Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, October 12, 1906, Image 1

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    lUcchly 0bemawa American
Mr. Tibbetts has picked 125 bushels
of ripe tomatoes the past 10 days.
Hardly a meal has passed that this
much liked vegetable has not appeared
on the tabic. The Weekly Review.
i The Indian Bureau, September 18, an
nounced the transfer of Edward Minor
from Neah' Bay school in Washington to
the Kickapoo school in Kansas, as super
intendent. The Indian Leader.
Mr. Robert G. Valentine, private sec
retary to Commissioner Leupp, visited
this reservation this summer. He was
here for over three weeks. He was rep
resenting the Hon. Commissioner and
looking after the general welfare of the
Oglala Sioux. He went from here to
Rosebud Agency. The Oglala Light.
The work in the harness department
is starting off nicely with a detail of four
teen boys. Since the first of July fifty
sets of harness have been shipped from
this school. Twenty-five sets were sent
to Browning, Montana. 'nlh'i New.
Haskell is to have int. i.'.-i! m - for
heating and cooking purp ises this year.
This will be a great improvement, and
all are looking forward anxiously to the
No. 29
time when all the arrangements have
been made, the pipes laid, and gas turned
on. Electric lights will still be used in
all the buildings. The Native American.
Trains, passenger and freight, pass
the school daily-; No regular station has
been established here but the trains will
all stop when neccessary. The road is
an extension of the Virginia and Tuckee
and was ready for work as far up the
valley as Gardnerville, August 1. New
The Catholic Congress which met near
the Holy Rosary Mission school July 11
15 was in point of numbers and
interest a decided success. Bishop
Stariha of Lead, S, D. presided, and on
Sunday July 11th confirmed , about 200
Indians and gave the temperence pledge
to over a hundred. Among the clergy
who were present from a distance were
Rev. Fr. Ketchem, of Washington, D. C.,
Rev. Fr. Digmann of Rosebud and Rev.
Fr. Francis of Standing Rock Agency,
N. D. The Oglala Light.
The power house was nearly burned
yesterday afternoon at half past three
o'clock. We put, oat the fire bsfore it
burned the roof. We will fix it so it wont
burn again. Native American.
OCTOBER 12, 1906