THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN . 7 f b 1 e t i c s Albert Garry has been training for the five-mile race. Martin Sampson is seen on the track every day after school hours. The first basketball team will play two more games before they disband. Wm. Watkins says he is going to low er his record in the 220-yard run. Harry Jones can be seen every even ing training for the long distance runs. John McCush and George Home - can be seen most any time practicing for the corning baseball season. As the . evenings are getting more pleasant the boys seem to enjoy them selves going around the race track. Chemawa baseball team is out practic ing every evening for the game with the Dallas team on the 4th of next month. The race track was worked upon last Saturday but the ground proved to be a little too wet to put into good condition. The boys will soon try-out for the second baseball team so they can get into condition for some hard old games also. The baseball grounds are now in shape for the boys to practice on and the team held their first practice last Saturday and made a pretty good show ing. 'Hie Chemawa girls' basketball team showed great ability when they played with the OAC girls, and we all hope they will, continue to play winning games. Chemawa expects to have a good base ball team this season although it is little crippled by the absence of our star third baseman, Joe Lane. We expect to have him with us in the near future. Chemawa basketball girls will play the OAC basketball girls this evening at Corvallis. Last Saturday they defeat ed them bv the decisive score of 21 to 4. The seventh grade is through working bills and accounts. The seventh grade are working review exercises in arithmetic. Calvin Darnell acted as teacher in the third grade Tuesday morning. John Taylor is one of the brightest boys in the fifth grade. He is ready to go to the sixth. The seventh and eighth grade room has two large penants in it, the "Eighth Grade" and the, "Excelsiors' " pennants. Mrs. Campbell has been reading to the seventh grade a story of "Black Beau ty" and we are all anxious to hear how the story ends. We have been too busy lately to go on with the story. Y. W. C. A. The members of the Y. V. C. A, met in their usual place last Wednesday evening. 'The meeting was opened by a Gospel Hymn which was followed with a prayer by Helen Dillstrom. Roll was called, the members responding with Bible verses. Another song was sung and the President spoke a few sncour aging wojds to the girls. The leader for the evening was Nellie Shepard; her topic being, "Gift of Love." Another song, "Calvary," was siing after which they had a season.of prayer. The clos ing song was sung and Mrs. May field' spoke to the society in a manner en couraging to all. They repeated their Watch Word and adjourned. Subscribe for the Chemawa American. Twenty-five cents per year.