THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN 5 LOCALS Mrs. Teabo is taking painting lesson from Mrs. En right. Eva Woods was visiting friends at Di.llas last week. Mrs. Swartz is doing dressmaking for so vie of the employes. Mr. Thos Billings, visited his children David and Marial on Thursday. A car of flour for the school came Sat urday and was stored away within a few hours. Mr. Caster of Seattle was at the school t-veral days chis week repairing and tuning pianos. ' Miss Gertrude Brewer spent several (lavs at Newberg visiting friends the lir?t of the week. Miss Dohse sent a beautifnl white dress to Ethel Parrish, who is attending High School in Portland. Miss Lalor received another box of choice oranges from Riverside, Cal. this week, and she is sharing generously with In r friends. The Superintendent's and Assistant Superintendent's offices were papered last week, which improved them very much. The back rooms are waiting. Mr. and Mrs. Teabo spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland and Astoria. On their return, they were delayed sev eral hours on account of the wreck of a freight irain near Oregon City. Mr. Arthur J. Wakins, the night watchman, has been transferred to Haskell, Kansas as Assistant Disci plinarian and left Chemawa on Satur day. He was a good employe and a nice young man, and will be missed by Rasa Winslow and Bessie Chiloqkin went lo Salem last Saturday with Miss Sktpton to do some shoppiog. Eddie Mann was struck by a flying discus and had to be taken to the hos pital to have his injuries dressed. A substantial iron guard has been placed on the top of the bear pit wall to keep in the bears. There will be no more bear chases and frights. When Loulin Brewer gets interested in anything, he learns it thoroughly. He is at present wielding the tennis racket, and can tell all the rules of the game. Mrs. Frazier, secretary of the Presby terian Home Mission visited the school yesterday and she had a special visit with the Neah Bay and Nez Perce pupils. The Nonpareils sent a challenge to The Stay at Homes, for a game of basket ball which The Stay at Homes willinglg accepted, and the date is fixed for Satur day, May 25, 1907. The membership fee or Mr. Farrow's Tennis Club started at $1.00 but is aivancing like Portland real estate It is now $5.00 he says. Perhaps after all it is only "Bring your own rac ket and don't try to beat him". The graduating class gave an icecream sociable in the gymnasium last Friday evening for the benefit of the class-. They had two stands managed by the young men of the class, and Roiv rt Davis acted as solicitor. He escoi t.-d several cash friends to the stands. Mr. Arbuthnot, one of the Portland Y. M. C. A. men who ran in the 50-mile relay race was once atttending the Mai -hatan College in Kansas and has play d ball against the Haskell team. He must, think the Indian a good feilow to com pnA with by ths time.