THE CHKMAAVA AMERICAN SOCIETIES ELITE The Elite Society met on Thursday evening and had a very good program and debate. There were thirty-five gills present arid ir four absent.' ' Following is1 the' program. Song; Clara Wilson; Song; Jane Baily; Flee, Eleanor Zimnier man; Kec.; Ruth Liphart. Debate, I Resolved.' that it is more pleasant to live ! in the country than in the city. Aff., Marie Baily arid Louise Roberts; Neg., Neta Jones and Christina Boswell. After - a r lively debate the judges decided in favor of the affirmative. " 1 ' ' NONPAREIL The Nonpareil Literary Society met i n their hall last Thursday evening; The house was called to order, and the roll was called. Old and. hew , business was brought ' before the house and disposed of. There bei n g n o ' oth er bu si n ess w e proceeded; with the following program: Hqw to improve Society work. Levi Sor tor; Recitation, John McCush; Vocal i Solo, Lee Evans ; the question for discus tititi was; ''Resolved, That the 19th Century wa$l 'greater that the 18th.y The affirmative was ; upheld by, "Matilda John and Joe La;nef the disputants on the, negative iWre Gordon--Hobucket . and: ;Frank::;Booth Whila the judges were handing in their decisions Mr. En right ga ve us a few words, The judges decided in favor of the negative Wle then adjourned. ; . - The meeting of this association was an informal one. The following impromptu program was rendered : ; : Song, "Pull for the Sliore;" Prayer,' Webster Hudson; Roll call ; Suggestions,' President; addresses by Harry Queaeh- pal ma , Job n McCush and " Thomas McCully, subject: "What it means to be a member of the Y. M. C. A.?' Song, "Only trust Him" and ifcAt the Cross;" Prayer, Albert Garry; then we adjourned. LOCA LS Mr. Bowen was initiated into the Odd Fellows' Lodge on the 2nd. Mrs. Hay was in charge .of .the dining room while Mrs. Cox was in attendance at the Y . V. C. A. con vention . Mr., and- Mrs. and Ifette Campbell, "Misses Hutehinson, Luedke, Miller and -Ella Brewer'went to see "Glorjons Betsy" when in Sa 1 em on the 2 p dV 7 1 ' ! ' ' Miv.&heldon of Salenv wa&a.Chemawa - visitor ( yesterday, selling tickets for a cantata entitled ''Faith Triumphant," to bjBtgiven in the Christian Church in SaV 'lem tonight, by Dr. ifipley's class. fMt- the meeting last evening the Uncle i,Sams elected the , fol lowing officers for f the remainder of the term : Willie Fisher, President Reginald Dowhie: Vioe Presi dent; Oscar Case, Secretary ; J no. Steele, Sergeant-at-arms; Ben Moore, Treasurer. John Service. Henorter. Chemawa has never before had so many Literary Societies a it, T; has now. Thev are as follows: Excelsior. Non pareil, ,VB. telle Reel, Reliance, Ramona, Elite and Uncle Sam, Uncle Sams and Reliance h a ve, h ad,. their en t er tain men ts ;: the others are forthcoming. Subscribe for. the Chemawa American.; Twenty-five cents per year.