4 THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN Che Cbemawa American PublisHed Weekly at tKe United States Indian Training School. Subscription Price, 25 Cents a Year. Clubs of Five ob Over 20 Cents. Kntered at the Chemawa, Oregon, Postoffioe 'as ser ond-class mail matter. P HINTING STAFF Robert Cameron Webster Hudson Calvin Darnell ' Albert DeMers Gus Bowechop Gordon Hobucket John McCtjsh Benjamin Wilcox Frank Coburn Joseph Dillstrom Henry Darnell Louis John Sunday School Lesson for June 16th. 1907. Israel's escape from Egypt. Ex. 14:1327. Golden Text. Thus the Lord saved Israel that day out of the land of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore. Ex. 14:30. i It's often hard to tell which needs the vacation most, the pastor or his congregation! Employees earning over $500 a year ought to be ashamed to be borrowing the "American" from one who may not get $5.00 a year from any source. Do not pick roses without permission, boys and girls. There are too many pupils here who grab hold of the bushes and tear off the roses in such a way that the bushes are hurt; We are sure roses will be given to you. !.!o u l l,ul them yourselves. - As the press had been broken and the "American'' ten days behind, some faith ful printers put in extra time in the eve nings so that besides doing job work, they were able to get out three issues of the "American" last week, one on Mon day, another. on Wednesday and the last, one on Saturday morning. They set up type for almost two issues, and ran 24 forms in five work days, hot by motor power either but by human strength. Four of the printers do not run the press three of whom are too small. Not every one of us can do a stunt upon the stage, . Nor invent a style of dress or drink that's sure to be the rage; I We can't all beat the record be the hero of the age Not every man on earth can make a Int. We can't sail airships in the clouds, nor hope to reach the moon; We can't win fame or glory- not yet, i nor even soon; Not every man may hope to confer on the world a boon; But every one, can help a little bit. Although we d,o not plow the seas, nor scale the mountains high; Fight unknown beasts in unkown lands when no one else is nigh; Discover unknown stars in unseen re gions of the sky That doesn't mean that all of us must quit. " For there are things we all can do to help our fellow man, If minds are clear and hearts are true, according to God's plan; For all that we're required to do is the very best we can And every one can help a little bit. Ev