THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN 5 Jin -nil ':,:tii:: ::bi::::iii: :::tiir :::in!::;:;ra!l! ::tKii: trn:1 ;:ni!n ffiii; . S PERSONAL 1 n atsr:: iiii;: nil, !iiai tiiii; niaii:: jbi::: ;ni::: .:uii!i .:!Si'. I Mr. Scott 'Lane of Siletz visited Chem awa on Saturday. Joseph and Alfred Lane left for Siletz on Saturday. Mr. Skipton of Salem sptnt Sunday with his daughter. Reuben Saunders caught a s mess of while at Siletz. Mr. Hart less of Grande Ronde was a visitor the first of the week. Alice Chalcraft entertained Sarah hre.ver Friday afternoon. Mrs. Brewer and Miss Jones attended the Fiesta on Friday. Mr. and, Mrs. Alex Harold visited Mrs. Brewer on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John La Fave visited Mr. tmd Mrs. Farrow on Saturday. ! Misses Luedke and Johnston spent Friday and Saturday at the Fiesta. 'Tracy Hatch and Willie Ingram of Salem visited Chemawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.Teabo drove to Lincoln on the Willamette Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Omer Bevvley of Salem spent Sunday with her husband at Chemawa. Harry Parrish, an ex-pupil of Chema wa is here visitirrg his pister and friends. Mrs. McCoy of Grande Ronde was a Chemawa visitor the latterpart of last week. Miss Eva Woods graduated from the Sacred HeartAcadermy Thursday even ing receiving two diplomas, from the literary and vocal. Mrs Edward Hamer of Salem was a Chemawa visitor a day last week. Mrs. Chalcraft spent Friday and Sat urday with Mrs. Bristow of Portland during the Fiesta. Mrs. Frances Howard of Salem came out Saturday evening and spent Sunday with Miss Skipton. Misses Hutchinson and Lalor spent a few days with Miss 0' Here of Portland during the Fiesta. Chester Scott and Dewey Billy of Cres cent City, Cal. arrived and enrolled as pupils last week. A little daughter Marjorie arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamer on June 19th. Miss Genevieve Headley left on Tues day for Berkley Cal. on an extended visit with relatives there. Miss Emma Morrissett after a visit of two weeks with Mr. and Mrs Farrow left for her home at Pendleton on Friday. Mrs.and Miss Cox and little Anita Jones attended the Camp meeting of the Christian Church at Turner a few days this week. Miss Claudia Spink who has been attending the Sacred Heart Acadeny left for her home at Klamath Agency Friday night after a short visit with friends at Chemawa. i Miss Gretrude Brewer took her class of little girls to Old Chemawa Sunday afternoon to study the Golden Texts Of the quarter, she divided the class into four classes having Louise Roberts Oskie Coburn, Clara Roberts and Alice Pherson for the teachers. They returned with a young squirrel and a screech owl.