems Annie Buck returned to school on Sat urday. - Buford Spencer returned to school on Friday. John Darnell returned to school on Saturday. Mr. Mitchell has charge of the wood-' shed boys. The companies of the battalion are fully organized again. The farmers and dairymen have been busy cutting ensilage of late. John Murray has been reinstalled as an apprentice in the printing office. Willie Bains departed on Monday evening for Metlakatla, Alaska. The Dairy Boys are puting up corn en silage for the wint, r feed for the cows. Alfred Five and Frank Bills arrived at the school Sunday from Spokane and were enrolled.