6 THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN may be as able to give such a good sensible talk to young men and women after we get through school. LOCALS 3 1 Miss M. Noble is here visiting her sister, Mrs, Bullard. The contractors have now began on the new smoke stack, The Domestic Science, department was opened Monday so that the classes may take their regular course in cooking. During the past week, in addition to the usual routine work in the printing office, 20,900 impressions on job work were recorded. Last Sunday . evening the lights were not as ;bright as they usually are. This resulted from the. breaking of the bolts on the crank of the large engine so that it. was not used, , The 40 horse power engine was used in place of the 80-horse power one. The Nesika Club has elected officers for the. year, and while a number of the leading members have not returned to school, we will nevertheless go ahead and in a few months make our appear ance before the footlights. The officers as elected are: President, Joseph Dillstrom; Vice-president, Chas. Larsen; Secretary, Henry Dillstrom: Treasurer, Frank Souvigner. The Rev. Mr. Conner of Umatilla gave a good practical talk to the Senior class on Tuesday morning. Mr. Conner saici that Chemawa is like a great hill from which the students look over the Indian country and see what work can be done to uplift their people. Mr. Conner regretted his lack of education, but we who heard him talk felt that he was pretty well educated and we hope we ca acinic There are lots of boys in my grade. There are very pretty pictures in the third grade school room. , The third grade school room is learn ing the salute to the flag. The third gkide pupils had a lesson about Benjamin Franklin. 1 The third grade is studying about Christopher Columbus this week. The eighth grade pupils wereglad'to welcome four of the ' seventh grade pupils into their grade M6nday, Joseph Purns was promoted from the seventh to the eighth grade and we hope he will do as well as he did in the seventh. Nellie Boswel! is now improving in school and she will soon be in the 5th grade. Miss White is well pleased with her pupils. Miss Skipton says she is sorry that the geraniums are all gone. They have had geraniums on the tables in the din ing hall for the past four weeks. Miss White is our new teacher in the fourth grade and the pupils like her very much. We do not waste a minute. The pupils study hard to please her, The seniors , are very glad - to see George Williams back in school again. We have nearly all in our class present with us now and expect to do a good year's work. , ; It has been a great change to enter into the seventh from the sixth grade and we hope we will .succeed in our lessons and keep up our work. E. B