A AMERICAN 5 THE CHE MAY GRADUATION EXERCISES. Following is the part of our commence ment program known as bur graduation proper: Chorus -"March of Progress" (Meyerbeer) - - - - - - . Choir Salutatory - : Louise Murray ' Piano Solo" Birds' Morning Greeting" - (Schneidlerj - - Katie Brewer Class History - , - - Joseph Lane Selection - - Girls' Mandolin Club Demonstration "I rowing" - - TillieSouvigner Vocal Solo - V-'-(..-;:f.;. Lee Evans Planting and Pruning .- Harry Queahpalma Piano Solo "Poet and Peasant" Suppe -v - - - - - - Dolly base Demonstration "Dressmaking" - - -'" -. - - - - Louise Murray (a) "Indian Music" - Martin Sampson (j ) "Good Night, Beloved, Good Night" Domestic Art "Cooking" - - - - Katie Brewer, Belle Dillstrom Piano Duet - - - Margaret Lowry, Esther Napoleon Industrial Exhibit "Printing" "Composition" - Webster Hudson "Press Work" - Gordon Hobucket "Distributing" - - Louis John "Fairy Song" - - Girls' Glee Club Valedictory - - - - Alfred Lane Class Song ''The Red and the Cream" Presentation of Diplomas Song " A merica" BENEDICTION Brevities The gardeners are very busy cultivat ing the potatoes and cabbage. Nelse Charles is in charge of the bak ery during Mr. Tea bo's, absence. I he gardeners were hard at work picking blackberries 'last. Friday. James Benjamin is in charge of the lawns whi'e Mr Bowen is on his vacation. Siipt. CJhalcraf t put Frazier Mecum to work irrigating the roses so they will l,U Oil! aga in. Eugene Williams is chief plumber now. Mr. Swaim is acting disciplinarian during Mr. Larsen's absence. ' . All of the boys are anxiously waiting for hop picking time to come. Jerry Rees did some fine painting in front of the office last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Mann left for Klamath last week where they will spend their vacation. The farmers are through bailing hay on the lower farm. They will soon start threshing. A number of boys left for the coast last Monday, where they will remain two weeks. George and Maggie Goss left for their home in Montana last Monday on the afternoon train. Alice Chalcraft and Sarah Brewer were putting up a hammock by the band stand Friday afternoon. (x rover and Ellen Olney left for their iiome in Toppenish, Wash., Friday, accompanied by u.eir mother. Miss Olive Skipton, who was in charge of the small girls sewing room, is now acting as dining room matron. The pupils enjoy a mess of blackberries every evening for supper. The berries are raised in the school garden. Eugene Williams and Joseph Purns fini.-hed soldering one of the sinks in the dining hall last Monday morning. Mary Gibeau is holding the position of assistant laundress during the absence of Mrs. Woods on her vacation at Ncw- pOl 1.