Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, December 25, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Interested in Diamonds?
Jf so we can interest you and save you money. No
need of sending East for Diamonds on the installment
plan. We Will sell them the fame wa and our guar
antee goes with ev. ry stone
Souvenir Spoons
Our Chemawa Indian Training School Souvenir Spoon.-, are
just in. Price $2.00 and $2.50. Call and see them.
Barr's Jewelry Store
ava$6 8 pietetyer
Hay, Grain and Feed Supplies
of all kinds. ,
Seeds and Bee Supplies.
Commercial St , Salem, Or.
Cbemawa Students,
is the place to have your pictures
Try them.
Com. St. - Up stairs - P. O. Block .
lUbite Rouse Restauran
106 v tstle M
Headquarters for Chemawa people when
in Salem.
ChiCken Dinners
Every Sunday served in the most a; )p( --
tizing styles for the small price or an
ordinary meal is a special feature.
George Bros, Proprietors.
Rotb $ Sraber.
Dealers in everything in the line of
1 24 Statk St.
-. Salem, Or
Fresb Groceries at Bottom Prices.
With larger storeroom I amenabled to enlarge my stock of Groceries and
will keep a fresh and up-to-date stock constantly on hand. My prices will
be found to be as low as anywhere in Oregon, and I trust that you will give
me a call when in need of anything in the grocery line. Lunch goods, such
as Canned Fruits, Canoed Meats, Cookies, Pickles, etc., are of the best.
R, 6 Rendersom