6 ;THE . CHEMAWA' AMERICAN SPRING A Composition from the Fourth Grade ,In the spring the flowers spring up. .How beautiful the meadows and green mountains look with pretty flowers and green, grass. And I like "to hear the birds sing, and the . robins' rob. When the spring comes all the farmers and gardeners get busy sowing .grain and vegetables. - -. I bought land and, of course I got it cheap; and that'.-! how I felt after I gov . this land.j: jt - . ' . When spring Same I sowed some beans. Of course T. put, .some cans -on the end of the pole,, so. when the beans crept up the pole they crept into the cans. Ami after doing this they pulled the lids down and c.mned themselves, as they were. But this is hard to be lieve. And I Fowed the tonmfr seeds, and ' sliced them up. After doing this I thought :: perhaps I . could raise some sliced tomatoes, but? nothing came up but a big earth worm. I played baseball too last spring: Be fore the game commenced the manager 'came ov r.'to me and-askea what par- . ticular position I played. I told him I played none in particular , He dis- , covered that later oh: . After -long de liberation he pot me short stop,'; It was the shortest stop I ever made- in- - that position. , Some, impertinent J.apa--nese fans'standihghear by told me I. had a responsible position on the team because it all passed through my hand's. Bad Boys and Cigarettes. The effects of cigarette using by young boys would be a startling; revelation, to many of their mothers if they understood the alarming proportions to. which it. has -grown in this country, .' .'., .magistrate, in Harlem court, New York, made the foil wing significant de claration : "Yesterday I had. before me 33 boys prisoners, 33 of whom are confirmed cigarette smokers. "Today, I have found the gruesome discovery, from a reliable source, that two of the largest cigarette manufactur ers in this country soak their products in a weak solution of opium. The fact that out of 35 prisoners 33 smoked cigarettes might seem to indicate some direct connection cigarettes and crime. And when it is announced on authority that most cigarettes are doped with opium, this connection is not hard to understand. The cigarette is to young boys very much what whiskey is to grown men. It does not directly cause crime it - at least accomplishes it in nine cases out of ten. It must be universally admitted that the majority of voting boys addicted to cigar ettes are generally regarded as bad boys. It is an addiction that does not ally it self with the highv virtues of manly '-youth! It leaps to bad associations and environments, .;;He- must be a strange boy, indeed, .who can derive: moral and physical good from cigarettes.. Opium is like whiskey it creates an increasing appetite that grows witii what it feeds upon. Even pure tobacco has the same effects. The. growing, boy who lets tobacco opium get hold upon his senses is never lohrg ' in coming under the dominion of ; whiskev, too. : : Tobacco is the boy's easiest and most direct road to whiskey. When opium is added the young, man's chance of re sisting the combined forces and escaping 'physical, mental and moral harm is slim, indeed. ' It is a deadly combination in most cases. There are a few, if any, .-case in which it is not more or k"B , harmful. Stomach-and nerve and will power weakenirig,fo life is the common result, even though the habits finally he mastered. Kx.