Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, April 08, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Mr. A. L. Harvey of Portland was a
gL1est over Sunday of his sister, Mrs, M,
V. Cooper.
Miss Bertha Cooper of Salem, is spend
ing a few days at Chemawa with her
brother and his family,
puring the last 24 hours we have had
a nice warm rain, which will do an im
mense amount of good,
Pr. Joseph A Murphy's manual on
Tuberculosis is being used as a text work
in all our schoolrooms,
Phyllis and Forest Cooper have started
to school in Salem again, after being de
tained at home for a couple of weeks on
account of mumps,
Alex Cajete, who has been working at
the tailoring trade at North Yakima,
Wash., is now here on a visit to the
school, Alex is a splendid workman
and a credit to Chemawa where he learn
ed his trade,
Today and tomorrow a horge show
will be in progress in Salem and some of
the finest horses in the world will be oq
exhibition. Oregon is noted for her fine
horses and the event will prove of great
interest to many of our people,
Miss Farig, the critic of the Estelle
Reel society, deserves gr&at praise for the
good entertainment furnished by the
little girls of that society. better
entertainment by the Estelle Reels haa
never been given and there has been
few as good.
The Y. M. C. A held a meeting in the
chapel last Wednesday night. After sing
ing a few selected songs, the roll was call
ed and each member responded with a
verse from the bible The speaker for
the evening was Manuel F wanton whose
subject was. "TheY. M. C. A . Step."
The rest of the meeting was devoted bus
Joe Pemmert says that he likes the
We all enjoyed the entertainment last
John Steel says he likes to work in the
power house,
Miss Brown can be seen out working
on her flower garden every day.
Neva Souvigner is now working at the
dining hall and is doing well.
We all hope that the boys who went
out to labor will enjoy the work.
Jennie Luke is making herself a very
pretty white dregs-, She does her work
very neatly.
Sunday some of the girls went to Old
Chemawa to have their pictures, taken
by Mrs. Mann,
The boys were out drilling on the par
ade grounds Tuesday morning for the
first time thic spring.
are all looking foward for the big
debate that's coming off between the
Excelsiors and Reliance, Who is going
to win?
Mr, Campbell and some of the boys
had a meeting last Monday and he gave
them -a very interesting talk ahout the
fifty-mile relay race.
Christina Victor intertained a num
ber of her girl friends in the McBride
Hall. We all enjoyed her piano solos
very much and wish to congratulate her
on her rapid success in music for which
much credit is due to her music teacher,
Miss Campbell.