THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN Cite hzmawa American Published Weekly at the United ' States Indian Training ScHool. STT B80RTPT1ON PRICE, 25 CENTS A YEAR. CtTlBS OF ; f; Five or Over 20.Cen.ts. : ' v- ;: fcnterfwl at the Chemavva, Oregon, Postoffiee as sec drid-elass mail matter. . T-RIXTING STAFF " Webster Hudson ; ; Benjamin Wilcox Gordon Hobucket Calvin Darnell Louis John ' - John cCush Henry Darnell ..? John Service James Evans I n hia ny insta nces there is imliffferjce r on the part of the pupils to the er.tsixf r some of their, fellow-students in giiiiig entertainments. This should notM&!$he case rather should they " 'encourage, l i ne, in many ; instances the ' efforts of 1 the pupils are not so, fruitful of ihteit a they might .hy.bu't. the effort has beex made anA this, fact lone counts, for con. siderable. He who never make - an ;at- tempt to do anything will er!tainly fuotH accomplish a great deal. STheJ student who tries vi 11 eventually succeed and during his time of trial should have the support and encouragement of his fellow-students. ing well that evening, and expressdade sire to go out to a neighbor house for a little while, but his mother persuaded him to remain at home. Before retiring for the night, he kneel ed in prayer as usual, and lay down to rest. In a short time he was taken with a hemorrhage and died in a few min utes. ;" N . . The funeral service jn ,the church on Thursday afternoon was , attended by nearly all of the natives in the . village. InT addition to the usual burial service by the missipnary , the native band play ed a number of selections from the Gos pel .Hymns, and two of the deceased's favorite hymns were sung by jilie pupils from the Government School. 3SB9E3 .: V;;i; : OBITUARY. , ; Writing from Klukwan, Alaska, un -der date of March ,21st,. F.-'R. Falconer, the well known missionary, communi cates the following sad news: Mike Smith, a former pupil of your school, died at his home here at 10 P.M. on Mondav, the 16th inst. - He was feel- Mrs. lieu ley was called away on account of her mother's illness. WillieiService, who is the smallest hov ; i n t he- thi rd gra de, alwlays gets: his les sonswell; D. : :- :; The-blacksmith boys are busy doing the iron work on the wagons that . the boys injthe .wgcmshop mjike. Jjif P. s, : iptCh Campbell a nd Mr. and :M rs? Suvith were in Salem" Saturdii ni?h 1 hea rf Sena tor- Fulmu speak inib lie frpera hdiise-- ; : v . : .'..-',,;; --v.-.-": . Th e, xa r k of gra d i n g around the hew hospital has been completed. The ground has been seeded and everything is' now ready for the fence to enclose the same and the open air sanatarium. ; Mr. George Henschel, the wagon maker, and his fa mily have just moved into the a ua rters former I v oecn nu . :- - i l)v Mr. Far row. r