THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN. John Stflcey went to Newbury, as a Y. M,0. A. delegate from Chemawa last week, and gained much that wit) be helpful and beneficial to ihe branch at. Chemawa. Cecelia Johnson and Jessie Symington, received the highest standing in the 8th prude quarterly examination and Joshua Gibson carried off the honor among the boys. The Carpenters and Blacksmiths will play a name of foot-ball tomorrow. Both teams are practicing regularly and a great game is expected. The farmers have challenged the winners. We were pleased to have Mr. Allen drop in on ub forXmas. Mr. Allen Is a Carlisle graduate and was for some time the apslst--ant disciplinarian at this school. He is now engaged in the fishery business at Dungenef-B and is doing welt. He was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr. Wilson decorated the south door in the chapel aud Cenon Reyes the north door. They were very beautiful and artistic. The reBtof the chapel was beau ti fed with Christinas green 8 by some of the boys un der the direction of Miss Bowman, la the standing of the quarterly test in fifth grade A, published last week, Ethel Parrish was made to read Elvira Parrish.. This was a mistake and should have been Ethel Parrish, 87. Ethel is learning re markably fast, and Miss Dohse deserves much credit (or the pains that she takes The Rev. Dr. Elliot of Salem, conducted the services last sunday evening and we know all that heard him are much benefit ed from hie valuable and instructive eer liio i and hope thtt the b ys and girls will long remember theilliWtrationof lhe'wetk link" In guardiug against, and overcoming your weak points. Supt. Shell of Greenville, Cl.t brought a nice party of pupils to Chemawa arriving I nut evening. Mr. Shell i remembered by nil the Indian workers who attended the Newport Instiiute last year, us the success aud life of the' Institute was greatly due to his presence. Supt. Shell will address the school tonight and a rare treat is assured Christmas is over which wks' shaken of the most. Cora Richardson keeps the lower hall's In McBride Hall very neat and clean. The carpenters and blacksmiths played a hot game of foot-ball last Saturday, score being 6 to 0 in favor of the wood workers. The girls of the McBride Hall have fixed their roomB up very nicely. ITiey hope Jo have their rooms far better in Vhe future. We must look out for the rats when we go to the hospital. There are rats in the hospital ostler. When any one wants rats go to the hospital. We are all anxious for the dawn of the New Year. I hope everyone will enjoy themselves on New Year day.: Wishing you all a happy NewYear.. . ii .-; The Farmers have challenged the harness-makers to play a game of foot-ball next Saturday, Mr, Childers is to play cen ter. Look out for several wagon loads of fun. . .,, . ., ,, The Southern Pacific R. R. Co. were surveying the roadbed Monday in order to bring the track up to the standard level which, when completed, will add much to the coDvenience of the tourists. A Rear-end Collision. Yesterday, Just as the pupils and em- . ployfs were pieparing for dinner, a fearful crash was heard by all. ' The local south bound freight train was standing on the' track, unloading freight for the school, and was about to start when a heavily load ed gravel train came rushing down the grade and struck the caboose of the local train and completely telescoped it. The grav el train wag running at the rate of about 15 in ilea an hour when it struck the local. The engine was badly disfigured 'and the caboose rent to slivers. No one was hurt as the trainmen jumped off the car. It was caused by the airbrakes refusing to work. It was an interesting sight to the pupils and employes and Prof. Wilson, our photographer, received three good snap , shots of the wreck.