THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN Cbe Cbemawa Hmerican Published Weehly at : the United States Indian Training School. . Subscription Price, 25 Cents a Year. Cuibs of Five or Over 20 Cents. ICitierert hi the Chemnwn, Ori-goti, I'osto flirt- hs sr ond-class mail matter. TRIN TING STAFF (Gordon Hobucket Calvin Darnell Louis John John Mo Ctjsh" Henry Darnell SOME CHEMAWA NEWS Annie Buck arrived during th week. ..Nearly every train thai slops at C he ma w a brings several new pupils. Minnie H;vvard and .Nannie rridell have returned and resumed their studio. Mike Smith left for his home in Alaska on Tues.lav of this week. Abel Grant and B,-e-lell ar rived today from' Fort . Lapw.v, Idaho. The friends of Henry Olsen were glad to see him when he stepped off the train from Roche Harbor, Washington. Louis, Elvvood, and Gilbert Tonnar ar rived at the school yesterday from Si let z. - Eugene Anderson returned to the school bringing his brother Ray Frazier from Northern California. The new coal house is gradually near ing completion, and isa case of building the house over its contents. Chemawa athletes were glad to know that the Carlisle football team defeated the Pennsylvania University team by such a decisive score. The material for the new wagon shed is on the ground and it is only on ac count of stress of other work that de lays the completion of it. Marie Bailey's friends were glad to see her return to Chemawa. Marie brought along with her her two sisters, Ellen and Jane. The enrollment for the first quarter this year was 549, being a gain of 4 over the same period last year. The enroll ment for the year as we go to press is 588. . Chileraft is nov in the ''Sound c untry after pupils. He will, visit Neah iay an. I many other p nuts on the sound, before returning to Chemawa. . Cabbage! Cue.ii ivva iias so much cab bage t.iat it will bj necessary to make a great deal into kraut in order .to save the same, as a great n imber ot the pu pils like .-auer kraut, and this will oe an other dish to Chemawa's menu. 'Potatoes!.' Did you say potatoes? h is them this year, great big handsome p Jtatoes in sucn quantities that there will be more than enough to supply the school for the entire year. Mr. Westley and his boys are to be con gratulated upon their fine crop. Chemawa now has a second band un der the directorship of Mr. Chas. I. a r sen. There are many applications to enter this band, but owing to the number of instruments the membership will be limited to 17 sturdy young men who are striving to make theii band better than Chemawa's first, so band boys look out. John Mi'es, one of our Alaskan pupils died on Tuesday of this week. John was a good boy, a faithful, obedient, and industrious pupil.