Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, May 31, 1907, Page 5, Image 4

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Che CiKinawa American
Published Weehly at the United
States Indian Training ScKool.
Subscription Price, 'is Cents Vear. Cunts of
Five or Over 20 Cents.
Kntereri mi the ClieniMWK, Oregon, PosMtltiff a sh
on3-''in.xs mail matter.
Robert Cameron Webster Hudson
Calvin Da knell
Gus Bow ec nop
John McCnsir
Frank Co burn
Henry Dak sell
Albert DeMers
Gordon Hobi'cket
. b en j a m i n w 1 lcox
Joseph Dillstrom
Locus John
Sunday School Lesson for June, 9th.
'"The Passover Ex.l2:21 30.
Golden Text. When I see the blood,
I will pass over you. Ex.l2:13.
Most of the items are written by the
pupils and placed under the different
Focus your ability upon one-point ui -til
you burn a hole in it.
Field crossed the ocean fifty times to
lay one cable.
Grant said: "'I will light it out on this,
line if it takes all summer."
In thirty-six years Noah Webster
wrote but one book. But that will be
It is the single aim that wins.
Only by concentration can you work
out a satisfactory system. Get your
mind on it and keep it there. W atch
every point take care of every detail.
Follow up your men. Never stop pound
ing never let up' , Hang with a bull
dog grip until you get the thing done.
A Boston firm recently offered a prize
for the best definition of what constitut
ed success. A Kansas woman was
awarded the priz?, and this was her an
swer. "He has achieved success who lias
lived well, laughed often, and loved
much; who has gained the respect of in
telligent men and the love of little
children; who has filled his niche, has
accomplished his task; who has left the
world better than he found it, whether
by an improved poppy, a perfect poem,
or a rescued soul; who has never lacked
appreciation on earth's beauty or failed
to express it; who has always looked fi r
the best in others and given the best he
had; whose life as hii inspiration:
whose money a benediction." Ex.
Onr Nekifer a 'Has-been."
Nekifer's base ball team opened up
its season by being defeated, last Satur
day afternoon. Nekifer played second
base like an old "ha been.''