Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, March 11, 1910, Image 1

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    Sleekly CTemai&a TUmerlcan
VOL 12 MARCH 11, 1910. , NO. 35
Honesty Only Policy.
Honesty was the main theme of the
address of Governor Hughes of New
York at the Philadelphia Academy of
music on the twenty-second. That it
was the anniversary of the birth of
Washington would have been sufficient
reason for taking such a text, yet the
Governor may have found a stronger one
in the facts revealed recentl y in investiga
tions conducted at his state capitol. The
problem of America today, said he, is to
secure honest and faithful performance
of public obligation. Referring to legis
lative proposals, the Governor declared
that, whatever their merits, the final test
must ever be found in the character and
purpose of public servants. He deplored
the corruption " that rots public enter
prise and the spectacle of legislative
halls and administrative offices turned
into market places, where the exercise
of Governmental powers is made the
subject of barter and sale."
This is strong language, but Governor
Hughes did not merely condemn he
pointed the. way to improvement. He
said that the young men of the country
should be infused with the spirit of hon
esty, and in them should be developed a
deep sense of obligation and invincible
loyalty to trust. Honesty is a better
backing in business today than bonds or
banks, and where it is recognized the
merchant will give credit within reason,
confident that sooner or later every obli
gation will be fully met by the man in
whom the trust is placed. This is true
all through commercial affairs and it
can be applied to politics as well. For
all our hopes of success and prosperity,
state and national as well as individual,
the world is coming to realize as never
before that honesty is the foundation. -Kx.
A number of the Chemawa people at
tended the Aviation meet held in Port
land on Saturday. Those wishing detail
ed information pf the aeroplane Should
apply to Edward Ainsworth.
The many friends of Viola Stuart
will regret to learn that she died on Feb
ruary the "24th at her home at Kooskia,
Idaho. The American sympathizes with
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart in the loss of their