4 THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN Cbc Cbemawa Hmercian PviblisHed Weehly at the United States Indian Training School. Sitbscription Prick, 25 Cents t, Year. Omtrs of Five or Over 20 Cents. rfntereri a the Cheinnwa. Oregon. PosTpffice as second-class mail matter. PRINTING STAFF Benjamin .Wiloox, Henry Darnell, John Service, James Evans, Louis Hudson, Robert Service, Henry Evans, Oscar Case. M It. EN RIGHT'S LECTURE. On Monday evening Mr. Enright gave ' the pupils an excellent talk. He refer red to the inspiration an employe gets at Chemawaand illustrated and pointed out the advantages which an Indian boy had over the ordinary white apprentice. He referred to the inspiration that he got from the talks of Rev. Mr. Conner, Kash Kash and Dr. Montezuma, all full blooded Indians who had addressed the student body this term. He referred to Mr. Conner's text of "Be ye not wea ry of well doing," and -how the Indian boys can obtain wisdom and strength to provide for their daily needs. He refer red to the text of Dr. Montezuma where he compared the beliefs and customs of his people with that of the white man and how through our schools and the mechanical departments, the Indian boy of an up-to-date disposition can ob tain wisdom and strength through edu cation and proper living and not from superstitious beliefs. A bov to thoroughly learn the tailor trade must know how to cut. In Che mawa a boy learns the trade from begin ning to the end. He stated . that he knew a man in a neighboring city who could not rut as well as a number of the boys in our shop and yet he paid the ex penses of a trip back to New York which cost him $100.00 railroad fare; $100.00 tuition, in addition to his board for a six weeks course. Here the Indian boys have the advan age of this man without the expenditure of a single penny. He referred to the many successes of young men who have left the shop and who are now out. in life earning their livelihood by following the trade that they learned at Chemawa. The lecture was listened so attentively by the student body and was one of the best industrial lectures that has been de livered. FOOTBALL NOTES. Our first game will be played tomor row with Oregon Agricultural College Freshmen. They have a very strong team. The game will be played at Cor vallis Tomorrow's game will give us a chance to size up our team. The team this year is net as heavy as in former years but they will play fast, snappy ball. The training table has been started for the football team which will add to their enthusiasm and put some brawn in to their make up. OUR SCHKDULE Corvallis Freshmen - .... Nov. 6 Hill Military Academy - - - - " 13 Pacific University ..... "17 C. Y. M. C. - - - - - . - - . " 25 Fort Stevens - - - - - - - Dec. 4 Astoria ....... - " 11 Alco Club - ... ... 18 St. Jaires College - - - - - - ." 2T The picture which we print this 'week is Chemawa's 1 Hospital corps, ' showing the doctor and the trained nurse and the girl nurse apprentices. These girls have the opportunity of getting a thor ough course in nursing. We regret ex ceedingly to have lost Dr. Lieurancethis week, who has been transferred to Crow Agencv, but what is Crow's gain is Che mawa's loss; Dr Fisher, of Salem, is temporarily filling the place until Dr. Lieurance's successor arrives. ,