Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, May 24, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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The Weekly Review.
The Cudahy Packing Co., has the con
tract for furnishing beef for the school
for next year at $5.70 per hundred.
While on his. recent trip to North Da
kota, Superintendent. Peirce had the
pleasure of calling on Superintendent
W. R. Davis, who is superintending the
erection of the new Sndian school at- Bis
niark, N. D.
The learn took nine hundred pounds
of carpet rags to the carpet weavers this
week, and by the end of the year we will
have several hundred yards of new car
pets and rugs on the floors of our build
ings. Native American.
The first hay -crop has been cut and
stacked 'J here is somewhere between
seventv-five and one hundred tons.
. Beef for the coming year will cost
a )out four cents on foot at Colorado
River agency, and nine cents net at
Alex B ver resigned hi position, as
assistant engineer, April 80, and Roland
Nehoitewa, of the class of '06 has been ap
pointed at a salary of $600 per annum.
The lowest bidder for furnishing net
beef to this sehool for the next rise 1 1
year was at-$6.35, being $2.55 higher
than tlie contract price for the 'present'
Ogiala Lijjit
The following important points regard
ing the allotment of this reservation
were given to us by the alloting A ent,
Mr. C. II. Bates, 'and are undoutedlv of
interest to the younger generation of tie
u ' silala Sio-ix :
Under a law passed by the last Con
gress, married women on the Pine Ridge
Reservation will receive 320 acres of
land in addition to the 640 acres allott
ed to the husband as the head of the
family. -.
By order of the President, dated Apr.,
1, 1907, allottments are to be made to the
livingichildren born hereafter, who arc j
living when land is selected for them; so
long as the tribe is possessed of any un
allotted reservation lands.
The Indian News.
We regret to announce in this issue,
the resignation of pur Superintendent.
Dr. W. H. Winsloiv who has so ably di
rected the affairs of this school for the
last six years. Dr. Winslow and family
expect to make their future home in Ft
Collins,. Colorado and many are the good
wishes which go with them to their new
St, L vus R eriVui
Washington, April 21. -Robert 0.
Valentine, at present private secretary to
Commissioner of Indian Affairs betipp,
Thursday was appointed by the Secretary
of the Interior to be Supervisor of Indian
Agents. By the change his salary is
increased from $1800 to $2000. His head
quarters will be in Washington.
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