4 THE CTTEMi Zn bettia wa Htnericati WA AMERICAN Published WeeKly at tKe United States Indian Training; School. Subscription Price, 25 Cents "a Year. Clubs of Five or Over 20 Cents. Entered at the Chemawa, Oregon, Postoffioe as sec ond-class mail matter. PRINTING STAFF Webster Hudson Benjamin Wilcox Gordon Hobucket Calvin Darnell Louis John . John McCush Henry Darnell " John Service GOOD RESOLUTIONS. It is customary for the individual to pass resolutions on New Years for the government of himself in the future. There is no barm in such resolutions provided they are prompted by good mo tives. It is well to remember, however, that good resolutions can be passed every day of the year and that in this respect no certain day has preference above any other. New Years, being the beginning of the year, the custom of resolving to be good for a year fell more naturally and large ly upon this day. But the thing to do is to resolve to do that which is right, and proper, and best for all time not for a day or a year. If you make a good reso lution, and you should make many of them, do not allow yourself to "back slide" As one day is the equal of any other for a good deed so it is for a reso lution to do better. It is never too soon nor too late to resolve to lead a better life or wage war against evil. falls to you to do. , Be enthusiastic in in your work, in your sports, in every thing, but do not fancy you are display ing enthusiasm when in reality you are simplenrude or vulgar. Do not make a "foot print on the sands of time"where your toes point to or from anything you will.be ashamed of. Nothing' stands still in this world. Composition or decomposition, formation or decay, is in process all thejtime. What is not building is subject to the ItlVclgCO Ul M11JO J cUJU U1C C1CUJC1IIO.: Youth is the formative period of human life, therefore let ever7 young man and woman build of the best, espec ially in the matter , of character. 23 ; BREVITIES. The Spokane Athletic Club defeated the Seattle Athletic Club on New Year's Day by a score of ft to 0. Our girls put up a fine game of basket ball on Thursday evening, considering the short time they had to practice The Monmouth girls' basketball team played the Chemawa girls last night and the score was 7 to 12 in favor of Mon mouth. '" ' - The members of the Y. M. C. A.' junior basketball team met last Thursday morn ing and elected a captain. James Evans received the most votes. We are all sorry to hear of the; death of Harry Long, a former pupil of this school, which occurred at Fort. Jones, California, on the twenty-ninth of De cember. Harry was a most estimable young man and was highly regarded by all his schoolmates and teachers at Che mawa. The sympathy ; of Chemawa is extended to his mother and brothers.