8 THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN ' HOT CINDERS When you want advice go to yourself for it no one else is so competent to give it. No one else knows so well what is needed. When the working class get what right fully belongs to them they will have to take it themselves nobody is going to give it to them. Men make their own rules of morality and justice, and they make them to con form with their methods of production and distribution. " The man who doesn't get any enjoy ment out of his own thoughts isn't going to get much enjoyment out of the thoughts of otheis. It's a funny thing about money we" all want it, but when we get it we usu ally give it to someone else for some thing we want worse. Do the thing the best you know how and don't waste any energy estimating results. You'll get out of a thing all you put in, and no more. Considering the great number of smart children one reads about, it is really something strange where all the dull witted grown-up folks come from. If one of us should put in one pile what we really know and in another pile what we pretend to know, we'd probably need a magnifying glass to see the former. The religion oi any age cannot be an tagonistic to the economic system of that age otherwise it could not-live. Evolution will cure all the so-called diseases of society. All Socialists can do is to assist in administering the med icine. ' ' Few opportunities for graft are ever overlooked." Given more opportunities and the list of grafters will materially increase. Pointed Paragraphs Success doesn't amount to so much ii a lot of age goes with it. ' How many things we all have to do that "goes against the grain." If you are willing to spend money on your fads ' you' can find plenty of en couragement in them. - No man says exactly what he means. To do that would require too much ex planation and qualification. When you have no other reform to think about, here is one that is always important and timely: You talk too much.' The kicker attracts attention for a time and affords an amusement, but in a little while people become very tired of him. . And how he is hated in his old age! . We frequently see this statement: "It requires courage for a man to do his duty." This isn't true. It is always easier to do right than it is to do wrong. Ex. "You can never tell what kind of mind you have," says Dr. Henry Van Dyke, "unless you test it thoroghly by hard work." A very ordinary mind 'working at full steam pressure, can accomplish surprising results and distance lazy gen iuses. To work to our utmost limit is the Qnly way to learn our limit, and it be comes a wonderfully elastic boundary when sought for in this way. WANTED INDIAN BASEBALL PLAYERS For tenth annual tour (1906) of Green's Nebraska Indians. Must be strictly first class men in evrey respect and capable of playing in fast company. Absolutely sober and gentlemanlvv both on and off the field. Last year we won 165 out of 192 games. If yon are free to hive out address Guy W. Green, Lincoln, Nebraska.