8 THE . JIbout Kfnmawa j Miss Lizzie Westley attended the enter tainment Monday evening. Thos. Holden has just completed a new wheelbarrow for the engineers. The gardeners have over 1455 bushels of potatoes safely stored away for winter. The pupils have just finished their ex aminations and all are glad that it is over with. , ' ' - ' ; .' : , Mr. Pieard .and the shoemakers have a dozen pairs of shoes to make for the small boys' ' '. : '", ' ' '' We had to reproduce Mr. Overman's lecture' on Thursday morning in the fifth grade. ' '. "" Miss Crete Johnson spent a ' few days last week at Chemawa, visiting her sister, Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Godwin accompanied her husband to Portland last Saturday to witness the football game. Th girls all like the M gymnastics " they hate every Tuesday evening. They say it is good exercise. ; 'A ;:' ' , 'V Miss Odessa Dodsoh is back in 'school after an absence of about two weeks on account of illness. ' ' ' A large number of employes and pupils were iA Salem , Saturday afternoon doing their Christmas shopping. Mr. Cooper's sister is cook in the mess kitchen and the employes and kitchen girls all seem to like her very much. ' Miss Eva Woods is' home from the Sacred Heart School at Salem, and will spend the holidays with her parents. The gardeners sent the following pro duce to the kitchen during the past quar ter, besides storing1 away a large amount of vegetables for winter use: 475 bu. po tatoes, 66 bu. parsnips, 398 bu. celery, 402 bu. cabbage, 65 bu. squashes, 33 bu. beets, 148 bu. carrots, 424 bu. onions, 256 bu. apples and 565 bu. corn. V A AMEPJOAN. John Benson and Bishby Lawson have completed some strong and well "made trestles for the blacksmith and carpenter shops. George Olney is making new shafts while Aphis Goudy is giving one of the heavy farm wagons a thorough overhaul ing and will treat it to . a fresh coat bf paint. . . ' Mrs. Farrow left on Wednesday's over land for Sacramento, Cal., where she will spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Zimmerman. Miss Hattie Mann visited the States man office in Salem last week and was very much interested in it as she is one of Chemawa's printers. - - ' Misses Francis Newcomb and Dora Win ans, students of the Willamette Universi ty, attended the, entertainment given by our pupils Monday evening. Herbert Campbell is spending the holi days with his parents at Chemawa. He will resume his studies at the State Uni versity at Eugene after New Years. Bessie Chiliquin told us an interesting story about the Crater Lake which is near her home. She promised that she would tell us more about it some other time. The wagonmakers are busy making re pairs and doing odd jobs in their line. This is excellent training for the boys, as they will get a wider range of experience than by doing some one thing all the time. Bandmaster Stoudenmeyer is the proud owner of a C. G. Conn's B Flat, tripple gold plated cornet which was presented to him by the Chemawa Indian Band as a Christmas present. It is a beautiful in strument and cost $125.' During the few years Mr. Stoudenmeyer has had this band in charge he has made it one of the best on the Pacific coast, despite the fact that many of the boys have been at the school but a comparatively short time, some of whom coming from their reserva tion and had never seen a musical instru ment before. The boys have shown their appreciation of Mr. Stoudenmeyer's efforts by making him this magnificent present.