I IHIows your .'shirt'. jj If it doesn't fit right, it's because it isn't made right. Try tKe "Summitt" shirts at $ r $' mu and end your shirt troubles We? undersell regular Stores. 4 IN LIGHTER VEIN ; Few men have their faces on bank notes, but most of us would be satisfied if we could only get our hands on them. The latest social reformer says that six hours work a day is enough to keep the world agoing. He should. go out on; some farm in harvest time. Mary had a mule, It followed her to school, The teacher, was a fool, He went behind the mule, And hit it with a rule, And then there wasn't any &chool.-Ex. English Maid " Your flag makes me think of a piece of striped stick candy." Young American "Yes.' but as you see, no one ever tries to lick it." Ex. A city girl was invited to the country to dine. When they were seated at the table, the girl, noticing honey on the table, said, "Oh! I see, you have a bee." -Ex. She "How kind of vou to bring me these flowers. I think there is some dew on them yet." He "Y-e-s. ' There's a little, but I'll pay that tomorrow " Ex. . "V." Judge "Well, will you kindly tell me which way the stairs run in your house?" : y Excited Dutchman "Vitch vay the stairs run in my house? Vhy, ven I am oop stairs dey run down, und ven T am down stairs, dey run pop." Ex. Father "So you interviewed her father last night, eh? Did you make him toe the mark?" Son "Yes, dad, I was the mark." Ex. Mr. Rosen burg' (tearfully) "Bromise, o bromise, mein boy, dat you will make mein daughter liauppuy." Young Goldstein b risky I guarrantees berfect satisfaction, Meester Rosenburg, or I return der goots. Ex. "I'm deaf but I m not dumb," said the phonograph. "You're pinched," paid the crab to the fisherman. "I'm all mixed up," said the hash. "I'm driven to death," aid the hearse. "I m stuck," said the postage stamp. "I'm in a hole," said the wood-chuck. "I've been stung," said the bee-catcher. "You're in the soup," said the celery to the rice. Ex.