THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN. TWO GAMES IN ONE DAY. The Chemawa Indian team scalped the Twenty-sixth battery eleven of Vancouver barracks here Saturday afternoon in a spirited contest, the redskins routing their opponents at every rush, says a dispatch to the Portland Journal. The superiority of the visitors was in evidence from the kick-off, and the boys in blue were kept busy guessing what play was coming next. The soldiers played a plucky,uphill fight, and were handi capped on account of the slippery condition of the field. A good sized crowd witnessed the contest. Captain Davis won the toss and chose to defend the south goal. Van kicked off to Davis, who ran the ball in 20 yards. Then began dashes through the line by Davis, Teabo, Decker and Lucas, which ended in a touchdown in less than five minutes. The rest of the game was in repeti tion of the first five minutes play. Chemawa carried the ball over Van couver's goal line four times in all, failing to kick goal three times. The features of the game were Bensell's long end runs, Saunders' plunging and hurding and the good work of Captain Davis. Vancouver made their yardage four times but did not hold the Indians for downs once. The teams did very little punt ing, owing to . the high wind, which made kicking uncertain. The Indians' next game is with the Willamette University on Thanks giving day, followed by a game with M. A. A. C. on the 19th of December. Our third team defeated the Oregon Mute School on the local gridiron last Saturday forenoon by a score of 32 to 0. The Chemawa boys scoring 6 touch downs and kicked two goals. Although our boys were outweighed, they were much quicker and showed better training than the visitors. The Mutes, however, played a gritty game and disputed every inch of ground gained by their opponents. Owing . to the late rains the grounds were in a very bad condition. RESULTS OF OTHER GAMES. At Salem Willamette University, 0; Pacific University, 0. At Portland Multnomah, 15; Al bany, 0. At Corvallis U. of O. second team, 0; O. A. C. second team, 0. At Portland Columbia University, 22; Pacific Dental College, 0. At Seattle University of Washing ton, 6; University of Oregon, 5. At San Francisco Stanford, 6; . Berkeley, 6. At New Haven Princeton, 11; Yale, G. At Cambridge Harvard, 0; Dart mouth College, 11. Carlisle Indians, 16;Pennsylvania,G. Columbia, 17; Cornell, 12. West Point, 10; Chicago, 6. At Ann Arbor Michigan, 16; Wis consin, 0. At Chicago Northwestern, 0; Notre Dame, 0. We wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garrison, formerly Emma Jewels, upon the arrival of a bouncing baby boy. R. G. Henderson has just received a large stock of pencil and pen tablets. Any kind you want and at any price you wish to pay. They're beauties.