THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN 5 V iffi ifti wffir A- j pupics icems f The Eighth Grade will be ready to .start on percentage next week. The carpenters fixed the ceiling in the engine room on Monday. H. K. The plumbers have accepted the farmers' challenge for. a game of basket-ball.-F.S. The Y. W. C. A. had a business meet ing last Sunday, and Miss Brewer was the leader of the day. V. B. Ella Brewer plaved her first game of basketball Friday at Monmouth with the Capital Business College. The officers of the companies at Mc Bride Hall are now having new suits made for them at the sewing room. .V.F The gardeners are pruning again after a long rest on account of wet weather, which delayed us very much last week. Nora Mann, who has been attending school at the Capital Business College in Salem, is now attending the Sacred Heart Academy. S. B. We hope to see Mr. Turney and the Mandolin Club appear in the near fu ture, as we know they will play sou; nice music by the way they practice. Nellie Shepard is working in Belle Dillstrom's place at Mrs. Chalcraft', while Belle is excused on account of a had burn on her hand. M. P. LOCALS Basketball is quite popular now. Regular teacher's meeting was held on Monday night. Sam Vinson, John Pambrum and Pete Matt have been promoted to the third grade. The Honorable Edward Hirsch and daughter, Miss Gertrude, were Chemawa visitors on Sunday. The Che-in-tra Club members at Mitchell Hall are practicing daily and expect to give an entertainment soon. We are all glad to see Dennis Harn den and Walter Miller out of the hos pital after a two weeks' stay. Our monthly entertainment has been postponed until Monday, as the basket ball game between Monmouth and Chemawa comes off tonight. The band furnishes music for the march to the dining hall every day at noon while the weather is good. They are practicing march music. The new system of keeping the halls, stairways, lavatories, porches and yard clean at Mitchell Hall is a splendid one and has promoted several old-time sleep ers to up-to-date sweepers. The court of discipline met Saturday evening and en forceed the law. The reporters of the different literary societies should take more interest in their societies and try to get their re ports to the printing office as soon as possible after each meeting. It surely does not take six days to think out and write a twenty-five or thirty word article and bring it to the office. CHALLENGE. We, the Seventh Grade's basketball team, wish to play the Eighth Grade boys a game of ball at any open date. Ap ply to Manager Arthur Bell.