11! hJ CHEMAWA A SI e k i c a ..Che Kbemawa American Published Weehly at the United Stat p Indian Trinin School. j . i - . : ' 8ubscriptipn Price, 25 Cents Year. CJjTJB of1 Five or Over 20 Cents, Entered at the Chemawa, Oregon, Postoffire as ser ' Qnd-class mail matter. POINTING STAFF Robert Cameron Calvin Parnell Gus Bowechop John MqCush. Fkank Coburn LTenry Darnell Webster Hudson Albert DeMers Gordon Hobucket Benjamin Wilcox Joseph Dillstrom Louis John Israel enslaved in Egypt. Exodus 1:1-14,' GOLDEN TEXT. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses. Psalm 107:13. TOPlC.-God is owr Helper. Oh! the automobile ride. A Lady will not snatch roses from a gentleman's buttonhole. The b oys ran fast because there was something ahead, to run for as well as be hmd to run from, The athletic promoters wish to thank all those, who helped to make the ban quet for the racers' a success; I he 7th grade class sang a song com posed especially for the victors at the ral ly Saturday evening. : : THE RELAY Our relay team by winning the 50 mile relay race between Salem nnd Port land over a hilly road have won a great victory for Chemawa. The student body appreciate this and when the, Southern Pacific bringing the victors ; back from Portland stopped at Chemawa, the boys were lifted on the shoulders of their fel lows and carried bodily to their quarters. On Monday evening, the sixth, we had the most enthusiastic, rally ever held at Chemawa. It was attended by the entire student bodv and employees. The band furnished the music. Mr. Chalcraft presented the handsome gold medals, which were donated by Mayor Lane of Portland to each member of the team. Mr. Campbell thsn presented the school with the beautiful trophy - A Silver Cup - to be added to the four won in previous contests. Cheer upon cheer rent the air as the victors! stopped forth to receive their medab. A number of new . school Rah! Rahs! were sprung new school songs were sung, and all in all it was a gala meeting. At the end of it, a bounteous banquet was given the team and about 75 of their friends. .Toasts were- numerous, and each member of the team gave their ex perience, while on the run. A feature of the banquet was a 5 ft. by 2 ft. pie, a luxury the team had noc indulged in while in training. This oecuppied a prom inent place on. the banquet tables, sec ond only to the Beautiful and handsome silver trophythe1 Cup. Even those who do not profess to be sports "were excited on Saturday. ''Gardening time" boys and girls, let us see who is going, to . have the best garden.