NOT! C E! Indian Parents and Indian Young men and Women desiring an Industrial Education at, Chemawa Indian School please read. Chemawa Indian school is located cm the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad five miles north of the City of .Salem, the capital of Oregon. It is the only. Indian industrial school in the northwest corner of the United States where you can get an industrial educa tion. Many Indian young men, who were graduated from -Chemawa, have good positions as blacksmiths; riiill n)en,: tail ors, engineers, electricians, farmers, and in many other businesses earning a good living for themselves. The Literary in struction covers the branches taught in grammar schools of the country. The Requirement You must be, at least, one-fourth Indian; healthy and, not un der twelve or over eighteen years. Che i The Girls, first of all are taught to be good house-keepers, to which is added special Instruction in Dressmaking, .Tail oring and Nursing. The School has a Domestic Science Department. Cbe Boys The Boys are also taught Farming, Dairying, Gardening, Carpentering, Wag on making, Blacksmithing, Shoe and Harness Making, Tailoring, .BaKing, Steam and Electrical Engineering, Plumbing. If you want this chance write to the Superintendent. Special Kotice New regulations have been made con cerning the transfer of Indian pupils to non-reservation schools such as Chema wa. Instead of Superintendents sending out teachers and other representatives to collect pupils the Indian parents and pupils themselves must apply to the agent or Superintendent of the reserva tion and under the rules the agent or Superintendent will arrange to send the pupils to the non-reservation school. If you wish to come to Che mawa, or have children you desire to send, write to Supt. Edwin L. Chalcraft, Chemawa, Oregon, and tell your agent or Superintendent that you want him to arrange for you to come and he will arrange. Those who do not live on reservations will come to Chemawa as before bv writing to the Supei entendent of the Scnooi. . Any letter written to Chemawa will receive a prompt reply.