lUcoItly gfoemawa American VOL. IX. MAY 11, 1906 No. 8 f Siouy Storm In California situated at the junction of the Klamath River and Indian Creek, was a mining camp. At one time that town was covered with snow, so that no one could go out side of his own door, and many houses were ruined and people killed. It began snowing about four o'clock in the morning and the snow came down so swiftly that at 12 o'clock it was, up to the windows, and when anyone looked cut he could not see a house nothing but snow. By 6 o'clock people could not even look out of their windows for the snow was so deep. The creek and the river were rising so fast that no one knew how high it had risen. The only way that people could tell was when they saw a large piece of snow break off and float away slowly. That gave them the idea how high the river had risen. During this great storm many lives were lost by people when they were seeking for shelter in some house that was on the flat above the town. Some when they left their homes to seek refuge would never reach the place for the snow would be so deep that no one could walk and when they would fall they could never get up again. The bridge that was built across Indian Creek was carried away with some men on it, and also a pipe bridge that was by the school house. The houses that were built on the banks of the river were car ried off with families in them. When the snow melted the people were scat tered. Some were carried off down the river. When the river and the creek had gone back to their natural size, peo ple traveling alone them hunting for game could find every now and then hu man bones. It took about five years to rebuild the town but the population was decreased. It took a year to build an other bridge across the creek. The bridge that was built then i now standing across that creek for it is said that if that bridge is carried off there will be no more built. In another five years time there will be no one there for the popula tion is decreasing, some leaving and many dying off. .Many of the Lndian boys and girls have gone to nearly all parts of the United States to Government schoo's to get an education, and only the old folks are left but they are gradually going one by one. S. P., Eighth Grade.