Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, July 03, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Lst I tax your patience I will leav you t
complete the lit. People like to talk of
good fortune but it will generally he found
to be the g'itty seizing t nd sticking 'to at:
oppor'unity by the supposed luc'ty mar.
The mn who neglecit an opportunity or
do s not pursue it undauntedly is termed
unlucky bur without cau-e, but, the trouble
in h" die not have the grit. Grit frequency
overcomes the most continued ill luck and
wins good fortune out of the most unprom
ising circumstances. HI luck in nineeass
out of ten may be set d wn to lack of fore
sight, lack of energy, ;d above a I , grit,
Owinw 'o lack of epee we are forced to
have Martin Wollan's oraihn ovt r until
next week
Sunday evening
Sundav evnine. Juno 30th, will ever
b remembered bvall who had th privil
ege of being present at th" chapel when
h Baccalaureate sermon for the c'ass of
'03 was so floquent.lv am' so admirably de
livered by ths Rev. Dr. Kmtrier, of
Ah one entered the ch ipel the dainty
decorations of pi ok and white charm d
the eye, whi e the perfume of the roses,
pink and white n'v, and of the other
b 'autifnl fl wers, all pink and whit', so
a a to preserve the color scheme, de1ightd
U with their fragrance. The pulpit, plat
form, a1 d wil lows a the re-ir of the plat
form were properlv decorated wi h fl w
ers and bunting pink and white. The
whole chapel, from the ceiling down,
glow-d with thp fdnt, roy tinge, The
electric lights were shndnd with tHp nani
olor, and as co'or is admitted by those
who know to have an effect upon indi
viduals nil pr sent seemed to be looking tt
the world through rose-colored g'asses c
the happy, rood natured fxes of pupils,
employes and sui rintndfnt sur ly testi
fied. Dr. Kantmr cho?e as his text
Mark 3, verse 14.
It waa one of the finest baccalaureatw
serm ms we have ever heard delivered.
When Dr. Kantner, ne-r th-1 c!o.x r.f hi
address, turned to the gradu-tthiK f .t
who rose to ihir feet to receive hi kin !
words of advice and blessing, everwiif
w h thrilled with the wish and lmie tut
thos dear young popl wool! n wt i.
battle of life with tlu spirit and our
that the speaker so earnestly ami mlern iy
show d them how to acquire and use
There were many visitor. in attend, r.o
snd all say they felt more tliMii rei,! ( .
attending the opening exercUe. of Chen. ,
wa's Commencement week. Dr. Khii'i t
spoke especial y of the b-t.u;iful siK'
by the choir.
The anthem, "R'-joiea and Sin;:,'' I
Got nod, was sung w th a i-pirii a tifi: -'
far superior to anv thing hitherto h f e ' i J
ed. The s niping by t he school win t:
usua'ly fiim, In fact Clxo'naw t Imm in !
another stride ahead and it will he ; '
to accomplish anything better f.ri".:
ycat but Wf'll do it. Dr, Kantner ; -of
the great improvement fine" 'a- y '
f il l seemed lo be much sn yi i -e i m . c
rapid iidvanct mMit in such a Mimit i
His words of praise give us cnurayr t P
forward and do still better
Ai the close of the Service Suni r i i -e
n t F itter tuadn a ft w remarks
were, as us ual, 'in ely and wel itc i.
After the be edict inn we di.-persr ! ;
congratulated one n t,he,r upon Im .
spent such a pleasant, pu riiuh e .
succeshful even'iig.
Cuesday Forenoon.
Commencement Dy U over. A- :
Sa em S'ateMuan eay.u, "The ex
were the best ever held at the in-;;:
upon a similar ucc-sion." At Sn i:.
quests began to hi ive and tfe m ;
wh a continual round of surpris- ;i
joyment o them. "V isi h i tmir
discovered Indian boya cJdng work i :
various departments of tailorii.g, I
niiiklnv, blat-ksndlhing, c;ojii,
p'uiiibiiig, eDgii.et-r'ng, tliee-n.
WBgon-making, pointing, etc,, wi
in tqualed in tlie Si ate. The gir .'.