THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN 5 The president seeing the album, motioned it aside. "Haven't time," he f lid impatiently, "haven't time." The young man replied in four words, "Abraham Lincoln had time." j Instantly the president stopped, took I the hook and wrote his name, saying as he returned it, "I count it a privilege to write my name where Abraham Lincoln wrote. i It was a pretty incident. Might it not to some of us be something more? We I are so tempted .sometimes, in the hurry ! and worry of everything, to brush aside trivial claims upon our time and patience. Would we miss so many chances if wa stopped to think whethei one greater than Lincoln ever refused to do a kindness be muse he had not time? Ex. Springtime Come Again 0 rat fish in the eddy, When de moon is in de full! 0 watermillion ready ".Wongs' yo' dewy leaves, to pull! 0 rlux(les, sugfr rooted? I's women en us men Is all done back bar'footed. 't'a'se de springtime's come again. De hullbat 'gins to beller Across! de shimmery hill. 'T ain't long befo' a feller Kin hyuh de vvhuppoorvvill. Dr hawk sets roun' en watches De biddies wid de hen. In ile doodle-dus' a-scratchin,' 'Ca'sede springtime's come again. Dirt daubers soon be squealing', Shapin' up deir mud. En a sort er sleepy feeling' 'Id git gwine along yo, blood, Till you'lose yo' holt en dozes, Kn ji'rks, en wakes up den Dr fus' thing dat you knows is Dat de spiingtinie's come again. : . J ' Ex. Basketball In all the leading colleges, and every school in the country, there are differ ent sports throughout the entire season. In the summer months the most scientific and favorite of all games is played namely, baseball. In the fall of the year, football is played. In the winter evenings basketball is the favorite game. It is a game played not only by the boys but by the girls also. It is interesting to watch a close game and hear the excited rooters yelling for the favorites, especially when one of their players makes some star play. Basketball, like any other game, is played for championship honors and this is the reason that the games to-day are so hotly contested by all teams. It also requires skill and plenty of practice. A team is composed of five players, a center, two fowards, two guards, and it is also necessary to have two officials, an umpire and a referee, whose duty it is to penalize either team for fouls etc. The game is generally played in two halves from 10 to 30 minutes, with 10 minutes intermission for the players to rest. As for Chemawa teams, there is only a few ofthem, but we are proud of the girls' team as their prospects for win ning championship of the Northwest are bright and we hope that they will win. P. S. Sixth grade. Girls may admire the fellow who writes poetry, but they would rather marry the fellow who writes checks. The worst fault with the fellow who thinks he "knows it all," is that he's a fool Ex.