$ZJSAZ VZV.V TZLS7-?ZJ&L S$ZJst &J&L & J&L aVz-A vl rfz TiV t'.V zsz .Z. 3 i The best line of Fall and Winter Suits, Shirts, Ties, etc. Come in for all the latest and up-to-date styles in Clothing. 0. m. 3af)nson go Commercial Street , Salem, Oregon. SU-zx zf- v'A'S A AVS" z-zs" zx ; zz; AA"AA. zr-zs- "Zflf -Ztf? zrz$ EPLEY & OL1NGER DENTISTS New Office over Barr's 'Cor. State &, Liberty St. Salem, ; Oregcn. Jl' Fresh Supply of GROCERIES At the right price, at home where you can see what you are buying: R. G. Henderson The "Spa" Don't fail to try our Boston Honey comb Taffy.- ' " Remember we can make you as good a price on Ice-cream as anyoneand think of the quality! THE "SPA," ' ' ' ' 882 State St. CALIFORNIA BAKERY Our Bread is Sweet and Fresh ; . JUST LIKE MOTHER'S. 93 Court Street ' Salem, Oregon FOR FIRST CLASS GROCERIES , GO. TO 5L Rarwey 499, - , .- - - . - r ! COURT ST, c o ? e i e s. Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, etc., largest stock in Salem, at prices that will make you a steady and satisfied cus tomer. Goods' delivered at Chemawa daily. KJeller Bros, IN LIGHTER VEIN Life is a joke, All things show it; He-"Do you remember Sophy Look at areshman, Smythe?" And then you'll know it. Ex. . She "Yes, indeed I do. A most ab- "You are ,a nuisance, sir, ,1. commit surd looking thing. So silly, tool What y0u,". shouted an irate judge tp a; noisy became of her?" bystander. He "Oh, nothing; only I married ; "But you have no right to commit a her." Punch. nuisance," was the reply. Ex.