Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, March 06, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Dean Walker is a good dairy boy,
Tho gardeners are planting potatoes.
Carl Cook is working hard on the
Gertrude Kettlewood is working in the
drug room.
Violet Berner is doing fine in the junior
cooking class.
The sewing room girls are busy mak
ing night-gowns,
Mr. Westley is now planting potatoes
for our earl)' use.
Harvey Ashue is a carpenter and is
getting along fine.
Charley Michael is working for Mr,
Cox in the butcher shop.
The sewing room girls are all busy
making their every-day dresses.
Mrs. Teabo is getting some flowers
to plant around the new hospital
Spring is coming; the farmers are
plowing the ground and are nearly ready
for planting.
Nova Souvigner is now working in the
large girls' sewing room and is making
herself a dress.
The farm boys will soon be through
with their plowing and seeding down at
the lower farm.
The industrial boys were cutting brush
down along the ditch at Lake LaBish,
Monday morning,
The dressmakers, with the help of
Miss Brown, are going to have a flower
garden between the hospital and the
sewing room.
Lillie Patton made some nice bread
in the Domestic Science department
Monday morning,
Christine Lane made some delicious
rice pudding in the domestic science de
partment yesterday.
. The blacksmiths are busy helping the
plumbers lay water pipes in different
parts of the grounds.
Clarence Lewis is now fireman in the
school building in the afternoon, He
keeps the school building warm,
Violet Edwards is making a very
pretty dress for herself, and she expects
to have it finished for next Sunday,
The plumber boys are busy repairing
the water pipes all over the school
grounds and laying new pipes,preparing
for summer.
Miss Brown is very anxious for the sew
ing room girLs to get through with the
hickory dresses so they can start on sum
mer uniforms,
- ; .'. : -
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 In decide
ing the case of the United tates versus
George Dick, the Supreme Court of the
United States today held that the law of
the United States and not the State laws
of Idaho, concerning the introduction of
intoxicating liquors on an Indian -reservation,
control on the old Nez Perces
reservation in Idaho. Dick- was con
victed of taking a pint of whisky into
the territory embraced in the reserva
tion, and sought to have the case dis
missed on the authority of the Supreme
Court decision in the Hoch case, holding
that as Indians on allotted lands are
. citizens, their rights cannot bo oi rem in
scribed, Oregoman.