2 THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN I INDUSTRIAL NOTES j BY PUPILS H 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiii George Baker is working at the tailor shop. Eva Kluche is working in the Dining Hall. They ,are laying brick on the plumber shop now. - John Miller is the assistant farmer these days. George Wasson is Mrs. : Newcomb's best sweeper. " ' Martin Colby is now a school orderly in the morning. " The gardners are going to dig potatoes some time this month. The blacksmith boys have been paint ing for the last few days. The little sewing room is busy with the table cloths and towels now. Marie Baijey. is now working on tie floor and she likes her work. Lillie Paton is now working for Miss Troutman and she likes her work, Jasper Grant is now working in the woodshed. Jasper is a good worker, Lillie Braden works in the dining hall and she makes the dishes shine. Albert Rainville is working in the laundry and he says he likes his work. Emma; Cameron is working in the Dining Hall and she does very neat work. , Martin Cooper left the harness shop and is now working in the blacksmith -shop. Alvin Pollock is now in charge of the farm in the forenoon while Mr. Swartz is away. Mrs. Woods is very proud of Jennie Luke because she is working in the laundry. Mary Boles is working in Miss Brown's sewing room and helping with the dresses. Helen Fairfield is now wording in the sewing room and she does her work very nicely. t ' Carl Cook is getting to be a good gardener. Tne jardners are picking the winter apples., ... ' Henry Wilson is working in the kitchen and says he knows how to cook beefsteak so it will be tender. Paul Liphart picked 10 bushels of apples. He started when the. whistle blew at one and quit at three. Miss Brown is having the new uni forms made, and sq everybody in the dress-making room is v.ery busy now. Lizzie Gibeau is workiug in the din ing hall and does her work very, neatly and Miss Skipton is very proud of her. WISHING Do you wish the world' were better? Let me tell you what to do; Set a watch upon .you r actions, , Keep,. them always straight and true; . Kid your mind of selfish motive?, Let your thoughts be clear and, high; You can make a little Eden Of the sphere you occupy; Do you wish' the world1 were happy? Then remember day by ;lUday Just to scatter seeds of kindness As you pass along the way; For the pleasures A,of the many May be ofttimes traced to one, As the hand that plants the acorn Shelters armies from the sun. ' Home Chat.