2 THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN PUPILS' ITEMS We are all glad that summer is com ing. We are having beautiful weather this week. Ella Brewer made some delicious cake Saturday. Katie Henry is still working in the hospital kitchen. Jane Evans and Alice Reece spent Tuesday in Salem. The sixth grade have finished plant ing their gardens. A number of girls went shopping to Salem last Saturday. We are having fine weather, and we hope it will continue. The girls have been inspecting the rose bushes here lately. Miss Bowman makes a good matron during Mrs. Theisz's absence. James Sloan was greatly missed in his Sunday School last Sunday. Anna Miller is working in the mess again. She must be a fine cook by this time. A number of girls accompanied by Miss Dohse went for a pleasant walk last Sunday. Peter Seltice went to the circus in Salem Tuesday, and has promised to tell us all about it. It was a great curiousity to Julian Bell to see some one on kaki suit as he never seen it before. Mr. and Mrs. Teabo gave a party for Miss Getchel in their room and invited the hospital girls. All had a very nice time. The pupils in the fourth grade would like to go out in the gardens just as often as the other grades do. We think that James Sloan and Orson Bell will make good waiters, by the way they went at things last Tuesday. The gardens of the eighth grade are looking well. So it will not be long before we will have radishes for the table. It was a sight to see Ignac.i Peone jumping from the hack last Monday afternoon when the horses started to run away. On account of the circus in Salem Tuesday some of the school rooms were dismissed as many of the boys went to town to witness the show. The rose bushes are blooming around the wagon shop, which often causes Mr. Putnam to smile while at work making window screenes for Mr. Campbell's cot tage. The fifth grade A class are through with their examination. Grace Barrett stood the highest in her class, with an average of 96 per cent. Several others were in the nineties. Tommy Compton is seen practicing every evening back of the power house putting shot. His muscles are developed pretty well and he can put the shot a? far as thirty-seven feet. George Washoe ate about three pound" of candy at the taffy party given'by Mrs. Cloutier for the juniors and seniors lat Friday evening. George ought to have . prize for being the best eater. Commencement exercises are going 10 be held the last of July. The graduati"? class is beginning to prepare orations an recitations. The girls are thinking graduating dresses and other tln'V necessary for a nice commencement.