THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN 5 Dining' Room Notes It has been a long time since we have had any notes from our kitchen and dining hall department for the Chemawa American. But sometimes " 'tis those who say little that do their work best,'' this is surely true of Mr. Cox our cook and Mrs. Cox our dining hall matron. They have spared no pains in trying to make the most and best of our "Life Saving Department:'' Now when oar large vegetable crop is being harvested we have an excellent bill of fare and every meal is a feast. The large bell over the dining hall Is rung now for meals. Watch out boys and girls and be on time. Mrs. Cox says, "On time is a winner Off time is. a loser." If you can't be anything else "Be on time," and you will never be anything very successful! until you learn to be on time, ' . The present kitchen detail is so satis factory jMr. Cox has asked for them not to be exchanged until after the Xmas holidays. ' ' Martha Miller is the most cheerful girl on the dining hall detail. She never gets discouraged when she has to do her work over. - The ginger cookies made y NitalTones and Emma -Cameron under Mrs. Cox's direction were delicious as can be testi fied to by the Office force and the print ers wl.en asked how they were made we were told that the receipt was very simple, ;:s follows: "one quart of school syrup, one teaspoon ful of soda dissolved in one half cup of black coffee and flour to make a medium stiff dough."' We-were also told thai 'they would be better when a week old, but the samples were too good to keep. . . ENIGMA. I am composed of 15 letters. My 5, 8, 4, 12, is a ruler. My 6, 10, 11, is to do wrong.' My 2, 14, 4, 13, belongs to the body. My 8, 9, 15, a climbing plant. My 1, 3, 7, a child's game. My whole what we are looking forward ,to. Answer to last week's enigma: "Its beautiful roses.'' Y. M. C. A. The members of the Y. M. C. A. had an interesting meeting last Wednesdej' evening. The program for meeting was not made up, so.' we had to do all we' could, he following impromptu , pro gram was rendered: Song, "At the Cross,' members; Prayer, Webster Hudson; Song, "Is Mv Name Written There?" members; Roll call, by temporary Secret ary; Song, "Blessed Assurance," mem bers; Biole Reading, Albert Garry; Ad dress, "The Work of the International Committee for the Young Men's Chris tian Association, in New York," Albert Garry; Song, "Pull for the Shore," mem bers: Business transactions; Song, "Jesus is ("ailing, members; Closing Prayer, Al bert Garry. , When the business for the beneficial interest of our association was called for, many reasonable suggestions were made in regard to our basketball teams. Messrs. Levi Sortor. and Thomas Holden were appointed temporarv captains to lead the other members to practice, in order that they may select the best players. The, following new membeis were ad mitted to our roll, all of whom "we were glad to receive: 'Thomas .Williams,..- Ed ward Fried lander, and John Upham.