THE CHEMAWA, AMERICAN 3 1 pispies iceins, I L v I Dewey Billie is one of the best dairy boys. . ."v. Tedclie Clutche is- well- and out of doors playing. Mr. Beaty sheared all of Mr. Cooper's goats this week. . . George Flett is now working in the engineering department. Margaret Lowry has finished; her nurse unifor n of which she is very proud. James Finley and Middleton .George are now working in the carpenter shop. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell attended the Elks' minstrels Tuesday evening. Some pupils went also. The eighth grade like to work in the domestic science class and they are learning to cook very well. Levi Sortor, who has been working at plumbing' for some time, is, now working in the engineering department again. ; We are glad to, know, that the girls of Chemawa write nice letters of the school to their homes and hope they will con tinue to do. so. v Mrs. Campbell ; lets the eighth grade pupils sing in the afternoon when we li rst go i n . We sin g ou t of the A m eri -can music system No. 4. Seymour Goudy says he has finished, a set of harness after working there a, few weeks. Seymour is getting to be a good harness maker. We wish him success. Eugene Williams is now captain of Company A, and is liked by all the members of the company. Eugene is a good captain, because he knows how to handle a company. We all like Miss Campbell for our second grade teacher. Grover Olney is one of the industrious workers in the kitchen. We were all pleased with Mr. May field's talk Monday night. The engineers are getting one of the boilers ready to'burn wood. Philip Moss is getting along nicely in the engineering department. Mr. and Mrs, Smith took some of the girls out for a walk Sunday. Peter LaMocse is now; assisting, Wil liam Morgan at the bear pit. We are expecting Joseph and Archie Lane back to school this week. Miss Skipton says she is very proud of her sewing room girls this week. John Robinson intends to make an other trip to Eola for some more cows. Miss Steponeck took some girls out walking Sunday and it was enjoyed by all who went. Mrs. Theisz had all of her morning floor girls out weeding the gardens at McBride Hall this week. Sallie Boswell made some biscuits in the domestic science department last Monday and they tasted fine. Mrs. Cox spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland. Sarah Peirce had charge of the dining hall in her absence. Laura Wilson and Bessie Boles,: the two nurses, are nowr staying at McBride Hall until they move to the new hospital. The young ladies of the OAC team were entertained by Miss Irene Camp bell at her home after the game on Sat urday evening. Miss Campbell was as sisted by the girls of the Chemawa team. Ice cream and cake were served and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all.