4 THE. 'CHKMAW A AMERICAN Che bemaua Jfmerican Published Weekly at the United States Indian Training School. ubhortption Price, 25 Cents a Year. (Imtbs of Five or Over 20 Obnts Entered- a the Chumavva, Oregon'; I'ostolfic' as t-c-ond-elasK mail matter. PRINTING STAFF Joseph Dillstrom, Benjamin Wilcox . Henry Darnell, John Service, James Evans Oalvin Darnell, Louis Hudson Frazier Mecum.. Robert Service, Carl Stone. LET US REFLECT Once more commencement time is up on a?. When we look backward we are surprised to realize how quickly the year has rolled past. We mark another mile post on the journey . of life and should have profited as we journeyed along. Let us hope that the year just gone has not been allowed to pass to eternity without our being in some way benefitted. We have either gained or lost which is it? Let each, one consider this question in all-seriousness. As the result of reflection it is possible that some of us may conclude that we have not advanced ourselves as we should have done. We may realize that With a little more effort certain cheri-hed de sires of a worthy character would have been gratified. But we did not bestir ourselves and make the effort. For this fact we may become a prey to regret. It is sometimes well that we regret the doings of the past, especially if the regret is parent to a resolution to make the best of future opportunities and to do better. When it comes to our real needs, our self-needs, others can help us but little. Each must do his own share of the drudgery which is required in the refining and polishing process through which every human being must pass in order to merit the approbation of the better class of his fellows. mmiWJitsiii'iiiiBi yiKiiiiiSiiiiS'iiiiiiiiiiiiSiiii.iiigiiii'iiffiiii! arm! J INDUSTRIAL NOTES J II BY PUPILS niimm iiauiEiioiinpiiii!iiiiiiii!no inBiiiiioiitB :!niu:imRiiuiiiiiiiiinua The farmers started baling hay Wed nesday. The dairy boys were cultivating the kale on Wednesday. I he gardeners. Were picking peas on Thursday morning. The carpenters did some repairing in the laundry this week. Eugene Anderson is. wood hauler in the power house tins week . The laundiy washed all the curtains from the pupils' buildings recently. The farmers mowed the lawn", back of the small girls' home on Tuesday. George - Howard was cutting grass around the school buiiding on Thursday. The carpenter force has been kept very busy the past week replacing broken win dows. The gardeners cultivated and clod mashed the potatoes by the electric line this week. Mr. F. B. Smith and some Mitchell Hall boys gave that building a good cleaning this week. A force of boys were at work on tlvj Gymnasium, where the commencement exercises will be held. . Lyall Wood ley and George Scott were laying sod in front of the engineering department on Tuesday, there being a ba,re spot there on account of a ditch ' being dug.